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Chapter 1375 Post-War Influence

Chapter 1375 Post-War Influence
The sky-shattering ice cone attack brought disaster to the army of Balance City.

Although the magic amplification equipment propped up the defensive barrier in time, the defensive barrier did not last long in this powerful magic attack... The ice cone pierced the defensive barrier, and the contained electric energy exploded and pushed the tip Piercing, armor-piercing attack and elemental damage, the defensive enchantment cracked and shattered like a cracked eggshell.

The subsequent ice cones continued to fall, destroying all alchemy equipment and war equipment that had lost their defenses.

The mages accompanying the army struggled to support the last defensive cover. Their magic energy was rapidly consumed during the attack of the ice cone, and the area that could be defended gradually shrank.All the soldiers exposed outside the defensive cover were pierced by the ice cone in an instant, and then quickly submerged in the ice, without even having time to scream.

Outside the coverage area of ​​strategic magic, the soldiers of the Judgment Command quietly watched the magic massacre, and the occasional deflected ice cones were also blocked from the defensive light curtain.


The lightning ice burst lasted about 5 minutes.The magic ended, and a circular world of ice and snow appeared on the green sunny plain.

Balance City's army lost more than half of it under this strategic magic attack. They lost all the heavy weapons used in the war, the mage's magic power was exhausted, and the soldiers who survived by chance completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Shu Xiao stared at the battlefield dumbfounded, deeply shocked by this magical attack...

The air power of Balance City has followed the battlefield where Lord Robert escaped, and the ground troops were trapped in the ice and snow.

Da Liang said to Shu Xiao: "Assemble the remaining troops in Balance City as soon as possible, and then go back to Sunshine City to rest. Michael is still planning to continue fighting with us, and next time he may come from multiple cities together.

We got lucky this time.Before the next battle, I will call in a commander-type hero... You are dedicated to fighting, and the command of the battle should be handed over to a full-time hero. "

Shu Xiao curled her lips, she knew that Da Liang was very dissatisfied with her performance on the battlefield, it was really too risky to be a general before the battle, this is not something a commander should do.

According to Shu Xiao's temperament, he can be an invincible general, but he can't be a steady battle commander.

"Understood, master... I was wrong this time." Shu Xiao turned and said with a smile: "Now I have resigned from the mythology, how about working full-time as a thug for your five-color flag alliance in the future?"

Da Liang closed the battlefield magic image on the table, and replied to Shu Xiao: "'Myth' can be handed over to Yijian Guanghan, the camp against the team in the world of heroic spirits must be our own..."

The battle between Judgment Territory and Balance City on the Sunshine Plain is over. This should have been an ordinary urban conflict, but it has aroused worldwide thinking.

A new unit from the magic forest - magic mage.

The powerful magic assist ability makes people forget the role of magic mages in the attack, and a small team of magic mages can replace the role of a hero-level mage on the battlefield.The saved hero-level mages gave the Judgment Leader a strong magical attack capability.

The strongest hero, Michael, the ruler of Cloud City, actually projected on the battlefield.Although I don't know Michael's purpose...but considering that the Judgment Territory belongs to Shangjiang City, it can be guessed that it has something to do with the First Empire of the main world.No matter what hidden things are behind this, it is undeniable that...Da Liang has come into contact with Michael's quest line.

This is the top quest line in the first stage of the game. Whether he is an enemy or a friend with Michael, it shows that Da Liang's strength has reached this level.

In addition, it was the first time that strategic-level magic was used by players in actual combat.

The impact of this on the game world is no less than the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.No matter how strong a hero is, when his physical strength and mana are exhausted, as long as he is willing to sacrifice, he can use crowd tactics to deal with it.But strategic-level magic... deals with crowd tactics.

Although there are many harsh conditions for using strategic-level magic, and it is easy to be destroyed, once it is hit, the Balance City army on the Sunshine Plain is the best example.

If it is said that Da Liang is named the prince, the other players "can't eat grapes and talk about grapes", saying that the prince's rights are limited.But in this war, Da Liang really showed his hard power.

For Da Liang's recent explosive display of strength, Shi Fei is probably the final injury.

The War on the Sunshine Plain was over, and Broken Moon commanded the army of Judgment to recruit and recruit the surviving army in Balance City, and Shi Fei also withdrew from the game.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows in front, one can see the busy Command Center of the Juggernaut Legion.

As "Game No.1", Shi Fei has reached a height that he could only look up to in his previous life.The world of heroes has brought about a blowout in the virtual industry. Shi Fei, who has a lifetime of experience, has made a wave of miraculous investments in the virtual industry, becoming a big shot with the ability to influence the virtual world, and a world-class rich man.

But Shi Fei felt that fate was really playing tricks on him.

Along the way...he had always regarded Da Liang as his opponent, but suddenly discovered...he had lost the qualification to be Da Liang's opponent.

As a player who can in-depth contact with the relationship between various forces in the game, Shi Fei has a more thorough understanding of the war in the Sunshine Plain than other players.

Neither side in this war has invested in ultimate creatures, which means that this war is nothing more than a political game.

The First Empire of the main world urgently needs the recognition of all aspects.Now that the hell and the kingdom of death in the evil camp have recognized the legitimacy of the First Empire, if the First Empire does not want to be attacked by the good camp, it must strive for the approval of Cloud City City.

It can be concluded that the First Empire of the main world is negotiating with Cloud City, and the representatives of the two parties are Da Liang and Michael respectively.This war was launched by Balance City, and it must have been instructed by Michael. She wanted to beat Da Liang with military threats.

And Da Liang directly destroyed the attacking Balance City, even if Michael personally projected on the battlefield, Da Liang didn't give her this face.

In this game world... who would dare to do this?

Shi Fei knew that he would not dare, this is the gap...

Shi Fei smiled self-deprecatingly, and fought for two lifetimes...but he still lost.

However, there is still a chance to catch up... it is temporarily behind...

At this time, Ban Yue Mao knocked on the door and came in: "Boss...the news came from Lie Yan Teng...Da Liang's strength may come from the Zilong Academy of Magic in the Magic Forest.

Now he has been doing tasks in the Fairy Garden, looking for a way to enter the Magic Academy, I hope we can give him all-round support. "

Shi Fei quickly said: "The good camp will attack the Furnace City in the near future. After the evil camp has been severely damaged, it will attack the Five Color Banner Alliance with all its strength. You organize a few mission strategy teams to enter the magic forest. Garden, we will do our best to help him enter the Magic Academy.

After the good camp invades the magic forest, there may be a chance to recruit Zilong in the chaos.

Be sure to catch it! "

(End of this chapter)

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