start an archangel

Chapter 1271 What Do You Want To Do?

Chapter 1271 What Do You Want To Do?

Metatron had already thought that he might be slaughtered, but he didn't expect Da Liang to be so ruthless. He said angrily: "But the Central Commercial District is only one-third of the entire Commercial Dominion!"

Da Liang picked up his wine glass again, and touched the wine glass in front of Metatron at the same time.After the pleasant sound like gold coins colliding ended, he said: "My lord, we are businessmen, this is business. We have already sold such valuable land very cheaply, even if Yunzhong City doesn't want it, some people are rushing to get it.

You must know that spending the same money to launch a war will never grab such a large piece of land.Especially since the location of this land is so good, in the middle of Eternal Night and Sigh.

I hope Cloudsdale will give me an answer within three days.Three days later, the measurement and valuation of the Dominion of Commerce and Trade in the Dead Country will be completed, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will conduct a full-scale auction of the commercial center as a commodity.

At that time, if Yunzhong City wants to buy again... it will not be the friendly price I gave. "

Metatron immediately calmed down his anger.

Compared with the price that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce bought from the Desolate Monarch, the price given by Da indeed much higher.But Da Liang was also right. Through war, it was absolutely impossible to obtain such a large area of ​​land in the middle of Yong Ye and Sigh.


Metatron cursed in his heart, but he still picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip unwillingly: "Okay, within three days, I will convince Michael. Cloud City will also sign the Neutrality Agreement of the Commercial Dominion, Please, Duke Daliang, leave the Central Business District to us..."

"It must be..." Da Liang raised his glass and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Metatron returned from Shangjiang City to Yunzhong City with a satisfactory and unsatisfactory result, and then told Michael about Da Liang's proposal to establish a commercial autonomous dominion of the kingdom of death through magic communication.

At the same time, he expressed his willingness to purchase the Central Business District of the Dominion.

The establishment of the Death Kingdom Commercial Dominion and the sale of the Commercial Central District to Yunzhong City, these two things made Michael somewhat unable to grasp the pulse of the Five-Color Banner Alliance.Are they leaning toward evil?Or do you want to use war and balance war to make money?
However, the Five Colors Alliance did scratch Metatron's itch in this matter.

Metatron is the dove leader of Cloud City, and his status as an angel mentor gives him an influence second only to Michael in Cloud City.Metatron doesn't like war, so the Cloud City Hawks led by Michael secretly led to the outbreak of the entire plane war, and forced Metatron into his chariot.

Even if the plane war breaks out, Metatron still sits in the cloud city and does not take the initiative to participate in the battlefields everywhere.

This time the five-color flag alliance is going to create a world of heroes and a commercial autonomous dominion of the country of death.Like the Overworld, the peaceful coexistence of good and evil creatures is exactly what Metatron has been looking forward to.

Michael wanted to oppose the five-color flag alliance's purchase of this land to finance Evernight City, but Metatron was persuaded.

Michael already felt that there was a big gap between him and Metatron.Because Cloud City has full-plane teleportation capabilities, Metatron can also cut space and teleport to the battlefield of Furnace City, but he didn't come...

Use the so-called excuse of guarding Cloud City.

But Michael knew that Metatron had parachuted into Shangjiang City in the main world twice.

He didn't want to come to see himself, because he had deceived him and brought so many excellent angels to the battlefield.


Michael couldn't help but sighed.

Now there is a third organization that found the crystal wall of the god plane. I don't know if there is a fourth or fifth organization.This is a competition, and the age of theocracy is bound to come, which is why neither he nor Lucifer dare to stop the war.Even if Yunzhong City and Furnace City reach a cease-and-desist agreement, they cannot stop the coming of the gods, so... they can only go down this road of no return.

Who is right and who is wrong... No one knows until the result is revealed.

Michael didn't think too much about this matter, and there was no need to make Metatron unhappy about this matter. An Eternal Night City couldn't cause too much trouble.

Maybe we can see what attitude the Five-Color Flag Alliance has in this war.

Moreover, there is a piece of land in Yunzhong City in the kingdom of death, so it is convenient to do something secretly.

Especially the matter of regaining the Obelisk...

Cloud City decided to buy the Central Business District of the Free Trade Territory of the Kingdom of Death.After Metatron signed the Neutrality Agreement for the Commercial Dominion, and the gold coins for land purchase began to be paid, Cloud City owned a piece of land of its own in the Kingdom of Death, and together with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, began to build the Freedom of Commerce.

Finally, the matter of rebuilding Eternal Night City was perfectly resolved...

After the Cloud City was settled, Da Liang accepted the call of the Pope of Sadness and came to the City of Sighs from Shangjiang City.

The City of Sighs, which woke up first, is the most powerful city in the entire Kingdom of the Dead.The business cooperation with Shangjiang City allowed the Pope of Sadness to have the funds and time to fully develop his territory.

The war against Evernight City greatly expanded the territory of the City of Sighs. After the Desolate Monarch sold the Commercial Dominion to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the territory of the Pope of Sorrow became the largest in the Kingdom of Death.

Such an achievement made Sad, who was once ranked seventh, a little inflated. He wanted to make his City of Sighs the number one main city in the Kingdom of Death.

But the City of Sighs is not comparable to the City of Eternal Night in terms of scale or heritage.

Now that the Eternal Night Cathedral has returned to its site, and the Eternal Night City has begun to be rebuilt, the sad pope is very jealous.And the reason why the Desolate Sovereign was able to rebuild Eternal Night City was entirely because... Shangjiang City gave money.

This must have a huge relationship with Da Liang, that is, Eviscerate.

Lord Desolate, Lucas, Lord Eviscerate, and the Pope of Sorrow feel that a small group has formed under their hands.

So the Pope of Sorrow summoned one of the most important members of this small group... the Eviscerated Monarch.

Da Liang put on his royal robe, and under Will's guidance, he saw the sad pope under the statue of the God of Death in the Cathedral Hall of the City of Sighs.

Then the Pope of Sorrow signaled that Will left the hall with all the senior priests and knights of the Holy See, leaving only Sorrow and Da Liang standing opposite each other under the statue.

In the dark hall, the wandering phosphorous fire made the place eerie.

After a long time, the sad pope said: "You are too close to the desolate monarch, which makes me feel a great sense of crisis. And Lucas...the only three dead monarchs under my subordinates have reached a certain level. An alliance in this sense, are you trying to empty me?

Want to make the two cities that have finally ceased fighting start a war again?

And... What is the commercial autonomous territory established by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce?Why did Yunzhong City buy a piece of land belonging to the kingdom of death from you?

What on earth are you trying to do! "

(End of this chapter)

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