start an archangel

Chapter 1261 Opening the Trading of Vampiric Sword Guards

Chapter 1261 Opening the Trading of Vampiric Sword Guards
The apostles were very satisfied with Da Liang's sale of vampire sword guard heroes. Fifty vampires can be exchanged for a vampire sword guard hero... The price is very affordable.

You must know that fifty vampires are carefully cultivated, and even one vampire hero may not be able to be cultivated through exhaustion.Now, fifty vampires can be exchanged for one vampire sword guard hero directly, and the price/performance ratio is simply beyond the sky...

The ninth-level biological blood-sucking sword guard is two biological levels higher than the seventh-level biological vampire.After becoming a hero, the growth rate and attributes of the vampire sword guard must be much higher than that of a vampire.Not to mention that fifty vampires are needed for exchange, even one hundred vampires are definitely in short supply.

As for the secret sale...

The apostles also quickly thought of the purpose of destroying the world.

The robbery of the obelisk this time can be said to have completely offended Cloud City.Losing such an important item, the angels in Cloud City City will definitely not let it go, and will definitely cast a net all over the world to track it down.

Although the apostles did this robbery very neatly, they still left some clues for Yunzhong City.

The special heroes participating in the battle include Vampire Sword Guard, Frost Dragon, and black unknown 15th-level creatures.

The Frost Dragon and those black Level 15 creatures are easy to deal with. Not only are they few in number, they are all owned by Mieshi. As long as Mieshi hides them carefully and uses them carefully, it is relatively easy to escape the search of Cloud City City.

The vampire sword guard hero is very difficult to handle...

The blood-sucking sword guard heroes in the hands of the apostles must not be used in the future; and not only the apostles of the shadow of death have them, but also the blood-sucking sword guards who flowed out of the apostles’ hands can’t be found, let alone bring the blood-sucking sword guard maids to show off everywhere. The big bright.

Once Yunzhongcheng finds traces of the vampire sword guard, it is easy to find the shadow of death.Even if the apostles didn't say that they would destroy the world, it would be a big trouble for them to be watched by Yunzhong City all the time.

Since there is no way to control the blood-sucking sword guard heroes, let them flood...

Let more players have blood-sucking sword guard heroes to distract the sight of Cloud City.No matter how awesome Yunzhongcheng is, it is impossible to track down the player's trading line. As long as the apostles are careful when selling blood-sucking sword guard heroes, and conduct more offline communication and transfers, even Michael will search for it himself. not over the head of the shadow of death.

For the apostles, there is no reason to refuse such a good thing of sending money and heroes.

The apostles expressed their gratitude to Da Liang one after another, and promised to make the deal of the blood-sucking sword guard hero perfect.And worried: "No. Zero, will you lose money by doing this?"

From the transaction of exchanging vampires for vampire sword guards, it can be seen that vampire sword guards are transformed from vampires, and then trained to make vampire sword guards advanced and become heroes.

Even if Mieshi has a special method to complete this transformation of different species, there must be consumption in such transformation.Just like a seventh-level vampire who advances to an eighth-level advanced vampire, he must gain enough experience through battles, and then consume gold coins and a certain amount of city contribution to advance from the high-level mansion in the undead city.

It will only consume more vampires to advance to the vampire sword guard, let alone train the vampire sword guard into a hero.

The apostles did not believe that Mieshi could use fifty vampires to transform a vampire sword guard hero. Even if it was really possible to do it, the time, money and other things consumed in the middle would be tantamount to giving away for nothing.The only thing that can be explained is that Mieshi is preparing to lose money, spreading the blood-sucking sword guard heroes all over the world as quickly as possible, so that Yunzhongcheng can't find him.

Faced with the worries of the apostles, Da Liang smiled and said, "Ordinary vampire sword guards will definitely lose money selling fifty vampires, but if they are lucky enough to train top-notch heroes, they can also make a fortune.

In general... not much to pay. "

Just as the apostles had guessed, the purpose of Da Liang's sale of the vampire sword guard hero was to distract Cloud City City's attention.

The Frost Dragon can hide, the Shadow Dragon Demon can be invisible, and the Vampire Sword Guard is the type of hero that Da Liang uses most frequently, and it is easy to attract angels to his door.

If there are too many vampire sword guards, they will be everywhere.Even if Yun Zhongcheng came to find him, Da Liang would dare to firmly deny it.

As for the cost of the blood-sucking sword guard hero...

With Gale to increase the success rate of the Unholy Prison, the success rate of Vampire-to-Vampire Swordguard has increased from 4:1 to about 3.5:1.After training on the battlefield and blood sacrifice, although fifty vampires could not reach the high yield of two blood-sucking sword guard heroes, they were not far behind.

Therefore, it can be regarded as the time spent on leveling. If fifty vampires are exchanged for one blood-sucking sword guard hero, Da Liang just doesn't make much money and won't lose money.You must know that even if the blood-sucking sword guard fails the blood sacrifice and cannot become a hero, it is still a very useful unit, and if a top-notch hero can be advanced, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Players who are developing relatively fast now can basically recruit seventh-order vampires, and ordinary players are also qualified to recruit vampires from undead cities.Although vampires are still relatively high-end arms, their output has been getting higher and higher.

If Da Liang wanted to expand his team of vampire sword guards and increase the number of vampire sword guard heroes, it was far from enough to rely solely on the output of the black fire collar and the rewards for doing tasks.

Only players can provide enough vampires for Da Liang, but buying vampires from players often costs more than three times the recruitment price of the territory, and popular units like vampires may cost even more.

The best way to get players to contribute vampires willingly exchange for high-level heroes.

No one can refuse the blood-sucking sword guard hero, and those who refuse are poor people who don't have fifty vampires in their hands.

As for whether the hero-level vampire sword guard will reveal the secret of the Black Fire Territory after transferring the contract?Da Liang expressed that he was not worried...

There is a setting for hero units in the Hero World game.

"Heroes who do not have a special status, if the hero level has not been improved, the employer can reset some non-ability attributes of the hero, such as memory and name."

Just like when Da Liang rose up, he named the three frost dragons Fu, Lu, and Shou.

When obtaining ghost dragons, Da Liang unified the names beginning with the word "Ye" for them. As a result, the shadow dragon monsters "Ye Se", "Ye Guang", and "Ye Feng" were all of the same generation.

The vampire sword guard heroes that Da Liang had sold before reset their memories first.Otherwise, some secrets of the Black Fire Territory would have been clarified by these shrewd apostles long ago.

Level 1 heroes are not out of the category of soldiers, they are commodities.Even the ultimate creature, as long as the hero level does not increase, it can be bought and sold at will.And when the hero is upgraded, it will take a lot of risk to transfer ownership at will.

(End of this chapter)

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