Chapter 1208

The dwarven independence movement in the Magic Realm ended in failure.Although the dwarves in the Black Iron City escaped successfully to the Obsidian City in the Endless Labyrinth, they were also severely injured.

Three days of retreat was simply not enough for them to transfer the wealth accumulated for generations from Black Iron City to Obsidian City.Most of the army stayed in Black Iron City and the surrounding mountainous battlefields. After the subsequent battles and the blockade of elves, it is unknown how many dwarves will be able to make it to Obsidian City.

At this time, the dwarves are like an oil lamp swinging in the wind and rain.

In Obsidian City.

The dwarves will face an uncomfortable period of life from the surface to the underground; the Kingdom of Iron Hoof will not watch this frontier town be occupied by alien races; the black elves led by Ingram are just a branch of the entire black elf race. I don’t know if there are other groups The black elves are watching here, waiting for an opportunity to attack Obsidian City.

And the elves, the king of the hill is not sure if the elves will come after them and kill the dwarves.

In addition, how do dwarves develop in Obsidian City?Restoring the city, upgrading the main city, recruiting troops, and protecting resources all require countless money, and most of the dwarves' wealth has been thrown into the lava lake of the Black Iron City.

All these difficulties cannot be faced by the dwarves alone. They need real support, the army to help them face potential enemies, money to rebuild the city, and smooth trade routes to establish the economic system of Obsidian City.

And the only one that can help the dwarves in this regard is the Five-Color Banner Alliance. To be precise, it needs the Duke of Daliang to nod.

In order to win over Da Liang, let him sincerely support and support the revival of the dwarves, the King of the Hill decided to become brothers with Da Liang, and named him the Dwarf King.At this time, the dwarves who were at the end of their ropes had only this little thing to offer.

For Da Liang, he could see the predicament facing the dwarves at this time.Morale is low, if you want population but no population, wealth but no wealth, and resources but no resources, if you want to gain a foothold in the endless maze, you can only have sugar daddy, so the five-color flag alliance has become the only choice for the dwarves.

In Da Liang's mind, he already had a plan on how to support the dwarves. Of course, it wasn't free help, and the benefits must be discussed, but he didn't expect... the king of the hill would take the initiative to give out the title of "King".

This title is more real than any benefit, because Da Liang is very optimistic about the potential of the dwarves.

In order to seek independence, the dwarves are well prepared.They have established their own set of rune magic, not only can use rune combinations to release the magic of various departments, but also engrave runes on runestones and inlay them on weapons and equipment.So that the equipment owner does not need to deliberately find a rare alchemist, as long as he has runestones and understands the combination, he can upgrade the equipment according to his needs.

In addition, the dwarves have also established a complete set of arms system...

Good at forging, honest and trustworthy.

If such a powerful and potential race cannot be revived, it would be unreasonable.

In short, Da Liang believes that Dwarves is a high-quality stock that is unlucky to bottom out, and once it rebounds, it will definitely occupy a place in the world.

Now you can help the dwarves when they are in trouble, and just wait for the money in the future.


However, although the title of "Side-by-Side King" is very imposing, but the "Side-by-Side King" of the dwarves?
This shoulder is not well aligned!

[Because you saved the fate of the dwarves from being destroyed in the dwarf independence movement in the magical realm, the king of the hill awarded you the title of "Side Shoulder King"]

[Your reputation in the dwarf race has risen to "respected"]

[You get the priority purchase right of all products in Obsidian City, and enjoy a 7% discount privilege for a certain amount]

[You get a special architectural blueprint: Rune Research Institute]

[You get technical blueprints: advanced quenching technology, advanced refining, advanced alloy...]

[You get 10 rune masters: 1 master rune master, 3 senior rune masters, 6 intermediate rune masters]

[You get dwarf craftsman: 100]

[You get Lava Dragon: 2]

[Obsidian City opens up the recruitment of units for you (when Obsidian City completes the formation of the basic army, you can recruit all dwarf units from the dwarf recruitment building]]


As Da Liang accepted the title of King of the Hill, he also received a series of rewards.

But when Da Liang checked what benefits he had received, suddenly a huge black shadow jumped up from the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion below.

Da Liang reflexively wanted to attack, but was stopped by the King of the Hill.

The black shadow rose rapidly, shaking off the gravel and dust from his body, revealing his turned out to be the former Lord of Obsidian City, Shadow Dragon Moore.

The shadow dragon has a larger body size than the black dragon, and his dragon scales are not as shiny as the black dragon, but can absorb light so that there is no brightness reflection.This allows the shadow dragon to have a very good hiding ability in the underground environment. Even if underground creatures have dark vision, it is difficult to distinguish the stationary shadow dragon from the real shadow.

The dwarf's siege and Da Liang blocked Ingram in time, allowing Moore to save his life on the battlefield.It's just that the flame domain dominated by Lie Yan made Moore fall into a near-death state, and then he was buried under the ruins by the collapsed City Lord's Mansion.

Fortunately, Da Liang and Ingram moved the battlefield to the air, which allowed Moore to save his first blood at the last moment.

Then Moore went into hibernation. He was buried for three days, and he just woke up at this moment.

Moore who flew up was still very weak, his body staggered and slowly turned into a small form, a standing black dragon man.Moore looked at the desolate Obsidian City, feeling extremely depressed.

Then Moore looked at the King of the Hill and Da Liang, and remained silent again.

"Moore..." The King of the Hill called out Moore's name, and he felt guilty in his heart facing this old friend who had always supported him.I want to explain, but it seems that saying anything at this time is pale and powerless.

Of course Moore knew what was going on, and when he saw the dwarves enter the city over the obsidian wall, he figured everything out.

The dwarves had known for a long time that the black elves had the idea of ​​attacking Obsidian City, but they chose to remain silent, and waited until the black elves occupied their own city, and then fought back.

Moore had the feeling of being betrayed by the man he trusted the most.

"Your Majesty... what's the situation in Black Iron City?" Moore asked lightly.

The King of the Hill replied, "We have failed, and I have lost the Iron City."

"Then you rob my city as your dwarves' habitat?"

The King of the Hill raised his head, looked at Moore and said firmly: "Yes... I robbed your city, betrayed you, and almost killed you. But I don't regret it... I am King of the dwarves, my honor is nothing before our race.

Moore, I owe you that!
I, the king of the hill... I swear in the name of the dwarves, I will give you back a city as great as Obsidian City. "

(End of this chapter)

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