start an archangel

Chapter 1148 Recruiting Mike

Chapter 1148 Recruiting Mike

Druid (level 7 of the elves)
Attack: 7
Defense: 7
Killing: 7-9

Blood volume: 340
Troop Traits: Spellcaster

Hero Unit: Level 72

Attack: 120 (including equipment)

Defense: 114 (including equipment)

Knowledge: 159 (including equipment)

Intelligence: 169 (including equipment)

Specialty: Scholar (has a wealth of knowledge, a cool head, a sharp mind, affects knowledge, intelligence ceiling, and improves the learning ability of all skills.)
Hero special skills: master level wisdom, master level academics, master level air magic, advanced logistics, advanced financial management skills, advanced intelligence...

Magic/skills: flying thaumaturgy, gate of another dimension, thunderbolt lightning, healing...

When Da Liang first came to the foggy area, Mike, one of the Big Three in the foggy area, was absolutely too strong to look directly at.Now... As a combat hero, Mike is no longer too dazzling among the grown-up heroes of the Black Fire Territory.

However, Da Liang did not intend to push Mike into the battlefield when he recruited Mike. What he liked was Mike's calmness, experience and talent in management.

After successfully recruiting Mike, his attributes and skills did not disappoint Da Liang.

Mike is a scholar.During the management of Destiny Manor, he had the time and money to build a small library for himself. When he was not working, he would stay in his study and slowly read the books he had collected, and earnestly Write down your experience and your own thoughts.

Da Liang felt that Mike could be a good assistant and use his knowledge and experience to make up for his mistakes and shortcomings.

Now that Mike is his own, Da Liang candidly introduce to the housekeeper everything he owns, what he is doing, and the changes in the world pattern.

Following Da Liang's narration, Mike was always dumbstruck. He had tried his best to imagine the power of the master through what he knew, but he found that there was such a big gap between the real situation and his imagination.

The reckless human boy who wandered in the foggy area at the beginning has now grown into a big man who can influence the world.

Formed a five-color flag alliance that can be side by side with the good camp and the evil camp, leading one of the world's three major projects of becoming a god, and has a cooperative relationship with many 16th-level heroes. There are 16th-level heroes working for him and 16th-level heroes.

There are also many 16th-level heroes as his prisoners.

If another person said these things to Mike, Mike would definitely regard this person as a liar and paranoid.

But when his new owner narrated slowly like telling a story, Mike was shocked in his heart, without the slightest doubt.

Da Liang didn't have time for Mike to slowly understand the situation in the Black Fire Territory, he needed Mike to be able to devote himself to his work immediately.Once there is a result in Hell, the Five-color Banner Alliance will be forced to step into this war of planes step by step.

As the lair that Da Liang had prepared for himself, the Great Tomb of the Boneyard would of course be put into operation as quickly as possible.

After explaining what should be said to Mike as briefly as possible, Da Liang said again: "The main job I give you is to speed up the construction of the Great Tomb of the Boneyard. The other is to fully support the various activities of Nicole's alchemy laboratory." Research, especially the research on the crystal wall of the god plane.

Because I have too many things, I can't deal with the matter of the Boneyard in time. Starting will take over the past in an all-round way.Play its due role when I need it.

This time won't be too long..."

Mike recovered from the shock, and suddenly took over such a large project, including the project of becoming a god, which made him a little excited again.

He bowed to Da Liang and said, "Please rest assured, Master, I will do my best to complete the construction of the Burial Ground as soon as possible."

Da Liang stood up from his seat: "I'll take you to the Boneyard right now, and meet the frost dragon Astra, who is in charge of guarding the tomb, as well as Nicole, Ziling... all the people who are in the Boneyard The heroes who work in the land, their logistics will be handed over to you in the future."

Burial ground.

The capping of the labyrinth on the bottom layer has been completed, and the next step is to build the upper layer defense system, divert the invaders, and then achieve the goal of elimination.

The entire superstructure is divided into eight large floors, which are further subdivided into 14 small floors. The main defenders are ordinary undead with numerous magic traps.If necessary, the repaired undead summoning magic circle can refresh a large number of undead in the designated area.

The subterranean part of the Necropolis is the main area of ​​construction.

Due to the need to garrison troops, Da Liang used the elves of the elves to remodel the entire underground environment, and there are also multi-layered and large-scale food growing areas.

Now Da Liang uses the territories of the four races.

Undead, Terran, Dungeon Dark Elf branch, and Elven.

Corresponding to the four races, Da Liang divided four race-specific urban construction areas in the underground part, and then left a set of building backups in these four urban construction areas according to the style of Black Fire City, Judgment City, Palm Tree City, and Songjiang City. .

For the cities of the human race and the elves, they will try their best to create a surface environment through magic.

A magic circle will be engraved on the dome to create a simulated sky. The elves will plant trees and vegetation around the city. Groundwater will be drawn to form rivers and lakes. Various wild animals and domestic animals will run on the grass.

The dungeon environment will also undergo a similar transformation.

Everything is so that the armies of the three races can rest in a familiar environment and maintain their morale and combat effectiveness.

Nicole's alchemy laboratory is responsible for the design of the entire enchantment and magical transformation.

But the provision of mana requires Da Liang to hoard resources.

The larger and more complex the tomb was built, the greater the consumption of mana. The original sulfur mine obviously couldn't provide enough mana for such a large project.Even if various mineral mining technologies, tool bonuses, and caveman labor bonuses double the output of sulfur mines, they are still far from meeting the mana energy requirements for the entire tomb to operate.

Da Liang has three solutions:

One is to mobilize rare resources from the outside to hoard them. Now Da Liang controls a lot of rare resource mines. With the accelerated development of the dungeon and the large-scale exploration of the snow field, it is not difficult for him to hoard rare resources. The second is to dig deep into the ground centered on the large tomb, looking for mines buried deep underground.

But if the tomb is blocked, these two ways to obtain rare resources may be cut off, so Da Liang also prepared a third method, which is to use the characteristics of the crystal dragon to cultivate crystal mines in the tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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