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Chapter 1332 The Attitude of the Undead and Hell

Chapter 1332 The Attitude of the Undead and Hell
Undead generally have no business acumen, and low-level undead will not do anything independently without orders.In the eyes of the outside world, the undead are very lazy. They would rather lie down and be buried...until they decay, rather than engage in production and trade activities.It seems that only when a war breaks out, advancing as a member of the sea of ​​undead can the low-level undead move.

Even if some enlightened death lords want to take advantage of the cheapness of low-level undead to engage in production and trade, they will soon find that the backward business system, poor transportation and low demand for any materials in the kingdom of death make the things they produce simply useless. Can't sell.

Over time, the undead in the kingdom of the dead no longer think about commerce and production, and every undead city is basically in a state of slumber.Even in the City of Sighs, the peak number of undead active every day during peacetime does not exceed [-].

Even if the plane war breaks out now, there are still countless undead who are sleeping and waiting for the call of the death lords.

As the president of the wizarding guild and a lich who dared to challenge the theocracy, Lucas's thoughts are definitely positive and advanced in the kingdom of death.He once traveled around the whole plane alone, knowing that the main plane and the kingdom of death are two completely different worlds.In the same undead city, even if the undead city-states in the main world are not good at doing business, they will actively invest their labor in raw material mining, and they will also try to go to sea for ocean trade.

They may earn less, but the low cost determines that these are all profits.

It can be said that the most depressed undead city in the main world is more prosperous than the most prosperous undead city in the kingdom of death.

The prosperity of the undead city in the main world is based on the fact that the main world is mixed with multiple races and has a complete business system.This can hardly be replicated in the kingdom of death, but the kingdom of death can fully cooperate with the main world, so that the production potential of the kingdom of death can be connected with the trading system of the main world.

Lucas has seen what Jiading City looks like, and what the Jiading City Lord Marquis Stanley who is attending the meeting looks like now...he was carried in...

Once the kingdom of the dead can establish its own industrial system and commercial system with the help of the main world, then the undead will also have the money to use war equipment and alchemy equipment on a large scale without worrying about how to obtain military gold coins.

In particular, Shangjiang is willing to mortgage the country of death and allow the country of death to continue to control some undead cities in the main world. This will allow the country of death to complete the transformation perfectly without damaging too many interests.

Lucas couldn't refuse Da Liang's offer.

"Any problem can be easily solved in the hands of Duke Feichen. Shangjiang has shown his sincerity to convince the kingdom of death. I believe that the kingdom of death and the first empire of the main world will definitely become close partners in the future .

The Kingdom of Death is willing to support Shangjiang in establishing the First Empire of the Main World. At the moment the empire is established, the Pope will announce the establishment of diplomatic relations with the First Empire of the Main World and promote the implementation of the trade partnership as soon as possible. "

Lucas expressed the attitude of the kingdom of death, and the support of a high-level plane made the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly relaxed.

Then everyone turned their attention to the representative power demon king of hell.

Hell has always been the leader of the evil camp, and Lucifer is gradually exercising the power to lead the evil camp after defeating Satan.The kingdom of death supports Shangjiang to build an empire, which can only represent a high-level plane.And if hell can also support the establishment of the main world's first empire, then it can affect the attitude of the entire evil camp towards the main world.

Howard was wearing a fully wrapped demon armor, and sitting next to him was the fallen angel Macaulay, the former Qingpu city lord who also had a close relationship with Shangjiang.

After the meeting's attention turned to himself, Howard whispered something to Macaulay.

Then Macaulay stood up and saluted Joyce, Da Liang, President Lucas and all the powerhouses, and said: "First of all, congratulations to Shang Jiang for winning the support of the kingdom of death. a good start.

But conditions in hell are very different from those in the kingdom of the dead.

Devils are good at deception. Even devils don’t believe in devils. It’s difficult for business models to work in hell. Moreover, the environment of hell is full of volcanoes and lava, so it’s difficult to build a convenient transportation network in hell.

In addition to local mining and production, hell's material sources depend more on the gray income obtained from the main world.

The underground businesses in almost all cities are connected with hell. When I was the flea king in Shangjiang, I also kept paying tribute to hell.

Therefore, the conditions given by Shangjiang to the kingdom of death are not suitable for hell..."

After Macaulay finished speaking, he saluted and sat down again, Da Liang looked at Howard who continued to remain silent, and then said: "Where there is light, there is darkness, where there is order, there is chaos, and each race has its own way of living.

Even if the First Empire is established in the main world, as long as hell does not endanger the rule and normal order of the empire, we will not interfere with the normal activities of hell in the main world.

In fact, commercial activities do not require the direct participation of the hell race.

The volcanic and magma environment of hell allows you to control the most rare resources in the entire plane.Almost all alchemy minerals can be found in hell, and the yield is large.As far as I know, during the siege of Furnace City, Cloud City has been exploiting the resources of Hell, and then obtained the huge consumption of the Angel Legion in Hell through transactions.

Although the hell lords control many mining areas, they cannot sell them due to poor trust.

In fact, the hell lords can entrust the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Shangjiang to sell the resources in your hands.I am the Duke of Shangjiang, and also the Demon Lord of Hell, I can be a guarantee in the cooperation to ensure the fairness and justice of the transaction.I don't believe in demons, but I believe that King Lucifer can see clearly what is in the long-term interests of hell. "

Creatures of hell are utterly chaotic and evil, and demons on all planes have almost no credit at all.Demons are unwilling to do business with demons, let alone other races.Therefore, although hell has the most abundant rare resources and alchemy minerals in the whole world, it has been producing and selling itself.

The source of funds for hell relies more on the illegal income of the main world. Fraud, kidnapping, extortion, smuggling, gambling, as long as there are shady things, you can find the shadow of hell.They either directly participate in these activities, or collect protection fees for their crimes.

There are gray areas in every city. Even in the human cities directly controlled by Cloud City, there are people who are seduced by demons and fall.

Since they cannot be eliminated, we can only acquiesce in their existence.

Compared with the dirty business run by Hell, Da Liang is more interested in Hell's resources. Those minerals extracted from lava are of very high value.

(End of this chapter)

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