start an archangel

Chapter 1319 Cavalry Ambush

Chapter 1319 Cavalry Ambush
Holy Isaiah disguised himself as a crusader hero, mixed with a human army that was supported from overseas, and was then incorporated into the military sequence of the Shangjiang human race.

Then Isaiah showed extraordinary combat power, which made him stand out in Shangjiang's army very quickly, and was appointed as the squadron leader to command an elite squadron composed entirely of crusaders to participate in the patrol of Shangjiang City.

The rise of the five-color flag alliance was so fast that Yunzhong City was caught off guard, and it repeatedly affected the strategy of the good camp.Vaguely... the whole plane is developing towards a three-legged confrontation, which Michael does not want to see.

However, the main force of Yunzhongcheng is in Hell Furnace City, and part of their energy is still looking for the obelisk in the kingdom of death. Now they have reached into the endless maze, and they are really powerless to suppress the five-color flag alliance.

Michael knew what kind of impact the war launched by Shangjiang would have on the main world, and the timing of this war made Yunzhongcheng too uncomfortable.The war of planes has entered a stalemate period. Although the good camp has gained an advantage, it still needs to continue to invest in the situation to break through.

At this time, the five-color flag alliance cannot be allowed to completely fall to the evil camp.

And you can't just watch the development of the five-color flag alliance, and finally affect the structure of the whole world.

If Dreamland can beat Shang Jiang to a disability this time, it would of course be the best result.But everything needs to be considered in a pessimistic direction. If the Dreamland fails, then no one can stop Shangjiang and the main world.

So Michael thought of the beheading plan.

According to the information obtained by Yunzhong City, King Joyce, the owner of Shangjiang City, played a vital role in the establishment and development of the Five Color Banner Alliance.

Her performance in Shangjiang from chaos to unity also made Michael extremely admired.

Michael saw King Joyce as a hero, a conqueror.

The headquarters of the Five-Color Banner Alliance is located in Shangjiang City, and Shangjiang City controls the pocketbook of the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

It can be said that if Shangjiang collapsed, the Five-Color Banner Alliance would not be able to sustain itself.With the death of King Joyce, the internal contradictions of Shangjiang, who was subdued by her, will be exposed again.

Then the five-color flag alliance is no longer a threat.

Therefore, Joyce is the weakest link in the entire five-color flag alliance. She is not a 16th-level hero, and she can be killed like a 15th-level hero.

The task of Holy Isaiah coming to Shangjiang this time is to assassinate Joyce.

Now Isaiah has successfully blended into Shangjiang's army and became the captain of an elite squadron.Although he is only a newly added hero, he has not been reused yet, even if he patrols in the city, he cannot approach the palace.However, Isaiah has successfully attracted the attention of a nobleman, a very well-known general, who promoted Isaiah to be the squadron leader.

Today, the nobleman threw an olive branch again, wanting to recruit Isaiah to be his personal guard.

As long as Isaiah agrees, he will have the opportunity to enter Shangjiang Palace, and it will be very easy to meet Joyce.

The Shangjiang Palace has already begun secret preparations for Joyce's enthronement and proclaiming himself emperor. As soon as the two-front war between NJ City and Hangzhou Z City is over, the orc army and elf army will enter the border of Shangjiang.

Shangjiang immediately established the First Empire of the Main World, and issued a notice to all the city-states of the Main World, requiring the city-states of the Main World to submit to the First Empire and fight against the invasion of the high-level planes together.

At that time, the Great Light will prompt Hell, the Kingdom of Death, and the Iron Hoof Kingdom of the Endless Labyrinth to recognize the legitimacy of the First Empire of the main world and withdraw troops from the cities of the main world that declared their obedience to the First Empire.This point, relying on Da Liang's status in the three planes, it is not difficult to do it with a little more money.

With the prestige established by fighting in the dreamland and the stone wilderness; with the support of the evil camp, the integration of the main world by the First Empire will become a matter of course.

According to the battle situation between NJ City and Hang Z City, Shangjiang is more confident in establishing an empire, so of course the ceremony for Joyce to proclaim himself emperor should be as grand as possible.

Everyone in Shangjiang Palace is busy.

While Joyce was busy preparing for the enthronement ceremony, he also kept meeting the nobles who held important positions in Shangjiang.

Shangjiang is responsible for the logistics and military output of the entire war, which is related to whether the frontline combat troops can get the most powerful support, and there is no room for carelessness or sloppy.

Joyce himself was a soldier and an excellent commander.The Shangjiang logistics command team headed by her is an important part of this war.

A crisis is approaching Joyce quietly, but the Holy Bella is not by her side.

And Da Liang... on the battlefield to intercept the elves' food delivery team.

Shi Fei did not expect to encounter Da Liang here.Da Liang did not expect that the elf commander in charge of escorting this batch of food turned out to be Shi Fei.

The two destined enemies suddenly encountered in this ambush, and the battle that could have shocked the players of the whole world started in this remote wilderness.

The information from the unknown source was accurate. According to the map, Da Liang set up an ambush behind a hill outside Yixing City.Then, at the expected time, the scouts from the high school alliance were attacked by a team of players.During the battle, the players of the High School League discovered that the opponent turned out to be the one who dominated the legion.

After receiving the news, Da Liang immediately guessed something. He ordered the personnel of the University Alliance not to get entangled with the Juggernaut Legion, and immediately went south to conduct a scouting with a net. As expected, he found the food transport team led by Shi Fei.

So Da Liang decisively ordered the whole army to attack, abandoning the pre-arranged ambush battlefield, and charged in the direction of Shi Fei's grain transportation team.

When the player scouting teams of the two sides began to fight, Shi Fei also discovered that his master army was facing the high school alliance.The purpose of the University League's arrangement of so many players in this remote and not strategically important place is self-evident.

They are looking for their own food delivery team...

Shi Fei didn't expect that his secret food transportation would be exposed like this. The enemy's army must be ambushing ahead, and if he moved forward, he would be in a trap.So Shi Fei immediately ordered his army to move the grain to a nearby hill, and quickly surrounded the grain carts to form a defensive position.

Before Shi Fei finished deploying his defense, Da Liang rushed over with his army.

Looking at the slightly chaotic elf army, Da Liang was a little thankful that he adjusted his tactics in time and took the initiative to attack.Otherwise, once Shi Fei builds up a defensive position, his cavalry probably won't be able to charge forward in the face of so many elf archers condescending long-distance blocking.

Seeing a gap that had not yet been closed by the grain truck, Da Liang ordered the trampler legion, dark knights, and terror knights to charge in groups, followed by the tracker legion.

All the vampires flew at low altitude in the form of bats, charging behind the heavy cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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