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Chapter 1330 Enlarged Imperial Meeting

Chapter 1330 Enlarged Imperial Meeting
Joyce exuded the demeanor of a king. After she finished speaking, she looked at the messenger from hell and the kingdom of death.

The fact that Shangjiang established the first empire in the main world is an open secret among the senior management of the Five Colors Banner Alliance.Moreover, because of the smooth progress of the Shangjiang Battle, the current main world has reached the level of fighting against the enemy and angering the heroes.As long as Shangjiang can withstand the attacks of orcs and elves on the western and southern fronts, the establishment of an empire will be a matter of course.

After the establishment of the first empire of the main world, the first thing to face is whether it can be recognized... After all, the establishment of the empire and the integration of the main world will directly damage the interests of the good camp and the evil camp.

If the empire is isolated, or even triggers the siege of two powerful camps, the main world led by Shang Jiang will surely fall into endless wars.If the foundation does not have time to consolidate, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the building.

At this time, Da Liang invited representatives from Hell and the Kingdom of Death to participate in the Shangjiang Imperial Enlarged Meeting, with the purpose of confirming the attitude of these two powerful figures towards Shangjiang's establishment of the first empire in the main world.

Although Da Liang told Joyce that he had already communicated with Lucifer and the sad pope in advance, and received an optimistic reply.But Joyce was still a little nervous about the official reply from the two planes. After all, the main world has been weak for too long. Will the high-level plane allow this low-level plane to rise to the same height as them?
President Lucas, who came from the kingdom of death, hid himself in the overalls, and in the lowered hood, the eyes were emitting light blue light.He first looked at the demon king of desire, the messenger of hell, but did not get any response from the hell lord king who was wearing demon armor all over his body.

Not knowing Hell's attitude, President Lucas considered how he should answer.

Da Liang has a very high status in the kingdom of death.He is not only the death mentor of the New Invincible Holy See, but also an important member of the union of the three death monarchs of Eviscerate, Desolation, and Lucas.Therefore, if Da Liang wants to lead Shangjiang to establish the first empire in the main world, the kingdom of death has no way to object.

However, the establishment of the First Empire of the main world has indeed touched the interests of the kingdom of death. If the kingdom of death supports the first empire, it will give up its control over the undead city-states of the main world.This is an immeasurable loss for the kingdom of death, and it will directly affect the strength and potential of the undead race in the future wars of the planes.

Therefore... no matter how good the personal relationship between Lucas and Da Liang was, he couldn't help being careless about things that affect the survival of the kingdom of death.

The sad pope's attitude is very clear. He supports Shangjiang in establishing the first empire in the main world... Yes, but the interests of the kingdom of death cannot suffer too much loss.

The same is true of the attitude of Lucifer, the Lord of Hell.

Although Yunzhong City besieged Hell Furnace City, they were unable to control the entire hell until they solved Lucifer.Now that Lucifer has won the support of the entire hell, he did not let the hell lords everywhere lead the army to support the furnace city, and let them actively participate in the war of planes, mainly to strengthen the control of the hell city-state in the main world and accumulate strength.At the same time, distract the attention of the world of heroic spirits, avoid stimulating Cloud City, and cause the decisive battle in Furnace City to happen prematurely.

The main world is more important to hell than the kingdom of death. If there is any way, Lucifer is not willing to let go of his control over the main world.

However, two of the seven lords of hell have a deep relationship with Shang Jiang, and Angela's attitude towards the jealous magic is also inclined to Da Liang, the world-destroying demon king, and Howard, the power-hungry demon king.

At the same time, Da Liang and Howard each had a heavy army assisting in the defense of Furnace City.

Therefore, Lucifer has no ability to prevent Shang Jiang from establishing an empire. As for supporting...

The envoy sent by Lucifer was Howard, who also expressed his attitude: Hell can support the establishment of the first empire in the main world, but power magic must also take the interests of hell as the primary starting point.Lucifer saw that Howard was a very upright and capable person, and he believed that Howard could find a balance that everyone could accept between Hell and Shangjiang.

As a representative of Hell, Howard, who is also the former royal family of Shangjiang, did not take the lead in expressing his attitude. He planned to see how the kingdom of death talked with Shangjiang.

The representatives of Hell did not dare to express their opinions. After a period of silence in the conference room, President Lucas said: "The main world has always been a buffer zone between the good camp and the evil camp. The planes here have their own interests. Especially in this special period, all major planes need to obtain war supplies from the main world.

If Shangjiang wants to stand up and lead the main world... he must first cut off the connection between the main world and the higher planes, and undoubtedly stand on the opposite side of the higher planes.

His Majesty Joyce, Shangjiang... or the Five-Color Flag Alliance, can bear the consequences of this major decision?

If the good camp and the evil camp decide to stabilize the situation in the main world at this time and prevent bad things from happening, do you have the strength to fight against the two camps? "

The questions raised by President Lucas are very pointed.

If Shangjiang wants to lead the main world, he must have the strength to lead the main world to deal with all changes.The development of the world situation and the attitudes of all parties will not be fully expected.No one knows how those high-level planes whose interests have been damaged will react when Shangjiang establishes the main plane of empire command.

If the kingdom of death supports the first empire of the main world, and completely withdraws from the competition for the main world... Once Shangjiang fails, then their withdrawal benefits will be divided among other camps.The kingdom of death is already facing many internal and external troubles. Once the supply of the main world is cut off like this, one will ebb and flow... It will be difficult to fight future wars.

This involves the fundamental interests of the kingdom of death, and President Lucas will not make hasty decisions because of personal friendship.

If Shangjiang wants to get the support of the kingdom of death, he must first show his sincerity to persuade the kingdom of death to support him.

Joyce knew that this negotiation would not go so smoothly. She, Da Liang and her allies had discussed many times what Shangjiang needed to do to gain the support of the kingdom of death and hell.

Therefore, Shangjiang still has a lot of preparations for this negotiation.

Joyce said: "Even if Shangjiang leads the main world, he doesn't have the strength to fight against the good camp and the evil camp, and we don't plan to have a military confrontation with the two powerful camps.

Shangjiang is a commercial city-state, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance has adhered to the principle of neutrality since its establishment.

From the very beginning, we didn't have the idea of ​​being an enemy of the good camp and the evil camp.

Duke Feichen of Shangjiang holds an important position and has an extraordinary status in both the kingdom of death and hell...Now I invite Duke Feichen to explain how we will allow all parties to share their views after the establishment of the First Empire in the main world. Losses in this incident were minimized. "

(End of this chapter)

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