start an archangel

Chapter 1282 Meredith

Chapter 1282 Meredith
The Palace of the Lord of the Golden Cave City.

Fegmina twisted her waist and stood up from the seat. In the non-combat state, the eight spider legs transformed from the 16th level did not appear from behind her.The torches lit on both sides of the main hall provided a dim light here, illuminating the coral-red leather armor on Fegmina's body which was different from that of ordinary black elf mistresses.

The black elf's clothes have always been sexy. The female black elf boldly exposed her skin. The large area of ​​smooth white skin on her shoulders, lower abdomen, and thighs was very capable of arousing a man's lust.But the black elves never show off their charm. They regard males as lowly creatures, and they have the arrogance of feminists in their bones.

Knee-high boots, with a whip in hand, the thick queen fan can stimulate the G-spot of some men to shake their M.

Fegmina walked up to a person whose body was completely hidden under the smock, walked around this person, and sniffed the scent of the person with her nose.

Then he took a step back and said to the visitor: "I have heard that Meredith is the most beautiful angel in Cloudsdale, with a face that makes Michael jealous. I never thought that one day I would be able to Seeing you, in this endless labyrinth of darkness, in this golden cave city deviated, a supreme angel stands before me.

Show your looks...feminine beauty doesn't need anything to hide.Let your brilliance illuminate my hall, and then we will talk about why Cloudsdale specially sent a female supreme angel to our barbaric race..."

Meredith is the fourth highest ranking angel in Cloudsdale. As an auxiliary battle angel who specializes in battlefield support, Meredith hardly participates in any diplomatic affairs of Cloudsdale.Meredith was sent to see Fegmina this time, obviously because the Black Elves are a matriarchal society, and the visit of a female angel can better communicate with Fegmina at a closer distance.

Fegmina felt that Yunzhong City had lowered its posture when it came into contact with her this time, as if there was something that needed the help of the Black Elf tribe of the Golden Cave.So she put on a high profile and raised her social status in order to gain more benefits in the negotiation.

Asked to show his appearance, Meredith took off the smock without hesitation, the angel wings spread out, and the holy light filled the entire castle hall, revealing all the hidden and invisible black elves nearby.

Meredith has the title of the most beautiful angel.She has golden curly hair, impeccable appearance, and a person with an unstable mind may be directly captured by her beauty just by taking a look, and then ignore the force that she possesses as a supreme angel.

The beauty of Meredith is as famous as Angela, the lord of hell, and they are responsible for the beauty of the good camp and the evil camp respectively.It's just that unlike Angela who likes to use her beauty to seduce and charm her opponents, Meredith never uses her beauty to actively weaken her opponents.This is probably the reason why Meredith's ranking is a little higher than Angela's in their respective camps.

"I'm covering up, I just don't want too many people to know that I'm coming to the Golden Cave City..." Meredith glanced at the exposed black elf assassins around her contemptuously, and then said to Fegmina: "You I can let all irrelevant personnel go out... Since Yunzhong City sent me to Golden Cave City, it does not have any malice.

At least until the end of our negotiation this time, Cloudsdale doesn't have much hostility towards the Black Elves.Therefore, I also ask Mistress Fegmina not to do too many things that affect my judgment. These boring and useless ambushes will only reduce my impression of the black elves of Golden Cave City.

Cloud City wanted to find a smart partner in the Endless Labyrinth, not an... nouveau riche without any foresight and vision. "

The ambush she set up was so easily dismantled, which made Fegmina a little embarrassed.She originally wanted to show off her strength in front of Yunzhongcheng, but in the end she really saw how awesome Yunzhongcheng is.

Meredith is a long-renowned supreme angel, but people often only remember that she is the most beautiful angel in Cloudsdale, but it is easy to ignore her ranking among the supreme angels.

This trial made Fei Gemin intuitively realize that although he comprehended the law and became a 16th-level hero, the difference in strength between him and those old 16th-level heroes... How big is it?

At least he couldn't do it himself, so easily find out all the 15th-order high-level black elf assassins in the hall at once.

Fegmina quickly repositioned herself, facing Cloud City... the black elves of Golden Cave City really don't have much bargaining power, and it is already a great deal of face for them to send a female supreme angel.

"What more bicycle!"

"Lord Supreme Meredith, please forgive me for being too cautious, after all... The Endless Labyrinth belongs to the evil camp, while Cloudsdale belongs to the good camp.

But no matter which camp the black elf is in now or in the future, our awe of Cloudsdale will never change.

My apologies again...

We have just occupied Golden Cave City not long ago, so we don't know if there is any undiscovered detection magic in this hall.If your lord does not want our conversation to leak out, please follow me..."

Fergmina took Meredith to a small meeting room protected by isolation magic.

Sitting in the chair carved with stone, Fergmina raised her legs in a very inconspicuous way, but after seeing Meredith's dignified sitting posture, she quickly returned to the normal sitting posture, and said in a humble tone: "Listen From the news that your lord came to Golden Cave City until now... I have been thinking about the purpose of your lord's coming to see me.

But I have always wondered why the Endless Maze attracted the attention of Cloud City.Judging from the current situation, the world factory of the good camp has a great advantage over the endless maze, and we black elves are also changing directions to help the good camp attack the dungeon kings.

It can be said that compared with other plane battlefields, the war here should be the most reassuring for Cloud City City.

Why does Cloud City help Black Elf at this time?Lord Meredith... I think you came so secretly this time, you probably didn't tell the warlocks at the World Factory.

What do you want from me? "

From the information revealed by Meredith, Fegmina could guess that Cloudsdale wanted to support the Black Elf tribe in Golden Cave City.She also vaguely pointed out in the words just now that the black elf attacked the dungeon king, which was an ally-like behavior.

Just because of the status of the elves in the good camp, Cloud City probably wouldn't lure the black elves into the good camp.In addition, when Cloud City was involved in the two evil planes of the kingdom of death and hell at the same time, it suddenly became interested in the endless maze, which puzzled Fegmina.

(End of this chapter)

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