start an archangel

Chapter 1373 Strategic Level Magic

Chapter 1373 Strategic Level Magic

Destroying this strategic magic is a breeze for Cloud City.

But the participation of the angels in Yunzhong City means that the war is escalating.Although Balance City can regain the Sunshine Plain with the help of angels, the expanded war will affect Michael's layout of Hell Furnace City.

Michael stood up: "I lost this battle...but I have to take back Sunshine Plain. Other cities will take over Balance City and continue to attack your Sunshine City...

Negotiations are temporarily over.

I hope you can carefully consider the conditions I proposed. After I capture Sunshine City... If you don't make major concessions, then the only solution is war. "

Michael turned and left angrily, leaving only Da Liang to continue watching the war on Sunshine Plain.

At this time, Balance City has already noticed the change of magic elements, and realized that the strategic magic has entered the stage of energy storage.Where did this strategic magic come from?

it goes without saying!

The army in Balance City is being beaten back steadily, and it is not an easy task to find a release point for strategic magic on the continuous battlefield.But without finding and destroying this strategic-level magic, the army of Balance City will only be wiped out.

Lord Robert sent out all his knights, and at the same time he also personally participated in the battle with an elite royal griffin brigade to break through to the rear of the Judgment.

The knights were divided into two clusters to detour from the two wings of the battlefield, and the monks on the flanks moved forward, using partial counterattacks to cover the actions of the knights.

The elite royal griffins followed behind the Lord Robert, and they rushed in from the middle like sharp knives slashing through butter. Groups of griffins followed them and poured in from the incision, blocking the attack of the ruling leader of the griffins.

But they didn't advance too far, a wall of fire was laid in the air along their advancing route.

Vincent, who was in charge of air magic support, blocked Robert's charge in time.Then Shu Xiao fell from the sky, a holy blow knocked Robert out of the royal griffin group.

A squadron of hero-level magic mages took off to form an air defense line.

The battle is getting more and more intense...

Strategic-level magic has completed the drawing of the magic circle.Two circular magic circles with a diameter of 50 meters are full of various magic lines and circuits.All magic mage heroes who participated in the magic release stood on the outer circle of the magic circle.They chanted jerky spells and channeled their magic power into the magic circle.

The brightness of the magic circle gradually increased, attracting magical energy to gather here.

The magic element is getting thicker and thicker, and a layer of mist is formed above the magic circle. The magic circle is running stably, waiting for the moment when the energy accumulation is completed and finally released.

Forbidden spells are spells beyond level [-] magic.Because of the side effects of forbidden spells, this type of magic is taboo.There are very few magics in this world that can be called forbidden spells, and mastering and releasing forbidden spells requires very high intelligence, knowledge and corresponding skill levels of the caster.

Except for a few non-destructive forbidden spells that can be released directly by a single person, all offensive forbidden spells cannot be used directly by a single person.

The forbidden spell Doomsday Judgment and Final Sanction can only be released through the artifact Doomsday Blade and Angel Alliance.

Another way to release the forbidden spell is to gather a plurality of excellent mages to jointly cast spells through the corresponding magic circle.Depending on the magic circle and release technique, as well as the difference in the power of the forbidden spell, the magic preparation time is also different.

Some take hours, others may take days...

Zilong is a magical dragon family. Their research level on magic may not be the highest in a certain item, but it is definitely the most comprehensive, comprehensive and advanced.

Da Liang has a very high prestige in the magic forest, and the magic mage also has a strong affinity for Zilong, so Zilong has no secrets when teaching the magic mage.Even according to the spell level of the magic wizard heroes, they also helped to optimize a lot of spellcasting skills.

The strategic-level dual-attribute composite magic circle is Zilong's fast forbidden spell release technique provided by Zilong for magic mage heroes.

One magic circle became two, and the time was cut in half.

The magic mage heroes of the three mage regiment squadrons provide magic protection for the release of strategic magic.They set up three defensive magic circles around the strategic magic circle.

The defensive magic circle operates, casting three matrix halos with a diameter of [-] meters into the air.

The matrix halo is an offensive and defensive combination, which can not only resist attacks of all attributes, but also release various offensive spells according to the caster's wishes.But... the expansion of the matrix halo, while providing protection for the strategic-level magic circle, also told Robert the location of the forbidden curse.

In the melee, Robert had a certain advantage over Shu Xiao. The dual master skills and the cooperation of his own hero unit made Shu Xiao unable to calmly attack Robert's defensive corner.After discovering the release position of the strategic-level magic of the Judgment Leader, Robert, a knight, relied on his super defense to drive the Royal Griffon mount to charge again.

Shu Xiao intercepted urgently.

The battle in the air gradually approached the position of the magic circle.

On the ground, the Knights of Balance City circled a large circle and pierced through the ribs of the ruling formation.

The two ribs are the first line of defense of the strategic-level magic formation. The thick spearmen phalanx prevents the knights from advancing, and then there are the crossbowmen phalanx, swordsman phalanx, war equipment, magic mage phalanx, and alchemy equipment.

Even if the knights of the balance city can break through the barriers and rush in all the way, they still face the knights of the judgment leader.

Without high morale, without the determination to die, this journey is almost death.

But... when the air advances were frequently blocked, the ground became Robert's lifeline. As long as the knight could step on it, this strategic level magic could be destroyed.

"Come on! Knights!"

After Robert was knocked off course again by Shu Xiao, the Knights of Balance City launched a desperate charge.

The heavily armored knights galloped in groups on the plain, and the heavy horseshoes stepped on the grass to make a dull roar.

The earth trembled, smoke and dust filled the air, and a wave of knights swept in.

The heroic knights who accompanied the army blessed the knights for the last time. After the brilliance of their skills flashed, all the knights put down their lances together and aimed their spears at the spearmen directly in front of them.

Facing the charge of the knights, the spearmen lowered their spears at the same time, the handles of the spears touched the ground, and the tip of the spears stabbed upwards obliquely.

Arrows were shot from the phalanx of crossbowmen at the rear, and after reaching the highest point, the thrown arrows pierced through the galloping knights.The arrows jingled on the knight's armor, but the results were negligible.

After the charging knights experienced a rain of arrows, they did not give the crossbowmen a second chance to shoot arrows. They had already rushed to the front of the spearmen. Facing the dense forest of guns, they did not slow down at all, but charged in with their horses.

The knights who rushed up had terrifying attack power, and the spearmen of the first rank were like straws that had been harvested against the knights of the eleventh rank.The spears in their hands were broken by the metal horse armor, and their bodies were knocked away by the galloping horses.

A phalanx of spearmen was trampled by knights in a short time.

The crossbowmen in the rear spread out to both sides, shooting arrows at the knights from the flanks, and went forward on top of the swordsman phalanx behind.

The knights rushing through the spearmen's phalanx were a little scattered and their speed dropped a lot.But in the siege, they did not reorganize the formation, but shot with bows and arrows, and rushed towards the phalanx of swordsmen who had already rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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