1223 Aid
Although he had already expected the answer, after Da Liang said "The Five-Color Banner Alliance officially recognizes the dwarves as an independent race", the King of the Hill still showed a look of excitement.

The dwarves had waited too long and sacrificed too much for this day.After escaping to Obsidian City in the Endless Labyrinth, the fact that the dwarf race was recognized by a big faction like the Five-Color Banner Alliance was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for this suffering race.Let the dwarves pay back their dignity, and give all the dead dwarves an explanation.

The King of the Hill said very excitedly: "On behalf of the dwarf race, I am willing to establish diplomatic relations with the Five-color Banner Alliance, and I am willing to let my Obsidian City and the Five-color Banner Alliance launch the most comprehensive cooperation.

Brother Daliang, thank you for everything you have done for the dwarves, you are the benefactor of the dwarves.


Da Liang waited for the King of the Hill to finish speaking, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have brought another piece of good news to Obsidian City this time..."

The King of the Hill asked expectantly, "Any other good news?"

"During the meeting in Shangjiang, the Five-Color Banner Alliance unanimously passed a resolution, and we sincerely invite Obsidian City to join the Five-Color Banner Alliance and become a second-tier ally after the five main alliances.

I came to Obsidian City this time to ask His Majesty the King of the Hill, are you and your city willing to join the Five Color Banner Alliance?

Are you willing to abide by the regulations of the Five-color Flag Alliance, safeguard the interests of the Five-color Flag Alliance, and fulfill your due obligations.Of course, you also enjoy the rights granted to you by the alliance, and the alliance is also willing to provide help and support for you and your city. "

Hearing Da Liang's words, the King of the Hill felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Being recognized as independent by the Five-Color Flag Alliance is a spiritual encouragement, and has no real benefits. At most, it can establish business relationships and allow Obsidian City's economy to recover.But in the face of various internal and external troubles, the weak dwarves can only support themselves, the future is bleak, and they can't see how to go on this road.

But the Five-Color Flag Alliance not only recognized the independence of the Dwarves at this time, but even invited this declining race to join their alliance.

This means that the Five Color Banner Alliance is willing to provide shelter for the dwarves.This is not a simple alliance. The dwarves are recognized as rebels by the elves. Whoever dares to accept the dwarves in this world represents a break with the magical realm.

This kind of loyalty left the King of the Hill speechless, and he could also know how big a role Da Liang played in it.

"Brother Daliang..."

The King of the Hill couldn't help himself, and joining the Five-Color Banner Alliance really ushered in the dawn of revival for the Dwarves.

But when the King of the Hill was about to say thank you, Da Liang stopped him, and then said: "In view of the current situation in Obsidian City, in order to help the dwarves recover as soon as possible, the Alliance will provide assistance to Obsidian.

After Obsidian City becomes a secondary ally of the alliance, the Five Color Banner Alliance will send twenty purple dragons and ten crystal dragons to Obsidian City.They will help the dwarves establish a magic defense system for the city, and at the same time, they will stay here until the dwarves have certain defensive capabilities.

In addition, the crystal mine will give 5000 units of crystals to Obsidian City.

The Sulfur Cave will give Obsidian City 5000 units of Sulfur.

Shangjiang City is willing to donate 1 million gold coins to Obsidian City and provide an interest-free loan of 10 billion gold coins.

These aids will be delivered to Obsidian City one after another after Obsidian City's envoys arrive at Shangjiang City.

If His Majesty needs other support, he can apply to the Alliance.

In addition, the patriarch Zishan is very interested in the rune magic created by the dwarves. The Zilong clan wants to help build a rune magic academy in Obsidian City, and send clansmen and dwarf rune masters to expand the rune magic system together. "

Just now it was said that the dwarves were invited to join the five-color flag alliance. Now before the king of the hill agrees, Da Liang offered a super aid.

It was so heavy that it almost knocked the king of the hill unconscious.

Although the number of twenty purple dragons and ten crystal dragons is not too many, they represent the attitude of the two rank 15 giant dragon clans.The entire Zilong family is a master of magic, as long as they need... They can open the teleportation array at any time to send more Zilong and Crystal Dragons to Obsidian City.

These two dragon clans are also an important deterrent force of the Five-color Banner Alliance. The purple dragon and the crystal dragon have distinct characteristics, and their combination is even more terrifying. No matter where they are placed, they can make people with bad intentions weigh themselves .

Rare resources are also important materials for the reconstruction and development of Obsidian City.However, during the battle to defend the Black Iron City, the dwarves threw most of their resources into the lava lake at the bottom of the volcano. It would take time to gather enough resources, which undoubtedly slowed down the speed of city restoration.

Also discarded by the dwarves were countless gold coins, which were the wealth accumulated by generations of dwarf craftsmen. In order to save the elves, the dwarves poured all the gold coins that could not be taken away into the lava lake.

The current Obsidian City is a poor and white dwarf standing on top of the ruins.

And this time the Five-Color Banner Alliance gave the dragon, resources, and gold coins. For the dwarves, it was undoubtedly sending charcoal in the snow and adding a few quilts.

The alliance is really sincere to the dwarves, and every aid is what Obsidian needs most now.

In addition, the Purple Dragon Clan and the Dwarf Clan want to jointly establish the Rune Magic Academy. The king of the hill not only does not feel that the Purple Dragon Clan is spying on the secrets of the Dwarf Clan, but is very happy.

In this world, the purple dragons have mastered the most superb magic attainments in the world, and their talent in magic is not weaker than that of the natural elemental races.However, due to the weak magic affinity of dwarves, it is difficult to appear high-level dwarf mages, so dwarves created rune magic, so that they have the ability to cast spells that can compete with elf mages.

It's just that rune magic has just established a feasible system in the hands of dwarves. There are really too many things missing, so that in the dwarf independent movement, dwarves' spellcasting ability is still weaker than that of elves.

Now... the whole family of the Purple Dragon Clan, who are masters of magic, wants to help the dwarves perfect their rune magic. For the King of the Hill, this is a wishful deed, and it is considered part of the assistance.

With such careless assistance, the King of the Hill didn't know how to repay his allies.

But when the King of the Hill wanted to express his gratitude again, Da Liang continued, "As for the alliance's aid to Obsidian City, the dwarves can use your weapons or other things to repay in the future.

Next I want to say another thing.

Due to the blockade of Shangjiang City by the Magic Realm, the alliance saw that Shangjiang City was the alliance's fatal weakness, so the alliance decided to strengthen Shangjiang's control over the surrounding area.Shangjiang will launch an annexation war to expand the territory in the future.

And the first powerful enemy we encounter is the magic realm.

With the unanimous consent of the five main alliances, the Five-Color Banner Alliance will form a joint army in Shangjiang to launch a retaliatory attack on the Magic Realm.

Now... the army is gathering, and the patron saint of Shangjiang City, Bella, will fight with the army; the head of the poisonous dragon clan, Amber, and my subordinate, the crystal dragon Qianli, will combine domain skills that can effectively expel green dragons and golden dragons; the heads of Zishan and Red Baker Responsible for guarding the cities and lairs of the Alliance; me and another high angel will also fight in the war that requires 16th-level heroes.

The formation of the army went very smoothly, and Shangjiang could provide all the money and materials that the army consumed, and there were sufficient war equipment and alchemy equipment.

It's just... the only thing missing is a commander who is capable of commanding this army.

Your Majesty the King of the Hill, do you have a suitable candidate? "

(End of this chapter)

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