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Chapter 1361 Confrontation Outside the Negotiation Table

Chapter 1361 Confrontation Outside the Negotiation Table

When Da Liang was laying out an annihilation plan and a decisive battle at the faction level, Shu Xiao was actively looking for the copy of Joyce's Heroic Spirit.

Through Da Liang's story, Shu Xiao became very curious about Joyce.What she knew about Joyce before was the key NPc in Da Liang's mission.It was through her mission line that Da Liang became the Duke of Shangjiang step by step.It's just that Shu Xiao didn't expect that Da Liang, a veteran in the game industry, would have sparks with a system character.

Shu Xiao could tell that Da Liang was truly in love with Joyce.Now the medical profession defines this kind of virtual emotion as a kind of mental illness. Shu Xiao thinks that if he wants to get Da Liang out of this vicious circle, he must first understand the character Joyce.

She didn't think that Joyce's death was the best result for herself and Da Liang.She didn't want Da Liang to leave a place for Joyce in his heart because of regret.

If you love him, hold on to him...

Therefore, Shu Xiao has been looking for Joyce's heroic spirit between participating in the competition.

The Sunshine Plains of the Heroic Spirit World are now completely controlled by the Judgment Territory.

Da Liang's fame, abundant funds, wide-ranging contacts, and the spare no effort of the university alliance's support have made the Judgment Territory, which started late, become the world's first-class Terran Territory in a short period of time.

The Judgment Territory has recently been upgraded to Level [-], and construction has begun in the direction of Level [-] Territory.

However, with the establishment of the First Empire in the main world, the Judgment Territory directly under Shangjiang City encountered a situation where its development was hindered.Cloud City does not recognize the Judgment Land as a city protected by angels, and refuses to provide the Judgment Land with territorial development tasks.

The territory development mission is okay... The establishment of the first empire in the main world made Shangjiang's territory mission begin to upgrade.After the research of the dragon force fighters is completed, Shangjiang can provide the highest-level architectural blueprints for the territory.

The most important problem facing the Judgment Leader is... the rejection from the Heroic Spirit World.

The city of Heroic Spirits closest to Sunshine Plain...Balance City has already expressed its desire to take back the ownership of Sunshine Plain.

The ruling collar once again attracted the attention of the world.

The establishment of the first empire in the main world has not enjoyed too many benefits for the player group, but has begun to suffer some additional losses.Especially those player territories that belonged to the cities that joined the First Empire were more or less harassed by the corresponding base camp.

Therefore... the lords who dominate the player world are not very interested in the establishment of the first empire in the main world.

However, these players' private territories are only affected by the difficulty of some missions. With more investment, the development of the territory can still be maintained.Only Da Liang's Judgment Territory was rejected by the base camp plane, and the lord of this territory was the prince of the First Empire of the main world.

Under Michael's clear instructions, even Metatron had no way to open the ruling net.

At the negotiating table, Michael used all means to make the atmosphere of the negotiation hot. She just wanted to let the world know that Cloudsdale must make the First Empire of the main world succumb this time. Obtained on the battlefield.

On the sunny plain, the army of Balance City continued to infiltrate, creating friction.

The world is paying attention to the Sunshine Plain, and seeing when the land of the Judgment Territory will be taken back by the Balance City, will there be a big war?
There was a crisis in the territory, and Shu Xiao had no choice but to return to Sunshine City in the Judgment Territory from the work of searching for Joyce's heroic spirit.

Sunshine City is a city built by the ruling leader at the exit of the teleportation array on the Sunshine Plain plane.Here is located in the plains, the transportation is extremely convenient, flat roads can go directly to more than a dozen human cities in the world of heroes, among which Balance City is the closest to Sunshine City, and it is also the largest city.

The pastures on the plains can capture excellent war horses, and dozens of field recruiting buildings can recruit soldiers who only need to pay gold coins (recruiting soldiers in system cities requires city contribution).There are high-level monster refresh points, excellent minerals, and beautiful natural scenery...

Sunshine Plain is recognized as a golden treasure land. If it weren't for the fact that it is easy to attack and difficult to defend, such a good place would have been taken by others long ago.

The ruling leader who had just come to the Sunshine Plain established his absolute rule over the Sunshine Plain after experiencing a one-on-eight battle.

No player dares to peek here, but the system city is different, especially with Michael's orders behind it.

Balance City is a 12th-level human city, the highest unit that can be recruited is 11th-level knights, and can train 12th-level champion knights.The ruling area behind Sunshine City is only an eighth-level human city, where you can recruit seventh-level swordsmen and train eighth-level crusaders.

The comparison of the strengths of the two sides.Balance City has the advantage of high-level arms and can get support from Cloud City; Sunshine City has the advantage of players and can get support from Shangjiang and even the Five-color Banner Alliance.

The tense situation seems to make this place a blasting point for the good camp to launch an attack on the Five Color Banner Alliance.

As the negotiations between Da Liang and Michael progressed, Balance City's hostility towards Sunshine City became more and more obvious.The investigation showed that Balance City had begun to gather troops on a large scale, and the vanguard had arrived at the outer edge of Sunshine City's control area.

Shu Xiao organized the defense of Sunshine City at the fastest speed, and the system army and player army went to the field to block the advance route of the Balance City army.

" do we fight this? With our strength, we can barely withstand a balanced city. But if we push all the surrounding system don't give me more soldiers, I guess we won't be able to defend it. "

Da Liang replied to Shu Xiao during the negotiations with Michael: "Don't be too nervous. I will negotiate with Michael again. This guy wants to use Sunshine City to put pressure on me. Whether this battle can be fought or not depends on our discussion here." How about it?
I guess we only need to face Balance City. After all, this conflict is for this negotiation and involves the interests of Cloud City and the First Empire of the main world.

If Michael does not want to expand the situation and cause a full-scale war between the good camp and the five-color flag alliance, he must control the scale of the war.

This is the ancient battle between the two armies. One side goes out of a city, and whoever wins a share on the battlefield will be superior at the negotiating table.

You have a good fight with the balance city over there, the opponent doesn't use the ultimate creature, and we don't use the ultimate creature to enter the battle first.As long as the other party has an army, we will send an army with as much strength as possible. In the confrontation with conventional military forces of the same level, you must help me overwhelm Michael at the negotiating table. "

Shu Xiao didn't expect that Balance City would send troops to invade Sunshine City, and there would be such a big background behind it.A battle between the eighth-level city and the 12th-level city actually contained the confrontation between the good camp and the five-color flag alliance!One-on-one before the battle... If this was placed in the Three Kingdoms period, my sister would also be a fierce general at the level of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun.

"Don't worry, Master! Leave it to me, Master! Hahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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