start an archangel

Chapter 1157 Successive Wars

Chapter 1157 Successive Wars

Da Liang likes this kind of tangible reward.

The main architectural drawings before the territory developed to level 12 were all given, so Da Liang didn't need to worry about these easy but time-consuming and labor-intensive territory construction tasks.As long as the resources, gold coins, and labor keep up, the Black Fire Territory can continue to develop to a level 12 territory.

According to the introduction of the player's private territory, the upper limit of the player's territory level under normal circumstances is level 12.The previous black fire collar has been developed to the end, that is, it can recruit dark knights (level 11) and train terrifying knights (level 12).Now... the Black Fire Territory can be developed to a level 14 territory, and the construction of the main city of the undead means that in the future, the Black Fire Territory can independently recruit bone dragons and train ghost dragons.

In fact, Da Liang can already recruit bone dragons now.

The Misty Area was changed to Misty City, which was given to Da Liang by the Pope of Sorrow, and became the city within the city of the City of Sighs.

As an important parish of the former City of Sighs, the Misty District itself is equivalent to a level 13 city that cannot be upgraded.Now the Fog City has become Da Liang's private city, and naturally everything in it belongs to Da Liang, including the well-established recruiting buildings.

There are not only the tombs for recruiting Lich, the Dark Temple for recruiting Dark Knights, but also the Dragon Summit for recruiting bone dragons.

The soldiers and numbers that the Fog Area can provide for Da Liang are:

2 Bone Dragon/week.

In addition to these basic undead creatures, the priests and church knights in the church in the original foggy area, such heroic undeads also belonged to Da Liang.

The former head of the Knights of the Church, senior wizard of the Wizards Guild, and the terrifying knight hero Jonathan accepted the recruitment of Da Liang with the permission of President Lucas, and became a battle hero under the military order of the Black Fire Territory.


Horror Knight (Level 12 Undead)
Attack: 18
Defense: 18
Killing: 150-300
Blood volume: 1200
Biological traits: 20% chance to cast a curse on the enemy; critical strike (20% chance to double damage)
Hero Unit: Level 69

Attack: 143 (including equipment)

Defense: 131 (including equipment)

Knowledge: 115 (including equipment)

Intelligence: 119 (including equipment)

Specialty: Guard (After entering the guard state, the damage received by the self and the own units within a certain range is reduced by 15%. The range is related to the hero's defense power. When the guard state is released, the attack power is temporarily increased by 30%. The aging is related to the hero's intelligence.)
Hero special skills: master attack, master defense, master knife, advanced earth magic, intermediate spirit...

Skills/Magic: Full blow, breakthrough, body protection stone skin, homeopathic slash...

Jonathan is a very good bodyguard. His job in the City of Sighs branch of the former Wizards Guild was the bodyguard of Elder Quentin and also the captain of the security team, responsible for the defense of the entire branch base.

Therefore, after seeing Jonathan's sturdy attributes, Da Liang did not hesitate to let him change his job to become his bodyguard.

Although each of the blood-sucking personal guards is very eye-catching, and their strength is also very good.But in terms of showmanship and bluffing, a group of blood-sucking personal guards bundled together can't compare to the tall and burly Jonathan in black full-body armor.

Especially the pair of blood-red soul fires thrown from the gap in the helmet visor, just looking at it makes people shudder, not to mention the saber that is as long as a man in his hand.

The fully armed Jonathan rode the undead horse also wearing black horse armor, and stood there... perfectly highlighting the majesty of my brother as the king of death and the mentor of death.

Of course, the most important thing is... Sophia and the vampire sword guard are too exposed in front of the players, and they all know that this luxurious guard is exclusive to "Da Liang".But as "Eviscerate", Da Liang still has to maintain his mystery to the players. A Jonathan and a guard of the Holy See Knights are enough to block the player's curiosity and contact with the "Eviscele Monarch".

While Da Liang was busy preaching on tour, Eternal Night City's first attack on Eternal Night Cathedral also had results.

The attacking undead army obviously underestimated Cloud City's determination to guard the Eternal Night Cathedral, and also underestimated the military strength deployed here by Cloud City.

As Da Liang expected, after several days of fighting, the first confrontation between the undead and Cloud City ended in a disastrous defeat for the army of Eternal Night City.The periphery of the Cathedral of Eternal Night was littered with corpses, and there was not a single one in ten who could finally withdraw from the battlefield.

Eternal Night City really suffered heavy losses this time.

The desolate monarch is furious!
He terminated the meeting in the City of Sighs, immediately returned to Eternal Night City, and quickly formed an army of undead, ready to personally conquer.

At the invitation of the Desolate Monarch, President Lucas is also preparing to lead a group of wizards to support the battle for the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

In the realm of the dead, a massive confrontation between good and evil is brewing.

At the same time, the war in Furnace City of Hell and the battle for Obsidian City also entered the final juncture.

Howard led his Despair City hell army to arrive at the Hell Furnace City battlefield, and the striker led by Bartlett had already begun to build a barracks for the army stationed on the periphery of the battlefield.The arrival of this hell army represents that the protracted Hell Furnace City War is about to usher in a decisive battle.This made Satan happily rush into the battlefield himself, quickly killed a few back and forth, and then walked away laughing loudly before Lucifer stopped him.

The decisive battle in hell is imminent, diluting the influence of the change of flag of the cyan alliance in the kingdom of death, and the world is refocusing on Hell Furnace City to see who can finally become the master of hell and the leader of the evil camp.

After Yunzhongcheng won the defensive battle of the Eternal Night Cathedral, it also refocused on the decisive battle of hell.The angels gathered under the banners of their respective commanders, preparing to rush into hell to attack Lucifer and Satan, who were both defeated, at the most appropriate time, and strive to control Hell Furnace City in their hands.

This move can not only smash the progress of Lucifer's research on becoming a god, but also gain the full-plane teleportation ability of Hell Furnace City.

Then the evil camp will not have any power to resist the attack of the good camp.

Compared with the battle in Furnace City of Hell, the upcoming battle for Obsidian City in the Endless Labyrinth is very inconspicuous.

After the elves mutated in the kingdom of death, they intensified their attacks on the Black Iron City, and wanted to solve the internal trouble of the dwarves before the kingdom of death invaded.

In order to attack Obsidian City, the Black Elf really went bankrupt to buy heavy war equipment and alchemy equipment from Songjiang City.According to the news from Songjiang City, all the supplies have been delivered to Mistress Ingram.The black elves have completed all the preparations to attack Obsidian City, and the army has gradually approached Obsidian City.

The black elf assassins lurking into Obsidian City also began to assassinate important defenders. Obsidian City is in chaos every day, and battles between defenders and assassins will break out anytime and anywhere.

For a moment, everyone in Obsidian City was in danger...

Moore, the lord of Obsidian City, ordered the Assassin's Guild to immediately stop accepting and issuing assassination missions, and the Assassin's Guild didn't know where these assassinations originated from?
After analyzing the progress of the two war plots, Da Liang decided to go to hell first.

(End of this chapter)

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