start an archangel

Chapter 1335 Death of Joyce

Chapter 1335 Death of Joyce

At this time, Shu Xiao was still in the process of Da Liang's seemingly cheating game, unable to extricate herself from surprise.In the end, Da Liang suddenly told her...about the wedding.

"What? What wedding are you talking about?"

Da Liang sat up from the recliner and said, "I'm sorry... Xiaoxiao... I've fallen into this game. I tell you so much, just to let you know that this world has become a part of me. I once tried to control My feelings, I told myself that all of them are virtual characters.

But... I failed...

I don't want to lie to you and say it's a story mission, like Monica.

Joyce and I have been through so much and it just happened..."

"You, you, you..." Shu Xiao sat cross-legged in the recliner, stared at Da Liang, and said with concern: "You... I will take you to see a psychiatrist tomorrow. People who have feelings for the characters in the game are too too much……

It's my fault, I didn't spend much time with you outside the game.

I... I should have noticed you earlier.

You are not like me who has been dealing with players in the game. You keep doing plot tasks. Those virtual characters are so real, it is easy to get stuck in it.

Don't worry about me, I will accompany you through this difficult time. "

Da Liang didn't know if his feelings for Joyce were considered a mental illness, at least it was against worldly values.Whether the feelings of virtual characters are real or not has been widely discussed.

What surprised Da Liang was that after Shu Xiao heard about the incident between himself and Joyce, he did not lose his temper or make a scene. The concern from the heart made Da Liang let go of all the pressure, and his heart seemed to stop. In a harbor that completely embraces itself.

"Thank you, I'm really afraid of losing you because of it."

Shu Xiao was actually uncomfortable in his heart, no woman would be willing to let her man accept another woman.But she knew that she absolutely couldn't give up on Da Liang at this time, she was Da Liang's biggest concern outside the game.If even she gave up on Da Liang, then Da Liang would really fall into the game completely.

Shu Xiao knew that Daliang had alienated Gu Tao and rejected Xu Man for his own sake. He was not a man who was amorous.This time...he really had a problem in the game.

Real and virtual, Shu Xiao doesn't think he will lose to a virtual character.

Da Liang will finally understand, who can spend his life with him?It is the self who holds the hand of the son and grows old with the son.

There was a smile on Shu Xiao's face, and he asked nastyly: "Afraid of losing me... Then tell the truth, who else but Joyce. I can know that you set up a maid team for yourself, including Julian and Juliet , Monica, Sofia...

And Angela, the lord of hell, is also unclear to you. "

Da Liang quickly argued: "No, no, no... There is no one else... I can swear on this..."

Shu Xiao turned over and sat on Da Liang's body, her winking eyes were hazy: "Is there any, I'll find out after I check..."

Don't be flirty, Da Liang was about to take off Shu Xiao's clothes when his cell phone rang.

It's Xu Man.

Da Liang answered and asked, "Sister Man, what are you doing calling so late? Is there anything you can't talk about tomorrow?"

"I can't talk about this tomorrow...Joyce was assassinated, and his life and death are unknown. Now the palace is in chaos..."

Da Liang's face turned pale, and the phone fell to the ground.

Shu Xiao asked with concern: "What happened? Is it in the game?"

"Joyce was assassinated... Holy Bella is not by her side at this time... I want to go to the palace immediately!"

Da Liang logged into the game as quickly as possible, and then rushed into the palace.

The Shangjiang Palace has entered the highest alert state, and the palace guards have blocked the entire palace in all directions, and many archangels are floating above the palace.The palace magic tower opened the defensive cover, sealing off the space for the palace to enter and exit.

Da Liang flew all the way into the palace, the panicked maids and attendants gave him a bad premonition.

Under the guidance of a chief attendant, Da Liang came to the room where Joyce was assassinated, which is where Joyce usually works.At this time, the senior nobles and officials who heard the news had already gathered in the room.

Looking at the desk that was blown to pieces, and a big hole in the wall.Da Liang asked Marquis Wilson, who arrived first, "Where is Your Majesty?"

Marquis Wilson said in a daze, "Why...why... we lost four kings in a short period of time. Can this city be saved?"

Da Liang shook Marquis Wilson's shoulder, and asked loudly, "Tell me, where is Your Majesty?"

The Marquess of Wilson was still in grief.

At this time, a hand patted Da Liang's shoulder, and what Da Liang saw when he turned his head was Howard in demon armor.

Howard said: "The assassin mingled with Earl Faulkner's personal guards, and suddenly assassinated when Joyce summoned Earl Faulkner. He killed everyone here... The angel guards guarding the door did not expect the assassin to be here. In the room, it will be too late by the time they rush in."

Da Liang was stunned, unable to believe what he heard: "She...she...she died..."

Howard is also very sad: "Assassins are very strong, even if they don't have 16th level, they must be very close to 16th level. Joyce has been working for so many days and hasn't had a good rest. Tomorrow is such an important day... We all Too careless."

Da Liang searched every corner of the room with his eyes, and said, "Where is her body? I have mastered the fire-type forbidden magic 'sacrifice', which can revive Joyce."

Howard was visibly uplifted when he heard that Da Liang would sacrifice magic, but soon sank down.

"Resurrection spells must have a corpse before they can be cast, but... the assassin is clearly prepared. Joyce died and left nothing behind..."

Da Liang recruited a skeleton soldier, and then cast the forbidden fire spell "Sacrifice".

But it prompts that there is no resurrected target.

Joyce is really gone...

Not long ago, she was still in her arms, telling herself that she had found the happiness she had been looking for.Da Liang didn't know if his relationship with Joyce could last forever, but he also made up his mind that as long as he was still in this game, he would always treat her well.

Tomorrow is an important day for both Joyce and Da Liang, and they all look forward to tonight passing quickly.But just separated for such a short time, two people separated forever.

Joyce died, Da Liang felt that this was really the biggest joke God made on himself.

He yelled, "Joyce, are you here? Don't hide... You're really scaring me. Come out, it's almost dawn, I'm still waiting for you to crown me."

(End of this chapter)

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