Chapter 1315

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Fu Fu was afraid of his thighs, and said: "Yes! Flatten NJ City, break through Shangjiang City. Let the entire main world see the power of our stone wilderness, and see which city dares to resist us.

Tomorrow I will lead the army to charge and break through the city at once! "

Facing the rage full of fighting spirit, Jushi said calmly: "No...we won't attack the city tomorrow..."

Furious didn't expect Jushi to say such words at this time, he asked, "Didn't you say that we are going to flatten the city of NJ? How can we rush in if we don't attack the city?"

Jushi replied: "In today's battle, the defenders of NJ City repelled our attack, and their morale must be high. If we continue to attack tomorrow, it will definitely be a fierce battle.

There are supreme angels, crystal dragons, purple dragons, and that powerful evil angel in NJ city.

There are soothsayers, and there is a very powerful commander.

Even if you lead the Beamon Saint Beast to charge and face a defender with high morale, you may not be able to attack the city of NJ.

Have you ever wondered what it would do to the morale of our troops if you failed?Today's defeat is just an ordinary battle for this army. Our orc warriors are not afraid of casualties.

But the great chief and the Beamon holy beasts were defeated, and there was really no way to fight this war. "

Fury also realized the consequences of leading an army to attack the city.On the plane battlefield, the army with 16th-level heroes has always insisted on avoiding 16th-level heroes from going to battle prematurely, because they are afraid of causing irreparable impact on the morale of the army.

If before attacking NJ City, someone said that he could not lead a team to break through a 13th-level main world city-state, he would definitely slap him with fury.But after experiencing the battle during the day, Fury didn't dare to underestimate the hell city in front of him.

Think about the NJ city investigation team encountered today, an evil angel, a human race with angel wings, and a burning unicorn restrained themselves, causing a Beamon holy beast to be killed by Zilong.

This is still a battle in one's own occupied area.

If there is a complete city defense, what kind of combat effectiveness will these dragons and high-level heroes supported by Shangjiang City display?

Fury suddenly lost confidence in attacking NJ City.

"What should I do?"

Jushi replied: "Wait a minute, wait until the morale of the defenders of NJ City drops. It is impossible for a defender to maintain a long-term alert state without high-intensity fighting.

The west line continued to block the waterway, and the east line stepped up efforts to attack Zijin Volcano.

Wait seven days later...we will attack the city again. "

Furious and puzzled, he asked, "But our food doesn't last for seven days."

Jushi looked at the city illuminated by fire in the distance, and said: "Our enemy thinks the same way... Within seven days, we will attack NJ City every other day, so as not to let the defenders have any doubts, and let them always win and despise us. Seven days later, the whole army moved eastward to make the NJ city defenders think that we were short of food and wanted to join the elves.

After we left, it was definitely the most relaxing moment for the defenders of NJ City, and we turned around and attacked NJ City overnight, and you and the Beamon Saint Beast rushed into the city, and we will definitely be able to rush in. "

Fury still admires Jushi's war command ability very much. The two of them used their brains and hands together to create a world in the wilderness of stones.

For Jushi's strategy, Furious praised again and again, but he was worried about the food again: "What shall we eat after seven days?"

"For these seven days, the soldiers participating in the siege can eat enough. The soldiers who do not attack the city will have half the food.

On the night of the sneak attack on NJ City, the whole army had a full meal and attacked the city with all their strength. "

"That's it!"

Rampage had no objection to Monolith's plans.

However, when the two of them were discussing the specific tactics of stealing the city after seven days, an emissary came from the elves.

Bavaria was appointed by King Wadsworth to come to the battlefield in NJ City to beat these orcs who did not work hard.After seeing the two great chiefs, Boulder and Fury, he first saluted and then took the posture of a high elf, and said a little arrogantly: "After His Majesty Wadsworth got the battle situation in NJ City, he was very impressed with the fighting power of the orc allies. disappointment.

In front of our elves are the elite of the Five Color Banner Alliance Army, including the King of the Hill and the Holy Bella.The number of crystal dragons, purple dragons, and poisonous dragons is also much more than yours.

But we have broken through the city of Hang Z and are driving the enemy out of the city step by step.

And the orc army of the two golden tents, facing the defense of a motley army, did not even approach the city wall of NJ City.

Our elves have given you so much commission, not for you to come and play, the progress of the war in NJ City can no longer keep up with the rhythm of this battle. "

Fury wanted to give this arrogant elf messenger a little color, but was stopped by the boulder.

The boulder blocked the fury with his hand, lowered his head and said to Bavaria: "Please apologize to His Majesty Wadsworth for me. Our underestimation of the enemy's strength caused the failure of today's siege. Please rest assured, since we have accepted the elves commission, they will fight with all their might.

The orc army only needs some adjustments, and it will definitely be able to break through the city of NJ.

After all, our food can only last for seven days, and we can't beat NJ City. Our soldiers will starve. "

Bavaria is very satisfied with Jushi's attitude, and he knows that Da Liang was sent by Shangjiang to take charge of the defense of NJ City.Bavaria, which has repeatedly suffered losses in the hands of Da Liang, knows that it is normal for the orc army, which underestimates the enemy, to suffer a little loss here.As long as the orcs can learn today's lesson, it will not be difficult to break through NJ City.

"Honorable Great Chief of the Boulder, I will bring your words to His Majesty Wadsworth. In addition, His Majesty Wadsworth was very worried about the stomachs of the orc warriors after learning of the food shortage of the orc allies.

We cannot let our allies go hungry to help us fight, so His Majesty Wadsworth has decided to send you another batch of food.

This batch of food will leave tomorrow from the battlefield of Hangzhou Z City, and your old friend Feishazoshi will be responsible for the rhyme.This is the route that the grain transportation team will take. Please send the army to respond in time, Chief Jushi. "

Bavaria gave Jushi a map, and after confirming that the orc army would attack NJ City with all its strength, he left the orc camp and returned to the battlefield of Hangzhou Z City to report.

Jushi looked at the food transportation route on the map and didn't know what to think about. He was very happy when he learned that a batch of food would be delivered: "Great, with this batch of food, our soldiers don't have to go hungry."

But Jushi said: "We have no way to absolutely control our sky on the battlefield of NJ City. When this batch of food arrives, it is likely to be detected by the NJ City defenders.

In this way, our retreat after seven days will arouse the suspicion of the defenders of NJ City, and finally lead to the failure of stealing the city.

We can't ask for this batch of food..."

Although Fury felt that it was a pity not to want these grains, but for the sake of the whole plan to steal the city, it was true that this batch of grains could not enter the orc barracks.

"I will send someone to tell King Wadsworth not to transport food to NJ city."

Jushi laughed and said, "Luck...let them transport...then find a high-level assassin and throw this map into NJ City along with the news that the elves have delivered food to us."

(End of this chapter)

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