start an archangel

Chapter 1367 The Sensible Shu Xiao

Chapter 1367 The Sensible Shu Xiao

It's just that at this time Shu Xiao is hesitant to click.

Da Liang, the hands-off shopkeeper, did a very thorough job. The Judgment Legion and Judgment Leader were built by Shu Xiao alone.During the running-in training for the backstage support staff, Shu Xiao learned that Da Liang almost never used the combat support system.

Shu Xiao knew that the tasks that Da Liang was doing were very advanced, and some things were not suitable for too many people to know.

But the high level of the task means the high level of the battle... Without the combat support system, how did Da Liang fight those top NPCs?

During the battle in NJ City, Shu Xiao finally saw how Da Liang fights in top-level battles.

Leaving aside the use of magic scrolls in the way of throwing coins, in the battle against Fury, Da Liang's offensive and defensive advances and retreats and the use of skills are simply flowing, relying entirely on instinct to fight.In other words, Da Liang has already integrated into this world of sword and magic, and those magic and skills have truly become a part of him.

Shu Xiao asked himself this "master" after the war: How did he do it?
Da Liang answered painfully: "It was all forced. You can't activate the combat support system, and you can only bite the bullet when you encounter any battles, and you will know how to fight when you fight..."

Da Liang's answer reminded Shu Xiao of the Holy Bella again.Of course, it is impossible for the system NPC to use the player's combat support system, but during the training, even if Sacred Bella only uses the same strength as Shu Xiao, he can still beat Shu Xiao who has activated the combat support system.

Sacred Bella's evaluation of Shu Xiao is "lack of sharpness!"

Shu Xiao never knew what her problem was, but she found the answer in Da Liang.

It's not that it's "lack of sharpness", but that it relies too much on the combat auxiliary system.All the data you see through the combat assistance system are told to you by others, so the actions you make based on these data, even if it is the optimal choice, are not your own.

The best is not necessarily the best, and things that are not your own are definitely flawed!
Fighting against an opponent of the level of Holy Bella, any flaws will be infinitely magnified.

In the eyes of the holy Bella, Shu Xiao's actions just lacked the edge of his own characteristics.

Taking his hand away from the button of the combat assistance system, Shu Xiao found that without those lines and data, his field of vision was more concise and bright, and he was in a good mood for fighting.

Facing Leonard who had deployed the force field shield in front of him, Shu Xiao looked at the angel sword in his hand and said, "My mentor told me: the sword you wield for yourself is the strongest sword. Today I just I understood what she meant...

It is very unfortunate for you to meet me at this time, because your opponent has swastikaed at this time! "

Before Leonard could figure out what the meaning of 卍解 was, Shu Xiao held the angel sword in front of her.

Holy flame!

A white flame burned along the blade, the blade danced in a circle, and the holy flame remained burning in the air to form a white fire circle.Shu Xiao shook his wrist, and the circle of sacred flames that had just formed shot at Leonard.

Throwing out three circles of holy flames in a row, Shu Xiao's angel wings swept back, and the person rushed out, following the three long-range attack skills, becoming the fourth attack point.

At the beginning, Leonard didn't think too much when he saw Shu Xiao's angel wings.Because the Angel Wings were created by Cloud City to reward those humans who have made contributions.If Leonard wins this battle, he may also be rewarded with a pair of angel wings by Michael.

But being able to use the holy flame is another matter.

Holy Flame is a skill of divine energy.Knowing the holy energy does not necessarily mean knowing the holy flame, but knowing the holy flame means that the holy energy has at least reached the master level...or there is a 16th-level hero teaching who has mastered the law-level holy energy and the law-level holy flame, and advanced holy energy can also be mastered.

And no matter which of these two holy flame cultivation channels is, it means that Knight Broken Moon has the strength and background, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for a human race to master the sacred energy, which is the exclusive skill of the angel race.

Leonard, who was originally full of confidence, felt that he was a little overbearing, and he should let others test the opponent's strength first... But what if others win?
The holy flame ring was approaching, and Leonard didn't dare to think about anything else.Anyone who knows angels knows that Holy Flame has a very destructive and annihilating attribute, and it has a defense-breaking effect on some defensive spells.Angels are already strong enough, and angels who know the Holy Flame are truly terrifying.

Forbidden magic, fire thaumaturgy, stone skin body protection, body protection shield...

Leonard used the fastest speed to add multiple defensive magic to himself, and then used air magic to create a directional strong wind to speed up his evasion speed.

And release the magic mirror on the path of the holy fire ring (level 5 air magic has a chance to reflect back the magic and skills released by the enemy.)
The first holy fire ring passed through the magic mirror and hit the force field shield, and the fire scattered the shield.

The second holy flame ring triggered the effect of the magic mirror and was reflected back, shooting at Shu Xiao.

The third holy fire ring was dodged by Leonard, and he threw a thunderbolt at Shu Xiao.

This is Shu Xiao's first encounter with the Magic Mirror.The fifth-level air magic plus the master-level air magic bonus, the magic mirror released by Leonard has a very high probability of skill and magic reflection.Shu Xiao rushed forward following the holy fire ring, and the second holy fire ring reflected back and reached her in an instant.

Of course Shu Xiao knew what it was like to be hit by Sheng Yan, but it seemed inevitable that he could only force himself with this skill.

However, the reflex arc on Shu Xiao's body to deal with danger obviously exceeded the normal reaction time.Shu Xiao, who was flying forward at high speed, turned around like a divine help, just clinging to the holy fire ring.

If he was using the combat assistance system at this moment, Shu Xiao wondered if he could dodge such an unexpected attack at such a close range while staring at the data.

Anyway, Shu Xiao already liked the excitement brought by this extreme battle.It is no longer necessary to waste brainpower to make various judgments based on data, to make the battle easier, and let the body make judgments, so that you can truly enjoy and experience it.

Summoning the protective shield wall to block the attacking thunderbolt lightning, the holy flame erupted backward along the wings, pushing Shu Xiao's speed to skyrocket again.

He rushed in front of Leonard almost in the blink of an eye.

Slash in the air.

The angel sword slashed down, and dark cracks appeared in the space where the blade passed.This is really a combat skill that can leave the space. It is mainly used by angels to attack demons hiding in the subspace, and it has a certain interference effect on small-scale spaces.

According to Leonard's information, he is a master of air magic. Since he has mastered the flying thaumaturgy, he will probably also be able to open the gate of another dimension.According to Leonard's skill level, he can open the door to another dimension almost instantly.

In order to prevent Leonard from using the gate of another dimension to escape, Shu Xiao disturbed the space first regardless of whether he could hit it or not.

Sure enough, a portal closed beside Leonard before it opened.

(End of this chapter)

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