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Chapter 1220 Be Your Knight

Chapter 1220 Be Your Knight

"His Majesty……"

"Call me Joyce."

Da Liang avoided Joyce's affectionate eyes, went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of red wine, poured a glass for Joyce and himself, and said: "Joyce... fate is unpredictable. You I don't want to be the king of Shangjiang, but in the end fate let you sit on this throne.

You didn't think about building an empire, but the city-state of the main world needs a leader who can gather the power of the entire main world.

I have been to Rio de Janeiro City, which is the main city of elves on the same scale as our Shangjiang City.The sea is in the east of the city, and the sun rises on the east sea. The busy port and prosperous business are so familiar.Its strength is the same as the former Shangjiang City, and King Duolun, who is equal to you, rules that city.

The army in Rio de Janeiro is proud of the entire continent, but it becomes vulnerable in front of the magical realm, and can only watch the enemy's army rampant in its own city, wantonly stealing the city's wealth.

If an elven main city in the main world suffers such bullying, what other city-states are suffering... can be imagined.

Joyce... The main world is now a slaughtered fat sheep.

What happened to the city of Rio de Janeiro is happening to the city-states of the entire main world... When the main world is being cut to pieces of flesh and blood step by step, and we have the ability to help them... but we are indifferent.In the end... when only we are left in Shangjiang City in the entire main world, who can help us?
The depth of hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers is nothing to the base camp plane.

If Shangjiang wants to persevere to the end in this plane war, he must lead them to resist before the main world is slaughtered to the bone.

Building an empire is not just about glory and power, but about saving yourself. "

Da Liang's words caused Joyce's heart to be violently turbulent. Becoming the king of Shangjiang already made her feel that she had stolen the city.Now... she wants to build an empire again, she doesn't know if she can take on such a heavy responsibility.

To lead the main world to get rid of the oppression of the base camp plane and gain the recognition of the city-states of the main world, we must first face these traditional powerful planes.

They will definitely not watch the city-states of the main world unite as a whole.

Does Shangjiang have the ability to fight this war?

Joyce drank the red wine that Da Liang handed over in a daze, and said after contemplation: "You are trying to push Shangjiangcheng and me to the gallows. If you succeed, my status and power will naturally reach the top in this world. But failed...

Shangjiang will be erased from this world, and I will also carry a scornful name to warn future generations... There is no place to die. "

Da Liang raised his wine glass in front of Joyce and said, "If Shangjiang is destroyed, I will rebuild Shangjiang; if you die, I will resurrect you.

All your enemies will be destroyed by me, and all your cities will be sheltered by me.

You will be the first emperor of the main world, and I... will always be your most loyal knight!
Joyce, fate chose Shangjiang, and Shangjiang chose you. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, Joyce let out a breath. She took off her crown with one hand and let her dark red hair hang down.After clinking glasses with Da Liang, Joyce drank the remaining red wine in one gulp and said, "Okay... since fate has chosen me...then I will choose you.

The Duke of Great Brightness...

Since I want to work hard, there is no need to wait any longer.You should know what I think about you... I don't know when, I have an indelible place in my heart, and your retreat made me suppress my emotions all the time.

But now, I am determined not to let you be my knight.

When I formally establish the empire and ascend the throne to become the emperor, I will make you the prince of the empire. "

Having said that, Joyce was relieved, and turned to show a humorous smile: "If I were the emperor, I have the right to do this... If you really can't accept my feelings, let me continue to be an ordinary city-state king .”

Da Liang never expected...

It is obviously a script in which the emperor and ministers work together to achieve invincible achievements. Why did it suddenly change the channel?How did a deep and thick epic historical drama turn into a bloody romantic drama?

Joyce, is it not too serious for you to confess your love at this time?When we are talking about such important things as war of planes and building an empire, you are thinking about how to sleep brother.


The atmosphere in the study changed a bit quickly.

The lonely man and the widow were in the same room, and Joyce pierced the window paper again, and threw out a proposition.

Da Liang was caught off guard and wanted to cry, holding his wine glass in a daze, not knowing how to answer.


Joyce said, "I've finished my drink. Shouldn't you also drink the wine in your glass before answering me?"


Of course, Da Liang could see Joyce's affection for him.That kind of unreserved dedication has exceeded the code of conduct that NPCs should have. This is a real life, even if this life is not a life in the traditional sense.

While Da Liang attracts Joyce, Joyce also attracts Da Liang.The former admiral of the navy, with her unique charm, made Da Liang closely follow her plot line.Even when Howard ascended the throne and Da Liang had a better choice, he did not leave Joyce.

Da Liang cleared the obstacles step by step and supported Joyce as king. Apart from the needs of the plot, he also had his own selfish motives.

But... Facing Joyce's love, Da Liang sticks to his bottom line, and does not intend to try this kind of virtual relationship that cannot be fruitful.

But in this situation, how could he be willing to hurt Joyce's heart?
Complicated emotions surged up, and Da Liang sighed in his heart, just die.

After drinking the red wine in the glass in one gulp, Da Liang said: "Joyce... I am willing to be your prince, and I will always be your most loyal knight."


After hearing Da Liang's response, the wine glass in Joyce's hand slipped and fell on the soft carpet with a crisp sound, and then tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

As the daughter of a nobleman, Joyce was married to Prince William at a young age.This is the honor of the family, and it is also the nightmare that Joyce has lingered since he was a child.As the prince's fiancée and the future queen, the majesty of the royal family taught her to control her emotions, but she never thought that she would fall so quickly.

The appearance of Da Liang gradually made her unable to extricate herself.

After waiting for so long, he finally got his promise. Joyce stepped forward, hugged Da Liang, and buried his head in his arms.

Da Liang stroked Joyce's hair, and suddenly felt that the game was no longer a game, and he had integrated into this brand new world at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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