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Chapter 1327 Air to Ground

Chapter 1327 Air to Ground

The five purple dragons and the five mirror images of the purple dragons uttered dragon cries at the same time.

The ice magic ring exploded in the lower airspace.

The meteorite plummeted.

Thunderbolt across the sky.

Fire demon walls spread out in the air one after another.

Hundreds of air elements rushed towards the stone ball shot up from below.

Stone balls with arc-shaped flight paths are difficult to intercept, and when these stone balls rush to a certain height, a spiral flight effect appears again.

If you want to intercept the stone ball that has been strengthened by the magic ability of the earth system, it must be a frontal hit with a certain destructive power.

Purple dragons are mages, not marksmen and gunners with precision skills.Therefore, this kind of coverage interception does not have a good effect in the end.

Only about eight stone balls were successfully intercepted and destroyed.

The remaining stone balls continue to collide upwards.

Some were lost in the curvature of space and deviated from their direction, and some were smashed when they smashed through the force field shield... The remaining seven stone balls reached the airspace where Da Liang's team was.

boom boom boom...

The explosion of the fire element caused these stone balls to explode after reaching the position, the shock wave spread, and the shrapnel swept across. The mirror image of Zilong disappeared after being attacked, and the other members of the team were injured to varying degrees.

Fortunately, the team is well prepared in terms of defense capabilities. This attack did not pose much threat to them, but the second wave of ground-to-air attacks has been launched... on the way.

"Zilong supplements the defense system, the priest restores the team's damaged HP, and the knight continues to hold its position...

It's too passive to fight like this. The next tactic is nine defenses and one are in charge of defense, and I am in charge of counterattack. "

When Jushi led the Cyclops to launch the second wave of attacks, the purple dragons who had just resisted the first wave of attacks quickly replenished the damaged line of defense, and the priest players tried their best to pull back the reduced HP of each unit and keep everyone's HP The amount is above the safety line.

Da Liang used the method of throwing coins to launch a local tyrant-level magic circle.

The joining of Nicole and Zilong Alchemy Master has rapidly improved the alchemy level of the Black Fire Territory, and the sharing of the alchemy technology system of the multi-ethnic territory has allowed Da Liang to master one of the top alchemy technologies in the entire world.

As long as he has gold coins and alchemy raw materials, Da Liang can obtain various advanced magic scrolls from Nicole's alchemy laboratory, and he can even freely propose what he needs and hand it over to the alchemy laboratory for research.

The Great Tomb of the Boneyard can become the third base capable of researching the plane of gods, so it naturally has its advantages.

After a variety of high-level magic scrolls are used together, they can forcibly improve a hero's spellcasting ability, allowing Da Liang, who has mastered master-level fire magic, to infinitely approach the 16th level.

As the only point of attack in the team's defense, Da Liang has shown the full power he can show now.

Multiple magic circles spread out around him, surrounding him layer by layer, the magic runes brightened, and the magic circle was activated to emit a strong light.

The fire magic energy gathered violently under the action of the energy-gathering magic circle, and was guided and transformed into energy that can be used.These energies formed a liquid magic flow through the constructed magic circuit, and several magic flows condensed into a fire-attribute magic ball between Da Liangping's outstretched hands.

In front of the magic ball are five magic amplification circles.

Da Liang's attack range covered the entire cyclops air-to-air attack group.

At this time, the second wave of attack launched by Jushi is breaking through the defense system laid by the purple dragons, and the third wave of attack has just been launched.

If you use the meteor fire shower with a long gathering time at this time, it is easy to be interrupted, so Da Liang chose to use the "Lianzhu Fireball" with a very fast release speed.

Lianju Fireball is a third-level magic of the fire system.Although the name of the spell is very straightforward, it is a very practical combat magic.It can not only conduct continuous fireball attacks on a single enemy, but also cover bombing with combat spells in a specific area.The basic magic attack power is already impressive, plus the master-level fire magic bonus and the power doubling effect of the magic amplification circle.

Da Liang was already looking forward to what would happen after the spell was released by him.

Lianju Fireball Release
The master-level fire-attribute magic energy was released from Da Liang's hands, enveloping and pushing the fire-attribute magic ball into the magic amplification circle.

Layer by layer of amplification, every time a magic amplification circle passes through, the intensity of the magic energy will be a little more solidified.

After passing the last magic amplification circle, after a loud explosion, a fireball took shape and shot out.

This fireball is no longer the orange color of an ordinary fireball. To be precise, it is no longer a fireball made of pure fire elements.Just like the change of the ice attribute of the water element and the change of the thunder attribute of the air element, the fire element can change into a more destructive flame attribute.

The fireball released by Daliang this time has undergone various blessings. After the energy concentration reaches a certain level, it passes through the magic circle that can cause attribute changes, and becomes a blue-purple fireball.

After a fireball was shot towards the ground, a series of fireballs shot towards the Cyclops below like bullets from a machine gun.

The stone balls thrown by the Cyclops continued to rush upwards, and the dense fireballs passed by these stone balls. After smashing a few stone balls, they caused a random explosion, and the remaining fireballs continued to fall.

The Cyclops led by the target boulder.

The Cyclops did not act alone, some ogre shamans provided magical defenses for the anti-air force.

Seeing the enemies in the air counterattack, these shamans immediately released defensive magic. They cast the fire thaumaturgy that can increase the fire magic resistance on the Cyclops, and then jointly deployed a force field shield over the position. A defensive cover composed of forbidden magic.

Part of the stone balls under the influence of law-level artillery broke through Zilong's defense and exploded in the air.

The continuous fireball released by Da Liang also hit the defensive shields released by the shamans.

The continuous impact of the flame ball caused the defensive cover to shake sharply, and then a fiery spear pierced the defensive cover in one fell swoop. Before the shamans replenished the gap in the defensive cover in time, a stone ball hit and broke through the defensive cover. Bumped in.

Thunder bomb!

Jushi recognized this magic like an ordinary stone ball, and he knew how much damage it would do to the Cyclops if he allowed this five-level compound magic to explode.

The important thing is that this attack magic has a very strong penetrating ability, which cannot be intercepted by ordinary skills.

The boulder condenses a stone ball in its hand at the fastest speed, and then throws it out.

Thunder bomb!

Boulder originally wanted to mix this spell with his thrown stone balls to surprise enemies in the air.But he didn't expect that someone among the enemies would have mastered this fifth-level compound spell, and the magic energy in it was so powerful.

As a last resort, Jushi had to use this trump card.

Two thunderbolts collided above the Cyclops, and the violent explosion shook the entire surrounding space. Some weak Cyclops heroes were affected by the shock and fell to their knees on the ground.

The rhythm of Jushi directing the air attack was disrupted at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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