start an archangel

Chapter 1144 Chips

Chapter 1144 Chips
You can easily find pictures of Lucifer, the king of hell, on the Internet, but when Da Liang saw Lucifer in person for the first time, he was still amazed at Lucifer's gentle temperament, even though his whole body radiated evil energy, But he couldn't connect him with evil.

This is the charm of Lucifer's personality, which has the appeal of trust and willingness to follow.

It's no wonder why when Lucifer, who was still a blazing angel, rebelled against Cloudsdale and joined hell, one-third of the angels chose to fall with him. In this strange and even hostile hell, they fought against the king of hell. Fight against Cloud City.

Lucifer deserves to be one of the top heroes in this world.

Da Liang, who was brought to the throne hall of Furnace City, bowed to Lucifer and said, "Great King Lucifer, I am Da Liang from the Five-Color Banner Alliance. The gap between our two families."

When Da Liang was observing Lucifer, Lucifer was also observing Da Liang.

In terms of strength, any hero in the entire Throne Hall would be stronger than him, but Lucifer also knows...the strength does not determine anything. If Satan is strong enough, he has been imprisoned by himself for 1 years. The guard in Zhongcheng steals himself, and he can be imprisoned for another 1 years.

And with this level of strength, making yourself a character that all major planes have to deal with carefully is a real skill.

Just like myself... The other party clearly captured the important hero Buck, and I had to treat him with courtesy.

Lucifer said: "The five-color flag seeking interests for itself in this war with a neutral attitude. The reason why your behavior is still tolerated is because you are not strong enough for Cloud City to have to destroy yours. bottom line.

But you are getting closer and closer to this bottom line.

If I were Michael, I would attack you at this time... because you are really too dangerous.But Michael doesn't know what I know, which is why you're still standing before my throne.

Duke Liang, I am very happy to meet you.You also know...there is a war out there, and I am ready for a showdown with Satan, so just say what you want to do. "

Before Satan's reinforcements arrive, fight Satan first, this is the strategy that Lucifer will implement.

Da Liang immediately guessed the reason why Lucifer wanted a decisive battle. He said to Lucifer directly without going around in circles: "Thanks to His Majesty Lucifer for reminding us, we are already preparing for the defense of Cloud City. I came to Hell this time to strengthen The strength of our five-color flag alliance makes up for an important shortcoming.

The poisonous dragon clan is a main alliance of our five-color flag alliance.As the three major dragon clans, the poisonous dragon clan is the only dragon clan that does not have its own lair, because the sulfur cave of the poisonous dragon clan is occupied by you, Your Majesty.

The purpose of my coming to Furnace City this time is to return to the Sulfur Cave and let the poisonous dragons go home. "

After hearing Da Liang's purpose in coming to Furnace City, Lucifer laughed and said, "I snatched the territory with my own ability, why should I pay it back? Buck... yes, you captured Buck, but Buck is not worth the price.

If I lose the battle of the Furnace City, the Sulfur Cavern is my last resort.

You don't want to take it away. "

For the fallen angels, the Sulfur Cave at this time is not only a research base to open the plane of God, but also the last refuge of the fallen angels.

Of course, Lucifer will not return the sulfur cave to the poisonous dragon at will.

Even if the Five-Color Flag Alliance is willing to exchange Buck, Lucifer doesn't think that Buck, who doesn't obey the command and acts recklessly, can add much combat power to himself.

Of course, Da Liang knew that Buck was not enough to exchange for the birthplace of a 15th-order dragon. He said to Lucifer, "I don't intend to return Buck. What I used to make a deal with His Majesty was the whole hell."

Da Liang's words made Lucifer's expression become more focused, and he asked: "The Five-Color Banner Alliance is ready to support me in defeating Satan."

"Of course not direct support, because once our main force appears in Hell, it will break the principle of neutrality of the Five-Color Banner Alliance, and Cloud City City will definitely take the opportunity to copy our hometown.

Our support is... the army of Despair City that is marching towards the battlefield of Furnace City. "

After hearing Da Liang's words, Lucifer narrowed his eyes to cover his sharp gaze: "It seems that you not only captured Buck in Hopeless City, but also turned Satan's army into yours?"

Da Liang replied: "Yes... I believe His Majesty can also see that the commander who captured the city of despair is a very good hero. Not only did he conquer a main city of hell in a day, but he also incorporated it in such a short period of time. Such a large army of hell. If it is not Satan who is headstrong to personally command the attack on the furnace city, but let this hero command, I think he is sitting on the throne by now.

Now... the hero is leading his army to the Forge.

Everyone thinks he is Satan's reinforcements, but as long as you nod and give us back the Sulfur Cave, Your Majesty, this army will stab Satan's ass on the battlefield. "

Da Liang's comparison made Lucifer laugh out loud, but he turned sullen and said, "Having this army can indeed enable me to win, but I still need to launch a decisive battle on the main battlefield.

Don't forget that Cloud City has been staring at the battlefield of Hell Furnace City, waiting for the decisive battle between me and Satan... The result of this war is likely to be that Angel wins the final victory.

And I still need the Sulfur Cave as my last resort.

This support makes it difficult for me to decide... whether to give you back the Brimstone Cave...

Duke Daliang... If you have any bargaining chips in exchange, just tell them. "

Lucifer showed a sly smile, he knew that this human being was very well prepared before doing things through Da Liang's previous habits of doing things.

He still has his hole cards not revealed.

Sure enough, Lucifer, who is capable of overthrowing Satan and ruling hell, is not an easy hero to deal with, so Da Liang took out a letter under Lucifer's gaze, and said, "Your Majesty Lucifer...the five imprisoned hell lord kings, the first Ergos was the first to escape. And it was I who set Ergus free...

This is a distress letter sent to me by Ergus using the power of law.

It can allow Ergus to fulfill my three wishes, now... I still have two wishes that I haven't said..."

Lucifer's expression was obviously a little excited.

What does this distress letter represent?It means that as long as Da Liang appears on the battlefield of the decisive battle, Ergus will be abolished regardless of whether he participates in the battle or not.

Eggs is the third hell lord, if he can't participate in the decisive battle, Satan can only use the fifth hell lord Angela.

Plus Satan himself is just two tier 16 heroes.

And on my side... there are four.

Counting the formidable soldiers of Despair City, even in a decisive battle, Lucifer is confident of winning a decisive victory before Cloud City City intervenes in the war on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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