start an archangel

Chapter 1252 The Ambush Begins

Chapter 1252 The Ambush Begins

After Da Liang left the cave, the apostle began to wait nervously.Now that the obelisk has been transported out of the Cathedral of Eternal Night, the time for the operation to start is not far away.

This is the first time for the apostles to participate in this level of battle. The opponents have already shown four holy angels and twelve archangels. After entering the battle, they will definitely face more angels, even in the sky. There may also be a High Angel hidden on the battleship.

Tier 16 heroes have the highest combat power in the game world. When the Tier 16 heroes invited by Da Liang also join the battle, the apostles will experience a Tier 16 battle at close range.

Nervous, scared, and full of anticipation for the imminent ambush.

At this time, noisy roars came from the entrance of the cave, and the apostles looked out vigilantly, and saw that the entire space outside the cave was filled with countless flying undead monsters.

They made noisy noises and flew past the entrance of the cave with a whistling sound, while some stopped directly at the entrance of the cave, staring at the apostles inside the cave with empty eyes.

what's going on?
Questions arose in the hearts of the apostles at the same time... Is there a monster riot?

When the ambush is about to start, encountering a monster riot is not a good thing.Under the attack of so many undead monsters, the apostles simply didn't have the energy to rob the obelisk transported by the space battleship.

However, when the apostles were about to ask Da Liang about the outside situation, they received an attack signal from Da Liang at the same time. to fight!
Even though they were full of doubts and worries about the battle situation, the high combat literacy of the apostles let them walk into the teleportation array together.

After receiving the coordinates given by Da Liang on the 12th, he immediately activated the teleportation array to drop the ambush personnel.


The supreme angel Uriye flew up from the bridge of the space battleship. He was wearing a white full-body armor trimmed with gold trim, and even the outer edge of the wings behind his back was covered with a layer of gold trim. His image was extremely gorgeous.

Facing the overwhelming undead monsters flying in front of him, Uriye swung the angel sword forward, and a golden sword light with a length of [-] meters cut towards the airspace ahead.

Wherever the sword light passed, the undead monsters hit were all split into two...

The angels stationed on the space battleship all lifted off and joined the angels who were originally escorting outside to form a defensive circle around the space battleship.The task of controlling the flight of the battleship was handed over to the human sailors, and the magic eye located in the cockpit applied one after another buff magic to the guardian angels.

In addition to the four holy angels who escorted the space battleship at the beginning, two more holy angels flew to the wings of Ouriye.

One of the holy guards, Dourier, said: "My lord, we have warned the Cathedral of Eternal Night and Cloud City, but..."

Uriye watched as a sword he sent out killed a group of undead monsters, then hit the opposite cliff and caused a landslide. The explosion and boulders killed a group of nearby undead monsters.Ouriye, who was very satisfied with the effect of this attack, asked his subordinate holy guard: "What happened?"

"My lord, the space around us has been disturbed... Neither the Cathedral of Eternal Night nor Cloud City can use space teleportation to support us. Lord Gabriel and Lord Metatron have sent reinforcements and tried to find us The correct space coordinates here." The holy guard said in a worried tone: "Archangel Michael, ask protect the escorted obelisk."

After Uriye heard it, he swung his sword and opened a portal beside him, and then he felt that the exit opposite the portal was not the world of heroic spirits that he wanted to open.

"The enemy has a very strong space-specialized hero!" After confirming that the space here was really disturbed, Ouriye smoothed the open portal and ordered to his subordinates: "This is a premeditated ambush...but it's not too late. Don't worry too much, it's very close to the Eternal Night Cathedral, and the support from Cloud City can reach the Eternal Night Cathedral first, and then search for us.

It won't take too long.

No matter who ambushed me here today, it is impossible to take the obelisk from my hands! "

Ouriye's self-confidence stabilized the flustered angels who were attacked... Facing the undead monsters that had rushed in front of them, all the angels summoned light shields together, and gave shield strikes at the nearby monsters, and then followed the trend with their swords cut off.

And more undead monsters rushed over, filling up the space around the space battleship, and then launched a crazy attack on the angel and the battleship.

Boom boom boom...

The artillery on both sides of the space battleship sprayed out long tongues of flame, and the small shotgun loaded in the barrel formed a barrage that was pushed out horizontally in front of the muzzle.

The undead that had just gathered were blasted down, and more undead monsters filled up again.

In the free fire mode, the human sailors used their fastest speed to continuously fire at the monsters outside.There is no need to adjust the angle to aim, and the gunpowder and shotgun are loaded into the gun chamber and ignited immediately. When the fuze shoots sparks, the sailors push the gun to extend the muzzle out of the gun port.

With a can always hit a few undead raging outside the hull.

Ballistas located throughout the hull fired short spears at the undead monsters flying over the sky. While maintaining the battleship's defensive magic, the magic eye continuously released large-scale killing magic outward.

The angels firmly controlled the rhythm of the battle, kept the undead monsters out of the battleship, and covered the battleship to move forward.

Uriye and the holy angels did not participate in the battle against the undead monsters. They were guarding above the space battleship and the obelisk fixed at the bottom of the ship.

In front of the world's most elite angel team, no matter how many undead monsters there are without command, they are bluffing and vulnerable. The real threat is those enemies who summon so many undead.

The attack of the undead monsters is just the beginning. Their role is not only to restrain the power of some angels, but also to cover the approach of the real enemy.

More and more undead monsters surrounded them... covering the sky and the sun.When a huge black shadow appeared above the sky battleship, Ouriye, who saw clearly what it was, knew that the real test of himself had begun.


The apostles who entered the battlefield through space teleportation were stunned by what they saw.

They either use flying props or ride flying creatures to stop in the air, and the surrounding airspace is filled with flying undead monsters.In the dense and dark area in the field of vision, the cliffs on both sides could not be seen.The apostles can only know their approximate positions through the air combat auxiliary system and the calculation prompts of their respective logistics data support teams.

As for where the enemy to ambush is... I don't know at all.

(End of this chapter)

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