start an archangel

Chapter 1136 Local Naval Battle

Chapter 1136 Local Naval Battle

"Got it, got it, this is your performance time, I'm only in charge of watching, and I will definitely not direct blindly."

Da Liang sat on the sofa, listening to Shu Xiao directing the Judgment air combat unit to compete for air supremacy, and looked at the three-dimensional naval battle scene in front of him.

The Judgment Legion is the world's top player army. With the support of Da Liang, a senior ship designer, the Judgment Fleet has the most high-end ship configuration in the entire player class.

The main fleet in the fleet consists of 40 three-masted warships and 200 two-masted destroyers. The ratio of three-masted warships and two-masted warships is as high as 1:5, which is the player fleet with the highest proportion of three-masted warships in the world.

Therefore, in this naval battle, the surface firepower of the Judgment Fleet was extremely ferocious.

Under the cover of air combat troops, the Judgment Fleet firmly occupied the center line of the battlefield.With the battle line composed of three-masted warships as the tactical center, and the flexible and high-speed two-masted destroyer group as the tentacles, a circular control area was established to protect the supply ships following the fleet in a relatively safe area.

Other friendly forces participating in this sea battle used these control areas to intersperse and repair and replenish the wounded warships.

On the deck of the large cargo ship under fleet protection, flying creatures are placed by the sailors in an area suitable for take-off. Players with animal taming skills will adjust these flying creatures to the best state.On the towering poop, the sailors took out fish or balls of feed from the barrels and threw them overboard. Griffons and Pegasus that retreated after exhaustion ate the food thrown down, and re-entered after eating. Back to the battlefield.

Players who died in the air battle will return to the battlefield through the legion assembly area inserted in the cabin, and they can quickly rejoin the battle by receiving a new mount on the deck.

The air fighters who take off will fly to the designated place to gather and reorganize, and then rush through the beneficial state blessing area to return to the battlefield in the strongest state.

The entire fleet is like a running machine, running accurately, stably, and at high speed, and behind this orderly operation is an efficient logistics team supporting it.

Da Liang sat there, he could use gestures to open each ship at will, and then he could see the most detailed data of this ship.

Personnel status, armament status, hull status...

Captain attribute, damaged location, what is missing, what is possessed...

Ship speed, direction, power, shelling angle, range of air defense nets...

The number of ship mages, remaining mana, proficient skills, and ability to use spells...

Everything is clear at a glance.

The main warships form a continuous network, the supply ships provide logistical support, and the single-masted warships shuttle across the entire battlefield to deliver supplies to every ship in need.

Everything makes up this magnificent naval battle.

The battlefield in the air is also fierce and exciting.

Players who have been deeply influenced by modern warfare know that the sky is a strategic place that military strategists must contend for. Whoever controls the air supremacy will control the initiative in the war.

Therefore, every ambitious player organization will spare no effort to develop its own air power, and those players who can make a name for themselves in air combat are also highly sought after like stars.

Broken Moon has experienced many large-scale wars with the Judgment Legion, and has truly made his name in the world.This human knight player with angel wings protected the sky of Judgment Legion and won battles in the air one after another.

This is of course related to the great strength of the Judgment Legion's air force itself, but there is no doubt that Broken Moon has a very high air combat talent and air combat command talent.

The slow pace of naval warfare determines that it does not have high requirements for the commander's on-the-spot command ability. In a highly informationized battlefield, an excellent staff team can complete the command of a naval battle.

The pace of air combat is very fast, and it relies more on the commander's on-the-spot decision-making ability.

Use the vision of seeing the overall situation to seize the fleeting fighter...

There are really not many players who are capable of commanding air battles, and commanders who are capable of directing air battles to win consecutive victories are even rarer.

Broken Moon is known as one of the top ten ace air combat commanders, which already shows how high her air combat command level has reached.

In the air on the battlefield, Shu Xiao and four archangels and eight angels formed a destructive fist, and she formed a linear team to shuttle at a high cruising speed.Shu Xiao spends most of his time cruising on the battlefield, coordinating the overall situation, and dispatching air fighters in each area according to the offensive and defensive rhythms of both sides.

But once there is a loophole in the opponent's defensive zone, Shu Xiao, who has an extremely keen combat intuition, will organize a breakthrough in a short time.The formation of her and the angels will change from a linear shape to a spiral cone, and then drill a hole in the weak area of ​​​​the enemy's defense.Then came the follow-up of the follow-up troops. All parties cooperated with the cover to form a strong firepower restraint in the local area...

Take the general's head from Wanjun Cong, and then easily return to the main formation.

Shu Xiao once again showed the world her air combat command art.

In this war, the strategic magician squadron led by Gu Tao played a very important role.

The Judgment Legion uses high-level mages together to release beneficial magic, debuff magic, control magic, and destructive magic according to the needs of the war, forming a large-scale coverage bombing effect.

The player mages of the Strategic Magic Squadron all ride high-level high-speed flying creatures, including thunderbirds, lions and scorpions, and wyverns. Gu Tao rides a 14th-level cyan dragon.

They fly in higher airspace, and their powerful spellcasting ability is enough to resist a certain degree of attack.However, Shu Xiao still hoped that the strategic mage squadron could focus on magic support, so she sent two air combat squadrons and two golden dragons to protect the strategic mages.

As orders came from everywhere, Gu Tao led his team to pour all kinds of magic where needed.

There was constant thunder in the sky, and ice cubes and meteorites fell...

A gust of wind rose suddenly on the sea, blowing the attacks that fell from the sky and the enemy pilots rushing in the wrong direction.

The other side of the naval battle is also an elite player army. Through the formation changes and battlefield scheduling, it can be seen that these are professional fleets. Facing the Northeast Asian fleet headed by the Judgment Army, they are still well-founded in offense and defense.

It is destined to be a cruel war of attrition.

However, the Chiba Islands are relatively close to the mainland of the Japanese game area, and the personnel and warships lost by the Northeast Asian fleet can be quickly replenished. If the ruling fleet is here to play the backbone, the US-Canada mixed fleet will definitely save its strength and retreat if it cannot take advantage of it.

The Northeast Asian fleet will not pursue excessively if it is afraid of being ambushed, so this naval battle should end with a small victory for the Northeast Asian fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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