start an archangel

Chapter 1358 Depressed Angela

Chapter 1358 Depressed Angela
After activating the law-level fire magic, Da Liang once again strengthened his mental defense before he dared to face Angela squarely.

Charm is a very difficult skill, and it is often pulled into a state of being bewildered without knowing it, and there will be no system prompts after entering this negative state.That is to say, people who are deluded have no idea that they have been tricked.

Once a person is confused, he will reveal some secrets to the caster, and in serious cases, he will obey the orders of the caster.

The charm technique among the players also does not know that they have been deceived... According to the description of some players who have the charm technique skill, when they use the charm technique to control a player and NPC, they will be based on the spiritual power ratio of the two parties, the level of the charm technique, Mental spell resistance, gain a part of the player's game log.

It is simply a skill tailored for intelligence personnel.

The devil girl from hell is born with the effect of charm, and Angela is the best among magic girls. She can confuse people with every frown and smile, and then unknowingly spit out the secret completely.

Therefore, every time he saw Angela, Da Liang was extremely careful, and once he found that something was wrong, he immediately relieved himself of the state indiscriminately.

There are too many secrets about him, and any one of them may cause world turmoil.

Seeing that Angela still did not give up on charming himself, Da Liang stood up from the chair and hugged Angela's waist.Lie Yanzhu's body is so tall that Angela's body is supported by Da Liang's chest, and her feet are off the ground.

"Giggle..." Angela, who seemed to know what was going to happen, made a pleasant voice.

But she soon realized that something was wrong, Da Liang's arms suddenly strengthened, and the mighty force seemed to squeeze her waist.

Angela struggled desperately...but in a competition of strength, how could Magic Ji be the opponent of the leader of Lie Yan.Under the pressure, Angela arched her back and her body deformed.She wanted to use space skills to escape, and the sustainable damage caused all her skills to be interrupted before being cast.

In this case, even if Angela's comprehensive strength is higher than Da Liang's, as long as she can't break free from Da Liang's arm, she can only watch herself go to "death".

Although she knew that she would not die, Angela felt what it felt like to die at this moment.

She couldn't breathe, and her body seemed about to snap in two.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Angela squeezed out a few words with her last strength.Then all the pressure disappeared, and the exhausted Angela fell to the ground, all in her heart was the joy of escaping death.

Lie Yanzhu's body was burning in flames, Da Liang looked at Angela who was lying on the ground, and sat back in his chair without any mercy.

"As you can see, I have mastered the law-level fire magic and become a veritable king of hell. I have a status and strength that you can't imagine in the whole plane, and you have nothing, just an ordinary Tier 16 hero.

Who do you think Lucifer will abandon when there is a conflict between the two of us?
Let me tell you one more thing, Howard... Our Demon King of Power and Desire is now also at the 16th level.

Therefore... I don't want to see you cast any charm on me in the future. If you dare to offend me again... Beelzebub, Mishuka, and Buck will become your neighbors.

Now... can we have this conversation in a normal way? "

Mental immune attributes have a chance of being broken through by Angela's charm, which makes Da Liang extremely afraid.If Angela casts the charm again next time, he doesn't know if he can find out in time.

So Da Liang directly used actions to warn Angela... What kind of consequences would she bear if she dared to do this next time.

Angela didn't expect that Da Liang would turn his face when he said it. She also realized that what Da Liang said was definitely not a threat, he really had the strength and ability to seal himself.And it can make Lucifer pretend to be invisible.

Furnace City needs the support of Shangjiang City too much...

Two hell lord kings who are about to control the main world, and one hell lord king who has nothing, everyone knows how to choose.

Angela flew up from the ground, then landed on her seat, and said with a dejected expression: "Please believe me... I have no ill intentions towards you.

I don't belong to this city at all, and the Furnace City doesn't accept me.

In the eyes of Lucifer, I am a traitor...betraitor to Satan.Although he canonized me as the Lord of the Fourth Hell, higher than Morgan, Morgan followed him from the very beginning. He still has his own main city and a powerful army.

And I... have nothing, and I am not trusted by the fallen angels, afraid that I will rescue Satan.

I think, if it is not necessary for me to set an example of surrender for the whole hell, Lucifer would rather seal me beside Satan.

You're probably my only friend... Maybe you don't believe the words of Hellmaiden, but I'm really glad to see you.The charm technique is the outpouring of my instinct, I want you to enjoy lust... definitely not to pry into your secrets.

If this offends you, I promise I won't charm you again. "

Da Liang suddenly felt that he still felt guilty for not letting himself be pushed down by Angela.And... What she said is so touching, is she showing her true feelings?Or did you draw another circle and wait for yourself to jump?

But... It is true that Angela was rejected by the fallen angels.

Lucifer himself is a traitor in Cloud City, and then betrayed Satan after being thrown into hell.Therefore, he is very sensitive to "betrayal" and absolutely does not tolerate any betrayal.

Angela is a traitor in Lucifer's eyes.When Angela chose sides at the beginning of hell, she chose to follow Satan, and even sealed with Satan for ten thousand years.

It was this experience that made Satan trust her very much.But in Satan's most critical battle, she betrayed Satan and sealed him with her own hands.

No matter why Angela chooses to betray Satan, in Lucifer's eyes, "betrayal" means "betrayal"...Since Angela will betray Satan, whom she once loyally served, she will betray herself at a certain rescue Satan.

But Angela's refuge is a symbol of Lucifer's conquest of hell.He could only endure the desire to seal Angela as well, give her a reward, and elevate her status in hell.The purpose is to set an example and let the lords of hell recognize the rule of the fallen angels over hell.

Therefore, Angela's position in Furnace City is very awkward.

She is the lord king of the fourth hell, and has an extraordinary status in hell, but she does not have an inch of land of her own.In this war of planes where powerful enemies look around, Angela, who has no city and no army, can only live in Furnace City.

The fallen angels in Furnace City guarded her carefully, fearing that she would rescue Satan who was sealed in Furnace City.

(End of this chapter)

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