start an archangel

Chapter 1342 Ergos' Plan

Chapter 1342 Ergos' Plan
Being able to become the first demon king to escape from the five imprisoned hell lord kings, Ergus is a very intelligent guy.In Hell's Furnace City, his decisive departure from the battlefield also proved that he is very good at judging the situation.

After all, in previous plane wars, Ergus' opponent was Gabriel in Cloud City.If there is no means, it is impossible for hell to compete with the world of heroic spirits in all aspects.

Ergos wasn't betraying Satan, he was just saving the last of the old lord-kings' power.Because in the current state of Furnace City, even if Eggs told Satan that the defeat was certain, the arrogant Satan might not believe it.What's more, if you want to persuade Satan to get rid of Angela's obstruction, instead of wasting precious time, it's better to save yourself and wait for a comeback.

Therefore, when Eggs left the furnace battlefield and knew that Satan was finally defeated and sealed, he first created the illusion that he was hiding in the abyss of purgatory, and then lurked back underground in Shangjiang City.

Here is the underground labyrinth that Ergus built to avoid being hunted by Cloud City, which can be used to hide.

Ergus, who has recovered his strength, does not need to spread terror to absorb negative abilities to restore his strength.He was able to absorb his breath to escape the perception of the high-level heroes on the surface.

Ergus just lurked in the underground of Shangjiang Palace silently, observing Joyce carefully.

Da Liang has Beelzebub, Mishuka, and a distress letter that makes Ergus's heart skip a beat. He is clutching three old hell lord kings. Satan has already defeated before attacking the furnace city.This time the old lord kings want to make a comeback, they must first completely release the three old hell lord kings.

Grab it directly... Ergus will only put himself in it.

So Ergus thought of switching from Da Liang. During the time he was lurking in Shangjiang, he knew that Joyce was very important to Da Liang.As long as Joyce can be caught, at least the distress letter can be exchanged from Da Liang.Then let go of yourself, and you can find a way to save Beelzebub and Mishuka.

Then Ergus, who was monitoring Joyce looking for a mobile phone opportunity, saw the affair between Da Liang and Joyce.

Joyce's value was raised, and Ergus thought about changing three hell lord kings at once.

It's just that what Ergus didn't expect was that... Cloud City City actually sent an assassin to Joyce.In the process of the assassination, Ergus saved Joyce by stealing the beam.Now that the holy flame has disappeared, everyone thinks that Yunshangcheng killed Joyce.

A brand new plan was conceived by Ergus while Joyce was in a coma.

Ergus looked at Joyce as if he was looking at a rare treasure: "Everything that happened today is amazing. The assassination of you in Cloud City will definitely make the Five Colors Alliance feel a sense of crisis, regardless of whether they will immediately avenge you , Shangjiang has listed Yunzhong City as an enemy. If the Five-Color Banner Alliance wants to deal with Yunzhong City's next assassination, it must move closer to the evil camp.

If the Five Colors Banner Alliance doesn't want to face Cloud City directly, the best way is to help Lucifer get out of Furnace City's predicament, and the released hell can undoubtedly distract Michael's attention.

Once the siege of the furnace city is resolved, Lucifer will definitely actively lead the hell and evil camps into the war of planes, and the army gathered in the furnace city will also be scattered everywhere.

At that time, the guard against Satan will become loose. "

Directly exchanging Joyce for Beelzebub, Mishuka and the distress letter from Da Liang seems to be a very cost-effective deal, but... what's the use?

Beelzebub, Eggs, and Mishuka are the second, third, and fourth lord kings of the old hell system respectively. No one obeys the other, and no one has the ability to lead this group.Without Satan, the three hell lords would be nothing but a piece of sand, and nothing great would happen at all.Even when Lucifer defeats Satan and truly obtains hell, it is still unknown whether the two slickers, Beelzebub and Mishuka, will surrender.

Without Satan, the three hell lords would not even be able to gather an army. At most, they would disgust Lucifer.

But if Satan can be rescued, it will be another look.

At this time, Satan was sealed in the furnace city, and Lucifer personally guarded him and was guarded by heavy soldiers.Only by releasing the army of Furnace City and letting Lucifer fall into the war of planes everywhere, can Ergus have a chance to get close to the place where Satan is sealed.

Joyce didn't expect that Ergus would use himself to trigger a conflict between the Five-Color Banner Alliance and Cloud City, thereby distracting Lucifer's power and creating an opportunity to rescue Satan.

As long as you rescue Satan, and then use Joyce to release the three hell lord kings, then you have a chance to retake hell.

She said: "What good does releasing Satan do to the evil camp? The civil war in hell will only make you all wiped out by the good camp, and you will get nothing in the end.

Ergos... If you have nowhere to go, come to the Five Colors League.

I think Da Liang has a way to get Lucifer to accept you as a member of the Five-Color Banner Alliance. "

Joyce's solicitation was flatly rejected by Ergus, who said loudly: "This has nothing to do with the victory or defeat of the camp... We fought with Satan and never thought of winning the good camp. We are just spreading fear, chaos and death... We are demons from hell, but Lucifer wants to rule hell with the order brought from Cloudsdale...

See what the fallen angels did in the furnace city?They don't respect the city at the core of hell at all!
If it was Satan, even if he was the only demon, even if the Furnace City fell into purgatory, he would not allow the angels to besiege the Furnace City.

And Lucifer couldn't do it, he just used hell as his tool against Cloud City, and he couldn't integrate into this plane.

Hell will be Satan's hell after all, and no one can change it. "

Lucifer and Satan are two rulers with completely different styles. Lucifer does not mind a little humiliation in order to maximize his victory. He would rather let Furnace City attract the attention of Cloud City City to relieve the pressure on other places in hell than Like Satan, he will give it a go regardless of the outcome.

The two war styles cannot be said to be correct, but Ergus obviously feels that Satan is more in tune with him. He thinks that the devil should fight vigorously. As long as there is death and fear, it means that the devil has won.

The difference in values ​​prevented Joyce from convincing Ergus, so she had to ask, "You want to save Satan? Obviously, this cannot be done in a short time. What are you going to do with me? Just keep being locked up here? In this dark world underground...

I don't think I can survive the moment when you rescue Satan. This place is not suitable for human beings to survive for a long time.Moreover, I was a nobleman from birth, and I was a king for a period of time, and my dignity did not allow me to live like a maggot.

I demand a treatment that matches my status or I will kill myself.

If Da Liang knows that I will eventually die at your hands... I believe even if Satan is released, he will not be able to save you. "

(End of this chapter)

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