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Chapter 1211 A New Journey

Chapter 1211 A New Journey
At this moment, Ingram finally figured everything out. Since he ordered to snatch the dwarven weapons from the creed slave exchange, he has become a doll at the mercy of others.

Step by step, step by step, like a most dedicated actor, he performed all the plays perfectly according to the script provided by Da Liang.

Now it's time for the curtain to end, and his ending is in the sealing circle unfolded below.

If it is said that Ingram just now still had a little fluke mentality, and wanted to fight his luck to see if he could escape from here.Now Ingram has completely lost all courage and confidence.

There is only fear and horror in her heart, fearing this conspirator who makes her unable to raise any resistance.

"Okay..." Ingram gave up resisting, all the spider legs behind her drooped sluggishly, her face lacked the demeanor of a black elf mistress, and said weakly: "Duke Daliang, you are a real I am convinced that I lost this battle. As you said, my ability is suitable for ruling a black elf tribe, and I don't have the vision and wisdom to lead a black elf tribe.

I am willing to accept the seal, and hope that the Duke can let me serve for the black elf race as soon as possible. "

Ingram is willing to accept the seal and a big fight can be avoided.However, Da Liang did not let down his vigilance because of Ingram's words. Before the sealing ceremony ended, this battle of wits and courage would not be considered over.

Da Liang comforted Ingram and said, "Of course... I won't waste a 16th-level hero. Letting you sleep for a long time is a great loss to me. There are still many wars in the future of the Black Elves, and we need your support." strength.

Matron Ingram... please!
Let's end this war as soon as possible, leaving more vitality for the black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City. "

After Ingram let out a long sigh, he fell towards the sealing circle below.A strong light swept across the entire cave of Thorn River City, and then the strong light shrank and condensed into a dazzling light ball at the position of the sealing circle, and Ingram was trapped in the middle of the light ball.

The props that make up the sealing circle are pasted on the outer wall of the light sphere piece by piece, and the connected props are fused into one.As the props cover it, the brightness of the ball of light gradually weakens. When the last sealing prop blocks the light source, the entire sealing device becomes a smooth ball without any gaps.

The seal on Ingram is complete!

The entire battlefield of Assassin River City, where the fight was fought, also became completely silent at this moment.

For the attacking black elves, three 16th-level heroes appeared on the enemy side at once, and their only 16th-level hero was also sealed. What's the point of continuing this battle.

The black elves who had stopped attacking the city did not flee in all directions.Without food, in their current state, it is very difficult for them to go back to the tribe through the dangerous underground connection passage, and nine out of ten will die in the attack of underground monsters.

Moreover, although Ingram was sealed, another "16th-order black elf mistress" appeared.For the black elves who don't have 16th-level heroes, any 16th-level hero of their own family has a very high attraction and appeal.

The vampire guards used magic to control the sealing device that sealed Ingram and returned to Thorn River City.

Under Da Liang's signal, Monica led Abigail and fell towards Thorn River City.

The black elves outside the city could see it more clearly.

"I am the envoy of the Dragon of Darkness... Monica." Monica stopped ten meters above the city wall of Thorn River City, and Abigail stopped behind her, seeming very tame to Monica.Being able to get a level 16 hero to obey orders, Monica immediately became the focus of the entire Thorn River City.Feeling the eyes of envy, fear, and admiration, Monica raised her head and slapped the whip. After a crisp sound, she said loudly: "All black elves, lower your heads! Don't let me see you directly." my eyes."

Monica's power frightened all the black elves to bow their heads, not daring to desecrate the majesty of a strong man who could subdue the mistress of a 16th-order black elf at this time.

Monica is very satisfied with the performance of the black elves.The rules of the black elves are like this, when the same clan fights, whoever wins and whoever is stronger will listen to them. Directly giving orders to them is far simpler and more effective than lengthy and tireless speeches.

Seeing that her order was obeyed, Monica went on to say: "I am the master of Thorn River City, and all the black elves who have been defeated here will become members of my tribe. There are also black elves in the entire lower cave." , my army is conquering them.

In the near future, all the black elves in the lower caves will form a new black elf tribe, and we will start the journey of the rise of the black elves under the name of "Pricking River Black Elves".

I ask all the surviving black elf mistresses here to surrender to me unconditionally. You will be reduced to the shadow matriarchs, and your tribe will become the clan that makes up the Thorn River black elves.

just now……

Kneel and offer me your allegiance. "

Monica's voice was heard by every black elf warrior after the magic of amplification. Her tone was firm and there was no room for compromise, and the consequences of refusing were obvious.

Da Liang and the punching angel also landed on the left and right of Monica at this time, and the crowd of three 16th-level heroes made Monica even more imposing.

Now for the black elves outside the city, their tribe has been captured, there is no way to escape, and the attack is even more impassable. Refusing to surrender is a dead end.And Monica is supported by three 16th-level heroes, and she is worthy of being an angel favored by the Dark Dragon. You must know that there are only seven 16th-level heroes in the entire Endless Labyrinth. Limited.

When the first group of black elves knelt down to Monica, there was a wave of downfall outside the city of Thorn River, and all the black elves knelt down and chose to surrender.

The Thorn River City War is over.

The entire battle of Obsidian City is over.

Da Liang won the first territory in the Endless Labyrinth, and Monica also formally intervened in the grand plot of the rise of the Black Elves as the leader of the Black Elves in the River Thorn.

However, after the Battle of Obsidian City and the Battle of Thorn River City, the vitality of the Black Elf Tribe of Thorn River was seriously injured, more than half of their elite forces were lost, and their economy was almost zero.The lower caves of Obsidian City are connected to the barren area of ​​the endless labyrinth, and there are many high-level monsters and underground nomads hidden, which are extremely dangerous.

If the black elves capture Obsidian City, they can naturally migrate to the core and rich area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth.But the Obsidian City was given to the dwarves, and the Black Elf of Sting River, who was out of ammunition and food, had to solve "how to survive" first.

Therefore, although Da Liang got the Black Elf Tribe of the Stir River, he also took over a mess.Before thinking about rising, he had to think about how to lead the Thorn River Black Elf tribe out of this predicament.

Monica has no worries in this regard. As a military commander, she only cares about how many troops she has increased.


That was something Master Da Liang had to consider.

Taking advantage of the depressant potion still working, Monica asked Abigail to leave Thorn River City, and then ordered...

(End of this chapter)

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