Chapter 1239
After admiring his own city, Da Liang fell from the sky, and then got into the city hall, the core building of the territory.

Since the Black Fire Territory hangs alone overseas, Da Liang is very dissatisfied with this position. In the face of future wars, the enemy can easily cut off the Black Fire Territory's connection with the outside world.And once the core of the city - the City Hall is occupied or destroyed, it means that Da Liang has lost the Black Fire Territory.

So Da Liang has been thinking of a way to move the city hall to a safe place.

At Da Liang's request, Nicole's laboratory is going to use alchemy to fly the town hall of the Black Fire Territory alone, and then use the teleportation array to reach the kingdom of death and transfer it to the Boneyard Great tomb, protect it.

After further alchemy transformation, build a floating fortress that brightens itself.

In order to realize the transfer of the town hall of the Black Fire Territory, Da Liang has arranged for skeleton laborers to start an overall excavation of the town hall.

The alchemical transformation still needs to be done step by step. Da Liang walked through the city hall and entered the evil prison hidden in the lower floor.The root cause of the strength of the Black Fire Army is that Da Liang owns this evil prison, and those powerful mutated troops have made great contributions to the expansion of the Black Fire Army.

This is also the only remaining evil prison in this world, and its value is higher than that of the cemetery. A large part of the reason why Da Liang wants to transfer the city hall is to protect this evil prison and want to continue to enjoy the special arms transformed from the evil prison. .

And this time Da Liang came to the evil prison for the transformation of a new hero.

The 13th-level bone dragon in the cemetery can be transformed into a 14th-level frost dragon through the evil prison; the 14th-level ghost dragon can be transformed into a 15th-level shadow dragon demon through the evil prison.

When Da Liang walked into the hall where the evil prison was located, four ghost dragons were already waiting at the door of the evil prison, and the destruction knight Jones was riding his horse and standing beside him.

Seeing Da Liang, Guilong and Jones saluted him together.Gale, the doomed unicorn stationed in the evil prison, also came out of the prison, and it stepped on the fire and walked in front of Da Liang.Bending its front legs, after saluting gracefully, Gaifeng said: "My lord wants to let these four ghost dragons enter the evil prison?
What I need to remind you is that the evil energy in the prison is not enough to complete the transformation for the Ghost Dragon.To transform the ghost dragon, you need to provide an additional 100 points of extreme evil energy. "

Da Guang nodded his head and understood Gale's warning, and he turned to Destruction Knight Jones and asked, "How much evil spirit did you bring this time?"

The first transformation of the shadow dragon demon made Da Liang know the importance of the extremely evil energy. He put all the four destruction knights in purgatory to collect the extremely evil energy containing the extremely evil energy.However, there are very few purgatory creatures that can provide extremely evil aura, and it is extremely difficult to kill them. Therefore, the output of extremely evil aura is very low, so that after transforming into the shadow dragon demon night color, Da Liang never transformed again A second shadow dragon demon emerged.

This time to grab the obelisk, Da Liang expected that Yunshangcheng would send at most one supreme angel, but there would definitely be many 15th-level holy angels.The best way to deal with 15th-level creatures is to use 15th-level creatures, and there are not many 15th-level creatures that Da Liang can use.

Julian and Juliet need to prepare to be an Arbitration Angel in case of emergencies; Monica is in the city of Thorns to rectify the Black Elf tribe of the Thorns; Crystal Dragon Qianli is in Shangjiang, preparing to participate in the war against the magic realm.At this time, Da Liang was only surrounded by the shadow dragon, the demon Yelu... He urgently needed level 15 creatures to fight against the holy angels.

So Da Liang asked Jones to bring all the collected evil spirits here, preparing to transform a batch of shadow dragon demons into battle urgently.

Jones jumped off his horse and knelt in front of Da Liang. He stretched out his hand to show the collected evil energy, and said, "I'm sorry, my lord. We only collected 239 points of extreme evil energy..."

The air mass condensed by the extremely evil air exudes a strange red light, and non-purgatory creatures will fall into a state of confusion if they look at it for a long time.Da Liang took the Evil Qi from Jones, and said, "I know it is very difficult to collect the Evil Qi. I am very happy to have these... After you return to Purgatory, continue to lead the other Destruction Knights to collect the Evil Qi. In future wars, I need more rank 15 Shadow Dragon Demons."

It takes 100 evil energy points to transform a shadow dragon demon, and the transformation fails to consume no evil energy.

The 239 points of extreme evil can only bring two shadow dragon demons to Da Liang. This time, Da Liang brought four ghost dragons at a time, which is considered to be ready to spend money.

Da Liang, who got the extremely evil spirit, nodded to Gai Feng, Gai Feng saluted Da Liang again, then turned around and walked into the evil prison, he wanted to use his own ability to increase the success rate of the ghost dragon's transformation.

"Okay..." Gai Feng stood in the depths of the evil prison, the flames aroused on his body made the blood in the prison burn violently.

Da Liang randomly clicked a ghost dragon and ordered it to enter the evil prison.

This batch of ghost dragons is the same batch of ghost dragons transformed into night. At that time, Da Liang didn't have any more evil energy to transform into shadow dragon demons, so he let all these ghost dragons go to level up.

Therefore, the hero level of these ghost dragons has reached about level 40, which is a finished hero.If they can be successfully transformed into shadow dragon demons, their remaining hero level can greatly increase their strength, and they can participate in the battle to rob the obelisk when they come out.And if it fails...a finished 14th-level hero becomes a sacrifice, Da Liang is probably the only player in the world who dares to play like this.

Enduring the feeling of cutting flesh, Da Liang watched the ghost dragon he had chosen walk into the evil prison.

The blood fire expanded again the moment the ghost dragon entered, engulfing the ghost dragon completely in the flames.According to the prompt, Da Liang quickly put 100 points of extreme evil into the prison, and then waited for the final result with complicated emotions.

After the evil prison was supplemented with extremely evil energy, the blood fire quickly weakened after the final surge, and an empty prison was displayed in front of Da Liang. Only the doom unicorn stood motionless, emitting flames. in the innermost.

"Did it succeed?" Didn't receive the prompt that the sacrifice failed, Da Liang roughly guessed the result, but still asked Gaifeng for confirmation.

Haifeng replied: "Under the influence of my ability, the success rate of transforming the evil prison into a ghost dragon is 70.00%[-]. This time the transformation is successful, congratulations, sir, for obtaining a powerful subordinate."

Following Gaifeng's words, a shadow dragon demon with a piano-black body was revealed in front of Da Liang in the form of a dragon.

Night wind
Shadow Dragon Demon (level 15 purgatory creature)
Attack: 40
Defense: 37
Killing: 550-650
Blood volume: 5500
Racial characteristics: Enemy morale -2 Invisible (cannot attack or be attacked in the intangible state), shadow attack (in 30 seconds after the invisible state is removed, the speed increases by 30%, and the damage increases by 30%)

Hero Unit: Level 41

Attack 134
Defense 131
Intelligence 117
knowledge 109
Hero Specialty: Juggernaut

Hero special skills: master swordsmanship, master attack technique, advanced combat skills, advanced air magic...

Branch stunts: master-level swordsmanship branch - multi-sword control (advanced after strengthening), master-level offensive branch - bloodthirsty combo (advanced after strengthening).

Skills, magic: blade storm, shadow dragon raid, attack acceleration...

 I didn't expect to write so late this time, sorry, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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