Chapter 1213
For the fairness of the competition, all players who sign up for the "Strongest Hero" competition must go to the designated competition venue to participate in the competition. They must use a dedicated competitive virtual helmet to compete, and prevent any external assistance from affecting the fairness of the competition.

Ensure that ordinary casual players and the bosses of various guilds are on the same level on the equipment.

Today is the first day of the competition, Shu Xiao has already gone to the headquarters of the University League early, and held a pep meeting with the participating players, so Da Liang can only go to the competition venue by car to meet them.

In the evening, Shangjiang City was already brightly lit, and most of the advertising screens on the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street were posters about the "Strongest Hero" competition in the Hero World.On the Internet, major media platforms are also competing to report on the "Strongest Hero" event.

The unprecedented grand occasion and unprecedented attention made Da Liang, who was unable to participate in this competition, feel a little disappointed.

Hey... I can't pretend anymore.

Soon the car brought Da Liang to the No. 15 venue of the Shangjiangfen Stadium in the "Strongest Hero" competition.This is an exhibition center, and the contestants are all gathered in the square of the exhibition center, waiting for the start of the game to enter the arena in order to compete.A large number of military police are here to maintain order, but they still can't suppress the players' expectations and enthusiasm for this competition.

Some cosplay dress up as characters in the game, showing off their style, attracting crowds of onlookers and taking pictures; players participating in the team competition wear uniform costumes and gather together for the final training; The training organization distributed leaflets, inviting players to participate in the combat training assault class...

There are all kinds of people, making the whole square a mess.

However, the University League, as the world's top player guild, still has some privileges in the Shangjiang sub-field. The convention and exhibition center has arranged a lounge for the University League team, and there is also a special green passage that can directly reach the competition venue.

I made a call to Xu Man, and soon some staff brought Da Liang into the exhibition center.

But Da Liang didn't see Shu Xiao, but was stopped by Xu Man and brought to a conference room.

There were only Xu Man and Da Liang in the conference room. Xu Man took a glass of water from the water dispenser and put it in front of Da Liang, then sat on the sofa and asked Da Liang, "Have you thought it through? Are you really not going to participate in this 'The Strongest Hero'?" 'Competition? From what I know about you... if you can participate, 'the strongest hero' and 'the strongest team'... you should be able to earn a championship.

It is really a pity if you insist on not participating. "

Now Xu Man leads the Northeast Asia Alliance, one of the strongest military groups in the game. Too much attention makes her be very careful when she speaks, to avoid the opponent from analyzing the important information through the clues in her words. Cherish words like gold.But when talking to Da Liang, he was as casual as a friend.

Xu Man regretted that Da Liang did not participate in the "Strongest Hero" competition. This was not only a loss for the college league, but also a good opportunity for Da Liang to further improve his reputation.

As a friend and confidant, Xu Man felt that it was necessary to do a bright job again.

Da Liang was having a hard time. He might have missed Shu Xiao's first match because of the Sting River City battle, let alone participating directly. He probably would have been eliminated after a few rounds due to his absence.

"Sister Man... I think that when I participate in the competition, I just don't give other players a chance to crush all the way to win the championship, which will completely lose the entertainment and suspense that the competition should have. This is the biggest crime.

I have to leave this opportunity to newcomers.

This girl Shu Xiao was trained by me personally. Although she didn't comprehend my true biography, she learned some skills secretly.As far as fighting is concerned, there are really not many who are qualified to win her in the entire game.

Later, I was teaching her a few killer tricks. There is absolutely no problem in winning the ranking in the 'Strongest Hero' competition.

In addition, Gu Tao, Yijian Guanghan, Seventeen Nose Rings, Sha Feixue, and you, Sister Man...

This combination is basically sweeping in the hero world, I am very optimistic about you! "

Xu Man could see that Da Liang's nonsense was determined not to participate in the "Strongest Hero" competition, so he could only shake his head helplessly and said: "I understand, I understand... you players who follow the plot are all based on plot tasks The most important thing is that I don't have time to participate in the competition.

Since you are determined not to participate in the competition, I will not persuade you... But I also hope that if you have time, you can guide the training of the players more, and help our people to give more ideas in key games, and don't bury yourselves all day long. Start running the plot by yourself. "

"Understood... Sister Man, don't worry, for the sake of the college alliance, I will go through fire and water..." Da Liang put on an awe-inspiring look, but he also quickly noticed what was revealed in Xu Man's words. Instead, he asked, "Sister Man, you just said that you gamers who follow the plot don't have time to participate in the competition. Do you still know the information about other plot leaders?"

Xu Man said: "Yes, many high-level players who follow the storyline did not sign up for the 'Strongest Hero' competition, which should be related to several important events in the recent plane wars.

There were sudden changes in the kingdom of death and hell, and the dwarven independence movement was quelled in the magic realm two days ago.

It seems that there will be a big change in the war of planes, and many powerful players have given up participating in the competition in order to follow the plot.

Among them, the most famous ones are of course you and Feishazoshi. "

"Shi... Flying sand and walking stones didn't participate in the 'Strongest Hero' competition?" Da Liang asked.

Xu Man nodded: "Flying Sands and Stones made great contributions in the process of elves calming down the independence of dwarves. It is not clear what rewards they received. But according to the information provided by the insider, Feishazoshi already has a 15th-level elf envoy, and his status has risen to Wadsworth Si Wang's close minister has a very high right to speak in the Bauhinia Flower City, and also has a high reputation in the entire magical realm.

Now Feishazoshishi is busy consolidating the benefits obtained in the magic realm, and also has no time to participate in the competition.

Without flying sand and rolling stones, we have lost a strong opponent.

However... due to the complete collapse of the Sun Messenger's business in Hell, he, a story streamer, signed up for the 'Strongest Hero' competition instead.

The Sun Emissary can transform into a 15th-level evil angel. Currently, only you and Feishazoshi are known to have 15th-level heroes, but neither of you participated in the competition.

Now, both we and the Overlord Guild have fewer players who can restrain the Sun Envoy. I'm afraid that our Chinese game area will be overwhelmed by the American game area in terms of the results of the 'Strongest Hero' competition. "

(End of this chapter)

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