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Chapter 1278 Torch Tower

Chapter 1278 Torch Tower

Using black elf slaves as part of the payment for the purchase of war equipment, and using rare resources and alchemy minerals as the other part of the payment, the pressure on the gold coins of the Iron Hoof Kingdom will be greatly relieved.

So Moore said to Da Liang: "Is your lord interested in black elf slaves? These black elves will be the best fighters in the battle against elves.

If the Duke agrees that we use black elf slaves to pay part of the purchase cost, I will try my best to capture them in the war against the black elves. "

Da Liang had indeed taken a fancy to the black elves. Apart from buying a batch of black elf slaves for Shangjiang as soldiers, he also had the idea of ​​replenishing the population of the Cihe black elf tribe.

Now that Moore is so up-to-date and offered to trade black elf slaves, Da Liang agreed casually: "Of course, I believe these black elf slaves can play an important role in the war against the dreamland and reduce the number of our five-color flags." Confederate losses.

In the past few days, Lord Moore can discuss a purchase list with your generals.I will ask Shangjiang City to supply your army as soon as possible according to the contents of the list.

I believe that the first batch of war equipment and supporting materials can arrive here with the first batch of dwarf weapons, and it will definitely not delay your expedition, my lord.

In addition... I allow the Iron Hoof Kingdom to pay the first batch of war materials on credit. After the Iron Hoof Kingdom pays for the first batch of materials, we will immediately send out the second batch of materials through Obsidian City.

Subsequent material distribution and settlement will be carried out in this way.

Lord Moore, what do you think of my method? "

It is allowed to press a batch of payment...Da Liang expressed to Moore the sincerity of Shangjiang City in this transaction.Moore's army can use these weapons to fight against the black elves first, and after capturing the slaves of the black elves, use the slaves to supplement part of the payment.If Da Liang asked the Iron Hoof Kingdom to settle the first batch of payment first, the Iron Hoof Kingdom would have to use a large amount of gold coins without black elf slaves.

Of course, Moore will not have any dissatisfaction with this settlement method that is beneficial to him.

"Just do as the adults say..." With dwarf weapons and human war equipment, Moore is very optimistic about the form of war.It can be said... as long as he doesn't make major command mistakes, there is almost no suspense in the war against the black elves.Being able to eliminate the black elves and arm a powerful army to return to the plane battlefield, there is really nothing more wonderful in this world.

The dispute between the dwarves and the kingdom of Ironhoof is over, and the two sides hold hands for survival.

All the torch towers in the Kingdom of Iron Hoof were leased to the dwarves, and dwarf weapon manufacturing factories were built around the torch towers.The ground fire was introduced into the workshop, and the dwarf craftsmen were bare-chested, exposing their strong muscles, and wielding heavy hammers, hitting the red-hot metal blocks one by one.

Manufactured armor and battle axes were packed into straw-covered wooden crates and loaded onto vehicles, and the departing convoy quickly disappeared into the shadows of the torch tower's illuminated edge.

The dwarves exude a strong vitality of revival, and Obsidian City is recovering from the devastation of the war day by day.


Kingdom of Iron Hoof, Crimes Mountains.

This underground mountain range with a span of hundreds of kilometers lies across the super large cave on the upper level of Obsidian City, with many peaks and cave roofs connected together.In the dark environment of the underground, the Crimean Mountains are like a black barrier.

In a certain valley in the Crimean Mountains, the flames of a thousand-meter-high torch tower illuminate the entire valley.

Below the torch tower is a newly built dwarven weapon manufacturing factory, and a dwarf barracks surrounds the weapon manufacturing factory and the torch tower.

Unlike the Obsidian City Torch Tower which is right next to the city, the Crimean Torch Tower is very remote.The torch tower located in the valley makes the light in this small area brighter, and the aborigines in the dungeon are very sensitive to strong light, so that neither intelligent creatures nor monsters in the dungeon will enter this valley casually .

Therefore, for the Iron Hoof Kingdom, the Crimean Torch Tower is a special building that only exists on the map. No one will pay special attention to it until it is leased to the dwarves.

Since there are no underground monsters around the Crimean Torch Tower, the dwarves did not encounter much difficulty in accepting it here.

This made the road to the Crimean Torch Tower difficult, but the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory was the first to be built and production began.

The sound of "clinking" iron came from the blacksmith workshops that were illuminated by red light. The patrolling dwarven bear cavalry wandered within the range of the torch tower, carefully guarding against the underground monsters hiding on the other side of the shadow.

The torch tower burns quietly, emitting light and heat.

Inside the tower is an independent space.There are one hundred tower floors, each floor has powerful guards, and each floor is stronger than the next.This is a trial dungeon specially prepared for players. After players have completed their level 50 main task challenges, they can also gain good results by brushing the torch tower frequently.

The 15th floor of the Torch Tower Dungeon is the [-]% powerful Flame Temple, where there is a [-]th-level Flame Commander waiting for players to step up to the ultimate challenge.

But the Flame Temple of the Crimean Torch Tower, there are two Flame Commanders standing.

The spacious temple was filled with red flames.

The two Lie Yan leaders stood facing each other.They were all covered in fiery red armor, and fire heads emerged from the gaps in the armor.The same burly body, but one of them is bigger.

"Who are you?" the slightly smaller Lie Yan Commander asked.

He is the guard of this flame temple.When he discovered that someone broke through the guards of the torch tower and reached the flame temple, he was ready to show up to the tower breaker for the final test.

As a result, when he appeared, he found that...the one standing in front of him was another leader of Lie Yan.

The strange tower breaker made Lie Yan, who was guarding here, not attack immediately, because this was the first time he had seen the same kind since he was born.

The commander of the flames cannot leave the flame temple he guards. How did the commander of the flames in front of him leave the torch tower he guarded and get here?
The slightly larger Flame Commander replied: "My name is Mieshi... As you can see, I am the same creature as you. Now... tell me your name!"

The leader of the flames who broke through the tower is Da Liang's second form.

Although the hero level of Mieshi still hadn't reached level 50, after Da Liang completed his level 50 main mission, some restrictions on the space of the torch tower were unlocked.Although Mieshi has no way to enter the torch tower, Da Liang can use the human form to enter the dungeon first, and then switch to the hero body.

(End of this chapter)

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