start an archangel

Chapter 1233 Misty Village

Chapter 1233 Misty Village

At this time, the eyes of the world were all focused on Hell Furnace City and River City on the main world, while Da Liang quietly returned to the kingdom of death.

Back to the Misty City in the City of Sighs.

Misty City is now a city belonging to the Eviscerate Monarch.

The Eviscerated Monarch is the most mysterious monarch in the entire kingdom of death, and also the most legendary monarch.The first batch of players who came to the foggy area knew that Eviscerate was originally just a foreign affairs pope of the church in the foggy area, and the church in the foggy area was an extremely deserted church.Then... the players in the entire fog area witnessed the whole process of Eviscerate's success.

The old players here are also tirelessly introducing the legendary story of the Eviscerate Pope to the monarch to the new players, although they can't even enter the cathedral in the foggy area.

The only player in the entire misty area who has completed the task of eviscerating the pope is Feng Moying. This little girl and a group of like-minded friends have formed their own ninja village here - Misty Village, and they have established their own ninja village in the shadow of death and the rising sun guild. With the support of him, he became the vigilant force of the entire Fog City.

Although it's a bit of a joke, these two-year-old teenagers regard this work as their mission, and maintain the order of the foggy city dutifully.Those ninja teenagers wearing ninja costumes and forehead protection, standing on the eaves of the roof in a very cool posture, have also become a very distinctive landscape of the foggy city.

Misty Village is located in the southeastern area of ​​Misty City. It is a heavily guarded building complex. A high wooden wall completely separates this place from the urban area.Outside the wall are wandering corpses, as well as dark cavalry patrolling in a line, and bats transformed from vampires rise and fall inside and outside the high wall.

From time to time, people dressed as ninjas cross the high walls and come in and out. The two-dimensional animation style is incompatible with the entire game background environment, which also means that the regional color of the players is slowly affecting the game world.

As the gateway of Misty Village, although the village gate is the least used building in the entire village, there are still players taking turns to be on duty here.Today, two players guarding here stopped a person wearing a black smock to hide his appearance.

"Stop, this is the foggy area, are you here to release a mission, or something else."

The man in black lifted his hood up, exposing half of his face, and then put the hood back down.The two players were shocked, and they stepped back and bowed ninety degrees to the person who came, and said: "Welcome Lord Mieshi to Misty Village, 'Where the flames burn, the will of fire is with me!'"

Ah... The teenagers in the second year can always find infinite happiness in the setting of role-playing.

Da Liang suppressed his smile, and walked into Misty Village under the reverent gaze of the young man in the identity of Mie Shi with a very serious attitude.When he entered the village through the gate, he heard the cheers of the two teenagers behind him, and asked each other if he had recorded the classic scene just now, and quickly shared the video to their respective social circles.

Really speechless, Da Liang shook his head and continued walking inside.

Soon, Da Liang saw Feng Moying in a room protected by multiple shielding magic.

I haven't seen Feng Moying for a while.As the head of the largest cosplay club in Japan's game area, Feng Moying is full of spirits. After organizing and holding many animation festivals in Fog City, she has also become a rising star in Japan.At the same time, because of the protection of the Xuyang Guild and the shadow of death, she did not become a money-making machine for some special societies, and continued to live a carefree life in the second grade.

Although Feng Moying didn't know what Da Liang had done for her, she still did not forget her original admiration for this stalwart man exuding enthusiasm.

"Mie Shisang, will you stay here for a while when you return to Misty City this time?"

"It should be..." Da Liang didn't have much resistance to this kind of little girl who was just in love, especially Feng Moying's tone of expectation made Da Liang couldn't bear to let her down: "I'm going back to death this time." Kingdom, there is an important thing to do... a very dangerous thing, which is to fight against the most powerful force in the game world.

With my own strength, I may not be able to complete this task.So I want you, and your... ninja mates, to come and help me. "

Hearing that the invincible Mie Shi came to ask her for help, Feng Moying's sense of self-worth immediately soared, she patted her small chest and said: "Our Miwu Village exists for Mie Shisang, no matter what Mieshi Sang has to face What... 'Where the fire burns, the will of the fire is with me!'

We will definitely go all out to destroy all enemies that block your way forward.

It doesn't matter if the other party is an angel or a devil. "

"You guessed it right this time, what we have to deal with is really an angel." Da Liang looked at the lovely Feng Moying and smiled, then shared his own map, pointed at the area where the Eternal Night Cathedral is located, and said: "This is the Bone Rift, a subordinate city of Eternal Night City, and there is a ground fissure in the territory of the Bone Rift.

Do you remember the Eternal Night Cathedral in the Eternal Night City? "

Feng Moying moved to the edge of the open map, looked at the signs on it, and replied: "Eternal Night Cathedral? I remember... After Eternal Night City was captured by the Cyan Allied Forces, the floating fortress was captured by Cloud City." the angels took away."

Da Liang zoomed in on the map, and the ground fissure canyon in the Bone Crack Territory was clearly visible, he tapped on a point on it, and said: "The Cathedral of Eternal Night is at this location.

The owner of Eternal Night City, the Desolate Sovereign, and President Lucas of the Wizards Guild are leading the army here to attack the Eternal Night Cathedral.The commander that Yunzhong City sent to defend the cathedral was Gabriel. He also participated in the attack of the cyan coalition forces on Eternal Night City, and he is very familiar with the Eternal Night City army with the cyan coalition forces as the main body.

Force... can deal with the Desolate Monarch and President Lucas at the same time, and remain undefeated.


Da Liang slowly explained the situation on the battlefield around the Eternal Night Cathedral to Feng Moying. Feng Moying listened slowly and moved closer to Da Liang.

In the Eternal Night Cathedral, there is an obelisk of the kingdom of death, which is an important prop for studying the plane of God.In order to speed up the progress of the research on the God Plane in the Great Tomb of the Boneyard, Da Liang had already paid attention to the obelisk of the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

But... the entire battlefield surrounding the Eternal Night Cathedral is very large, and the interior of the ground fissure is even more winding and complicated.To complete the deployment and control of the war on the Cathedral of Eternal Night, a lot of eyeliner and manpower are needed.

Because he wanted to steal from Yunzhongcheng and the Desolate Monarch, Da Liang could not use his status as the Eviscerate Monarch to mobilize his own power in the kingdom of death, nor could he use his status as Da Liang to use the power of the Five Color Banner Alliance.

You can only use the identity of Mieshi to find a way.

(End of this chapter)

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