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Chapter 1378 Da Liang's Strategic Suggestion

Chapter 1378 Da Liang's Strategic Suggestion

Moore shouldered the heavy responsibility entrusted by the King of Songs, but he did not expect that the request he brought would be so easily accepted by Da Liang.

More dwarven weapons can allow the Ironhoof King's army to arm more elite troops, and the increased military expenditure can buy more war materials in the trading autonomous dominion of the kingdom of death.

As long as they have these two things, Moore believes that they can drive out the invading army of the World Factory in no time.

But... a bit too easy, isn't it?

Moore asked Da Liang with some doubts: "Your Majesty... thank you for your generosity and support to the Iron Hoof Kingdom. May I ask what we should pay in exchange."

Da Liang laughed and said: "Because the First Empire wants to take back the control of the main world city, the conflict between us and Cloudsdale has become more and more intensified. War may break out at any time. Of course we are willing to subsidize the Iron Hoof Kingdom of the Endless Labyrinth to contain the good A part of the military force of the camp.

The Iron Hoof Kingdom's ability to attack the world's factory when we need it is the best reward for the First Empire. "

Moore agreed with Da Liang's words.

At this time, ten cities in the Heroic Spirit World are besieging Sunshine City in the Judgment Territory, and the verbal battle between Yunzhong City and Shangjiang City is even more fierce. Behind them are the Kindness Camp and the Five-Color Flag Alliance. The war between the two powerful military groups is imminent.

If the passive situation of the Endless Labyrinth is reversed, how many Warlocks of the World Factory can be restrained by the Dungeon Kingdom will be the support for the Five-Color Banner Alliance.This is not something that can be measured by money... In order to resist the attack of the good camp, it is understandable for Shangjiang to subsidize the Iron Hoof Kingdom.

Moore, who dispelled his doubts, saluted Da Liang happily: "On behalf of King Song, I would like to express my sincere thanks to His Majesty. Shang Jiang and the First Empire of the World are the closest friends of the Iron Hoof Kingdom. When our King's Army receives new weapons After that, it will immediately launch the most violent attack on the enemies who invaded the endless maze.

If necessary, we will break into the world factory and try our best to contain the good camp. "

The five-color flag alliance's military strength is not as good as that of the good camp and the evil camp, but the wealth it controls far exceeds these two camps.For Da Liang, money is for spending.If Shangjiang's full treasury does not become strength, it is dead money.

Besides, he would use all his savings to buy dwarven weapons and Shangjiang's war equipment with the gold coins of the Iron Hoof Kingdom.The wealth will flow back to the five-color flag alliance, so that it will not lose money and please one of the seven countries in the endless maze.

Of is impossible for Da Liang to let the Iron Hoof Kingdom take away the money for nothing.

Da Liang sat on the throne, with his legs crossed, leaning on his body, resting his chin on one hand, his narrowed eyes were sly.He said: "No, no, no... The five-color flag alliance has not yet waged war with the good camp, and our need to contain the world's factory is not urgent.

To be honest... With our support, it will be very easy for Ironhoof Kingdom to expel the invading Warlocks from the Endless Labyrinth.

It's just...has the Singing King ever had the idea of ​​using the army elsewhere? "

"Use the army elsewhere?"

Moore didn't know what Da Liang meant by saying these words?What else can the army of the Iron Hoof Kingdom do besides recover the lost land?
"Excuse me, Your Majesty, do you need our army to do something else for you?"

Da Liang shook his head, as if he was helpless at Moore's ignorance. He said, "Moore, the seven kingdoms in the dungeon have all suffered from the black elves' riots, and now only the Ironhoof Kingdom has successfully quelled the black elves in its territory. At this time, the other six In this dungeon kingdom, the vast land is still occupied by black elves.

There was even a 16th-order black elf mistress in the Darkwing Kingdom. She occupied the Golden Cave City and received funding from the Cloud City City.

Believing in the Black Elves is the biggest headache for the other six kingdoms.

If I were the King of Singing... I had an elite army and a general capable of quelling the black elf riots, I would definitely go to assist other kingdoms to attack the raging black elves first.


When the king's army of the Iron Hoof Kingdom is fully armed with dwarf weapons and human war equipment, the land occupied by the Iron Hoof Kingdom by the World Factory is still yours, so there is no need to worry.And who should belong to the city you defeated and occupied by the black elves?
Even if the other six kingdoms want to take the city back, at least they have to pay something.

Moreover, black elf slaves performed very well in the battle against elves, and the First Empire of the main world had unlimited demand for black elf slaves.

Selling black elf slaves can make a lot of money again.

I think after the Endless Labyrinth suppresses all the black elf riots... the First Dungeon Kingdom will become the Ironshoe Kingdom. "

To be honest, Moore didn't expect the war to be fought like this.

Use part of the army to keep watch over the warlocks who invaded the Ironhoof Kingdom, and use the army that wiped out the black elf riots in this kingdom to attack the black elves in other kingdoms.Moore believed that he had very rich combat experience against black elves, and his army was already familiar with the most effective tactics against black elves.Expeditions to other dungeon kings do not require any preparations, and you can go to battle when the supplies arrive.

Theoretically, the city snatched from the black elf belongs to the Kingdom of Iron Hoof.Merge those nearby cities into the kingdom, and sell those far away cities that are not easy to control to the Six Kingdoms.It not only expands the territory, but also makes money...

And selling black elf slaves can make a fortune again.

At that time... the Iron Hoof Kingdom needs money and soldiers, so it will naturally become the strongest kingdom in the endless maze.

"Your Majesty, I felt your profound wisdom in Drum City, and today you let me see the strategic vision that can only be looked up to.

I believe... With your main world's first empire and the five-color flag alliance, you will surely overcome all difficulties, and the main world will definitely become a unified and powerful plane.

I'm very glad that I didn't turn against you because of Obsidian City. Your friendship will definitely be the greatest wealth of Iron Hoof Kingdom. "

Da Liang smiled and said: "'Treat your friends as warm as spring, and treat your enemies as cruel and ruthless as severe winter.' My help is obtained by the Iron Hoof Kingdom with your sincerity.

I also very much hope that one day the King of Songs can represent the Endless Labyrinth and establish equal diplomatic relations with the First Empire of the main world.If the main world wants to be truly independent, we not only need to fight against our enemies, but also need the help of our friends.


Moore, who was on an envoy to Obsidian City... really came back with a rewarding experience.

He took away a large amount of dwarf weapons from Da Liang, and received free financial assistance from Shangjiang City.Most importantly, he took away the ambition of turning the Iron Hoof Kingdom into the strongest kingdom in the endless maze.

Although he also knows... If the Iron Hoof Kingdom really follows the strategy formulated by Da Liang, it will definitely lead to a situation of relying on the five-color flag alliance.

But so what?It's a mess with hell, and it's a mess with the First Empire of the main world.

Anyway, the endless maze is inherently deficient, and I never thought of being the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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