Chapter 1353
Cloud City is willing to talk, which is a major diplomatic breakthrough.

However, the conditions proposed by Michael were hard for Da Liang to accept.

He said: "We have not restricted the freedom of Sacred Bella. It is her own choice to protect Shangjiang. Therefore...whether Sacred Bella returns to Yunzhong City has nothing to do with our main world First Empire.

As for... Julian?

She's my guardian angel, the kind that can't be broken.Unless Archangel Michael let me join Cloud City, even if I want her to return to Cloud City, she will not be able to come back.

I am now the prince of the First Empire of the main world. If Cloud City City can give me an equivalent position, I am very happy to become a member of the angel clan. "

The prince of the First Empire of the main world is already equivalent to the supreme angel of Cloud City in terms of status.

Will Michael let Da Liang join Cloudsdale for Julian?
Of course not.

Because since Julian is already Da Liang's guardian angel, even if Julian returns to Cloud City because of Da Liang, he still belongs to Da Liang.Giving Da Liang the title of the supreme angel, but in exchange for two supreme angels who cannot command, what use is it to Michael!

As for Holy Bella...Michael knew she wanted to come back and came back long ago.

Whether the Supreme Angel will come, Michael said again: "The Arbitration Angel has an artifact in his hand, and it is also an artifact of sacred attributes. This should belong to Cloud City. It is up to us to return this artifact to Cloud City." The second condition."

The Angel Alliance not only allows Julian and Julian to fit together into the Arbitration Angel state, but also gives the Arbitration Angel a great attribute enhancement.This is Da Liang's strongest weapon, how could it be easily given to Cloud City?
"Archangel Michael...not all sacred things belong to Cloudsdale, I guess you don't even know the name of that artifact.

Level 16 heroes and artifacts are the strategic deterrent force of the First Empire of the main world... I can sit at this table because I have them.Without them, I am a dish in front of you.

I came here to seek equality and cooperation, but the Archangel still does not change his attitude towards the main world, and regards the main world as a low-level plane that you ask for.

I was very disappointed with this dinner, maybe I expected too much from Cloudsdale.

If the archangel continues to ask for something that we cannot give, I can only leave here and return to the main plane, and let time prove everything. "

Da Liang got up and was about to leave, Michael immediately asked to stay: "These two conditions can be discussed later, maybe we can discuss a solution that everyone can accept. Regarding the interests of the Heroic Spirit World in the main world... we start from a main When the world city retreats, the Lord World First Empire will compensate us with the city's total income for three years.

The First Empire must allow us to promote good and fight evil in the Overworld.

Disclose to us all your dealings with the evil faction.Since the Five-Color Flag Alliance insists on neutrality, all materials used for war are not allowed to flow into hell.


The above are our conditions...Mr. Da Liang can think about it slowly.Instead of discussing these headaches at dinner, I propose that we toast to peace together, and may there be no war between the good camp and the five-color flag alliance. "

Michael finally put forward his real request. Although it was harsh, it was not impossible to talk about it.

Da Liang sat back in his seat, picked up his wine glass and touched Michael, and said with a smile, "For peace!"

Being able to have dinner with Michael, the recorded video is bright enough to show off in the player community.But after the dinner, Da Liang who returned to his residence always felt that something was a little strange.

His intuition made him feel that this dinner was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Da Liang played back the recorded video, watching the entire dinner process over and over again.

Then he found out what the problem was...

In the past few days of living in the Cross Sky Fortress, Da Liang has seen many humans.They come from the world of heroic spirits and belong to Cloud City, but the status of human beings in this sky fortress is very low.

Angels and humans share an insurmountable class.Especially in this cross-space battleship, the angels are all the elites of Yunshangcheng, and they even despise lower humans.

The attitude of these angels comes from Michael's attitude. When the holy Bella first arrived in Shangjiang City, she also kept despising humans who had less than a hundred years of life.

At dinner, Michael proposed to let the holy Bella and Arbitration Angel return to Cloud City, and asked for the Angel Alliance.With a lofty attitude, Michael has always regarded the main world as a low-level plane and human beings as a low-level race from beginning to end.

However, at this dinner, Michael put on human clothes, folded his wings, and made himself completely like a human.

Why would she do this?
What is the reason for Michael to play a race she despises?

Da Liang recalled how he felt when he saw Michael in human form just now.

Kind... I am full of expectations for Yunzhongcheng's support for the First Empire of the main world, and think that Michael is ready to recognize the legitimacy of the empire, as long as he promises her some conditions, he can return with a full reward.

Throughout the dinner, what Da Liang was thinking about was how to continue the conversation with Michael, and how far he could cut the conditions she raised.

This is what Michael is for!
But if Michael is really sincere, she can talk as an angel.The big deal is that there is no agreement, and the initiative to fight or make peace is in Michael's hands.

And Michael deliberately created an optimistic atmosphere this time, in order to make Da Liang feel that this negotiation is worth going on, and that as long as he works hard, he can win over Cloud City.

This just shows that Michael has no sincerity at all, and she is not going to recognize the First Empire of the main world.Then the only reason why she did this make the First Empire of the main world have illusions about Cloud City, to confuse the First Empire's decision-making, and to make the Empire hesitate in its attitude towards the good camp and the evil camp.

Even in order to fight for Cloud City, they made a compromise in favor of Cloud City in the cooperation with Hell.

Look at the terms Michael puts forward.

All transactions with the evil camp are disclosed.Since the Five-Color Flag Alliance insists on neutrality, all materials used for war are not allowed to flow into hell.

All the conditions are smoke bombs, Michael should really value this one.

Da Liang can conclude that in the upcoming negotiations...Michael will definitely use various means to force the First Empire to reduce or even suspend its material transactions with Furnace City.

At the same time, through Shang Jiang's mouth, he told Lucifer that Yunzhong City's attention was on negotiating with the First Empire of the main world.If no agreement can be reached, the First Empire of the main world is likely to become the target of the good camp.

Michael wants to use troops against Furnace City!

(End of this chapter)

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