start an archangel

Chapter 1138 Big Plan

Chapter 1138 Big Plan

Da Liang did have a very big plan.

And it has already completed most of the links step by step.In Thorn River City, Mother Ingram put the noose made by Da Liang around her neck, and she was about to kick the "bench" under her feet one last time.

The race of black elves is very exclusive, even for their fellow black elves.For the large group of black elves in Obsidian City, the Matsue Black Elves are foreigners, and their activities in Obsidian City will be oppressed, hostile and restricted.

Now Monica's identity as an angel has been recognized by Ingram, and Ingram is the most prestigious mistress of the black elves in Obsidian City. She allows the black elves of Songjiang to perform public activities in the lower caves of Obsidian City, which represents Songjiang. In Obsidian City, the black elves have the right to have equal dialogue with these native black elves.

The relationship between the two black elf groups has been shortened.

Then there is the issue of garrison.

The Matsue Black Elves can garrison troops in the lower caves of Obsidian City and attack Obsidian City together with Mistress Ingram. The task of the Matsue Black Elves army is to attack the dwarf barracks under the torch tower and occupy the dwarf manufacturing factory.

This is an important part of Da Liang's entire plan.

If Ingram were to attack Obsidian City alone, no one could be sure if she would attack the dwarf barracks outside the city, but the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory contained the most critical plane teleportation array in the entire war.

When Da Liang first arrived in Obsidian City, he proposed a strategy to the King of the Hill to retake Obsidian City. As for whether he can depends on the luck of the dwarves.

Originally, Da Liang's attitude in Obsidian City was just to wait and see, and he had no plans to intervene on a large scale.It is best for the dwarves to take down Obsidian City, and there is nothing they can do if they can't.

Songjiang City is now in a good state, and a centralized group with the characteristics of black elves is taking shape. It would be too wasteful if we can't take advantage of the trend to intervene in the big plot of the rise of the black elves in the endless maze.

Therefore, Da Liang strengthened the plan of the dwarves to retake Obsidian City.

The Matsujiang Black Elf army is covering the dwarf barracks under the torch tower of Obsidian City.

When the war in Obsidian City officially started, the Songjiang Black Elf army would launch a feint attack on the dwarf camp and occupy it with the cooperation of the dwarves, and then the dwarves could pass through the plane teleportation array on a large scale under the cover of the Songjiang Black Elf Gather heavy troops in the barracks.

When Ingram's army finished capturing Obsidian City, at the moment when they were most relaxed after winning, the dwarf army rushed into the city.

But the dwarf army camp was set up outside the city, and the plane teleportation array couldn't allow them to carry too many siege weapons. Therefore, if the dwarves wanted to counterattack suddenly, they needed to put their troops into the street fighting in the city in the shortest possible time.

It is also necessary for the black elves to destroy the city defense system of Obsidian City when they attack the city, so that the dwarves can enter the city along the destroyed city wall.

This is the effect of the heavy siege weapons that Da Liang sold to Mistress Ingram.

Let the black elves destroy the city walls instead of entering the city through the robbed city gates to obtain a complete city defense system.If they fought that way, as long as the black elf closed the city gate in time, they could keep the dwarves out of the city wall.

In the siege demonstration map left by Da Liang to Ingram, in addition to ensuring that the black elves can capture Obsidian City, the direction of their heavy siege weapons concentrated bombing is also the most convenient route for the dwarves to enter the city.

When Ingram thought he had captured Obsidian City, and was then involved in a new war by the dwarves, the elite black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City were trapped in the street fighting in this city, unable to escape.

Then came the highlight of Da Liang's entire plan.

When Ingram's attention is all focused on attacking Obsidian City, Monica will lead the army of Matsue black elves, and secretly enter the endless maze under the cover of the original garrison.When Ingram was attacked by the dwarves and could not escape, Monica led the army to occupy Thorn River City at full speed.

At that time, the Songjiang Black Elf army will be able to block all the passages connecting the Obsidian City to the lower caves, and cut off the connection between Ingram and all the lower cave black elves...

On the second day after Da Liang returned to Songjiang City, Monica approached Da Liang, who was making ship design drawings, to listen to his big plan.

Da Liang told Monica about his thoughts, and then said to Monica who was already stunned: "If everything goes well, Ingram and all the influential mistresses and matriarchs in the lower caves, all Trapped to death in Obsidian City. Everything they left behind... including territory, clansmen, and resources, you will take over.

Although the elite of the black elf group in Obsidian City will be buried in Obsidian City, there is no problem with the remaining things multiplying your power several times, and the absence of those ruling layers also reduces your resistance to receiving these things.

The most important thing is that you have obtained a site of the endless labyrinth, and with an identity recognized by the black elf of the endless labyrinth, you can flex your muscles in this underground base camp plane.

At that time... the dwarves occupy Obsidian City, whether it is to obtain the resources of the lower caves or to guard against the counterattack of the Iron Hoof Kingdom, they must form an alliance with you.Not only will Obsidian City not be an obstacle for you to enter the upper cave, but it will become a logistics base for your army to attack the upper cave.

Even if the attack does not go well, Obsidian City is still a barrier in front of you to stop the army of the Iron Hoof Palace.

Entering can siege and plunder, retreating can recuperate.

Invincible in the endless maze. "

Listening to Da Liang's whole plan, Monica gradually became flushed, short of breath, and her body temperature rose.If she can really complete the occupation of the lower caves of Obsidian City, then the road ahead of her will become infinitely wider from this narrow Songjiang City.

Obtain a vast territory in the entire underground race base camp plane of the endless maze, to seize more cities and more land.

rule over a larger population.

This is simply the dream of every female black elf.

"Big, my lord... thank you."

The excited Monica didn't know how to express her mood at the moment, as long as Da Liang opened her mouth, she was willing to give her everything, even if she followed the habit of the human race and made herself serve the man in front of her like a delicate woman, she would I will try my best to do a good job.

But she also knows that the female black elf's desire for power is sometimes uncontrollable, which makes the person she is loyal to stick to a certain bottom line.

Da Liang avoided Monica's hot eyes, and he tried his best to control himself to avoid getting involved in the emotional entanglement in the game.This is not only a responsibility to Shu Xiao, but also a responsibility to these increasingly real virtual characters.

(End of this chapter)

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