start an archangel

Chapter 1337 Hope

Chapter 1337 Hope
Howard was let in front of everyone, and Da Liang's actions made the nobles puzzled.

Isn't this the Desperate King of Hell?
He accepted Da Liang's invitation and commanded the defense of the orcs in NJ City.At this time, as a representative of Hell, he was discussing the specific matters of cooperation with Shang Jiang.

Why did Duke Feichen choose him as king?

For a demon to become the king of Shangjiang, it is better to directly push Duke Joshua, who is also a non-human race, at least he is one of his own.

Just when everyone was extremely surprised by Da Liang's actions, Howard took off his helmet after a moment of silence.

At this time, no one is more suitable than him to stand up and restore the chaotic situation in Shangjiang.

The moment Howard revealed his appearance, the nobles were startled for a moment, and then saluted sincerely: "Your Majesty, welcome back!"

Howard took off the demon armor, put on the royal clothes of the human race again, and took the crown that once belonged to him.

Start exercising his rights.

The ornaments and badges representing the identity of the royal family in the Shangjiang Palace were replaced, and some procedures of the enthronement ceremony had to be revised.The guards protecting King Howard are strengthened again, and everything is back on track.

Walking out of the forbidden palace, Joyce's imprint was quickly erased here, and the alternation between the new king and the old king was so ruthless.

Even though he knew Howard would not disappoint Joyce, Da Liang was still a little bit embarrassed.

"Da Liang, what happened?"

After Shu Xiao saw Daliang coming out of the palace, he walked up to him.She logged into the game with Da Liang, and has been waiting here.Now the entire Shangjiang is as if it is facing an enemy, and the palace is even more heavily guarded. All the players around are driven away, and the heavily armored crusaders control every street.

If Shu Xiao wasn't a half-disciple of Holy Bella, she would also be expelled, but she couldn't enter the palace, so she could only wait outside.

Seeing Da Liang who was extremely depressed, Shu Xiao couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Joyce was assassinated, I... I failed her. It was fine just now, but... I couldn't do anything. I feel that I deceived her. She originally belonged to the sea, but I trapped her in the palace. Now I pushed her to become emperor, and then put her in danger.

you say……

Am I being too selfish?

Also too arrogant.

Thinking I was in control, I played with power and ended up reaping the rewards. "

Shu Xiao comforted in a low voice: "You can't blame Joyce for what happened. At that time, only Joyce became king in Shangjiang to stabilize the situation. As for now... I don't know your plan, but I believe you have always Didn't take advantage of Joyce's idea.

Just as you didn't lie to me.

Da Liang, you should cheer up even more at this time.Think about what kind of world this is, where magic is everywhere, there must be a way to bring Joyce back to life. "

When Shu Xiao talked about resurrecting Joyce, Da Liang suddenly grasped something, and his mood obviously improved a lot: "Yes, yes, yes...Although I can't resurrect Joyce with 'sacrifice', it doesn't mean that Other methods will not work.

Let's find the Prophet together...

He has been studying resurrection to resurrect his lover Jenny, and he has the 'Fountain of Life' in his hand... Maybe he has a way.

Let's go, let's go to Songjiang Castle. "

During the war, in order to prevent the enemy's large-scale use of space magic to infiltrate the rear of the front line, all the Shangjiang theaters entered a state of space control.Except for space transmission of intelligence at a specific time and place, all transmission arrays in the theater were shut down.

After Joyce's assassination, Shangjiang entered the most advanced state of space control, and even Yunzhongcheng couldn't open the door arbitrarily in Shangjiang.

In order to see the Prophet as soon as possible, Da Liang did not wait for the teleportation array to open, but took Shu Xiao directly to Songjiang.

Dawn is the time for Howard to ascend the throne. Although the time is tight, Da Liang can't wait to see the Prophet after the founding ceremony of the empire.

The surface of Songjiang is the main battlefield against the elf army. The news of Joyce's assassination has not yet been reported. The Songjiang black elves and the Shangjiang Human Race coalition joined hands to establish an unbreakable line of defense here.

Qianli and Amber led Zilong and angels to guard the sky, while Red Copper led the black fire collar's cavalry across the battlefield.

As the first-line defensive commander of the Songjiang battlefield, Monica transferred countless cavemen slaves from the endless maze, and dug holes in the entire theater. The dense underground transportation lines, like spider webs, connected the deep underground Songjiang City.

Black elf slaves from the Ironhoof Kingdom filled the Songjiang line of defense.These natural enemies of the elves, after seeing their opponents, immediately forgot the unhappiness of being trafficked, picked up weapons to accept reorganization, and quickly threw themselves into the war against the elves.

The Songjiang line of defense is extremely stable, and there is no danger of being breached in a short time.

Da Liang did not stay long in the Songjiang battlefield. He reached Songjiang City through the underground passage at the fastest speed, and then entered the Garden of Truth where the Prophet lived in seclusion.

The Prophet, who came back from the battlefield in NJ City, took care of his medicine garden with Jenny as usual, and the long time of separation made the two of them cherish every moment together.

Seeing Da Liang who was in a hurry, the Prophet said without waiting for him to speak: "I know the purpose of your coming, and I have seen some sad things. Come in with me, I don't know if I can help you, but I am willing to do my best I can help you."

After that, the prophet turned around and walked into the hut leaning on his crutches.

Da Liang and Shu Xiao glanced at each other, and then walked in.

Sitting around a round table, Jenny served three cups of herbal tea.Then Da Liang couldn't wait to ask: "Prophet, you should know that Joyce was assassinated... I wanted to use the forbidden fire spell 'sacrifice' to bring her back to life, but the assassin used holy flame, the unique skill of angels, Joe. Yisi's body is annihilated, and the 'sacrifice' cannot take effect without a target.

We're here for your help, can the 'Fountain of Life' revive Joyce? "

The Prophet silently drank a cup of tea, and then slowly said: "Using the 'Fountain of Life' to revive a dead life also requires the existence of a body. As long as the body is still there, the soul will not be scattered and can be resurrected.

Joyce's body was wiped out, according to my research on the resurrection technique, there is no skill or item in this world that can revive her..."

Feeling that the prophet hadn't finished speaking, Da Liang continued to listen with hope.

Sure enough, the prophet continued: "After the death of a high-level hero, his soul will go to the world of heroic spirits and become a heroic spirit. Then the heroic spirit will have its own illusory world. The most wonderful journey.

When an intruder enters this illusory world, the story of Heroic Spirit's life also unfolds.If someone can follow the story to the end and see the moment when the heroic spirit dies.

The heroic spirits and the illusory world will disappear...

A new angel will appear in the birth pool of Yunzhongcheng, who will get rid of all the troubles of the previous life and become the purest energy. "

After a short period of thought, Da Liang said, "What the Prophet means is that...Joyce is now a Heroic Spirit in the Heroic Spirit World, and her memory and soul are preserved. As long as she hasn't become an angel, it's not true. the disappearance of...

We can figure out a way to resurrect her through her soul? "

(End of this chapter)

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