start an archangel

Chapter 1381 Judge Angela

Chapter 1381 Judge Angela

Da Liang is right...

This matter should be discussed openly, and while everyone in this conference room is still united in the face of a strong enemy, this hidden danger should be resolved.As long as the final conclusion is made today, no one will have an excuse to cause trouble for this matter in the future.

Only the Demon King of Extermination, the Demon King of Power Desire, and the Demon King of Envy can truly join hands.

After figuring out what Da Liang meant, Angela said to everyone: "Whichever camp you are in, you can work for that camp... When I was working for Satan, I admitted that I controlled William and ordered him to kill many people... …

Including His Majesty Howard's entire family! "

Howard's gaze at Angela became sharp instantly, and everyone could feel the anger emanating from him.

And Angela pretended not to see, and continued: "But please don't imagine my charm technique so powerful, if William is a normal person, if William knows what he really needs... When I bewitch him, he The order would not be so decisive, he knew what he was doing at that time.

Among everyone present, Prince Daliang and Duke Joshua have seen the last William and know how crazy he is.

In the back of his mind, he thought he could kill all of you if he wanted to, and he really wanted to.I just gave him a little push, that's all.

Also, let me tell you a little secret.

Before his death, the former king of the East China Sea summoned William alone, and then he was killed by William. I guarantee that I did not instigate this incident.Later, William told me that the reason he killed the East China Sea King was...his father wanted to pass the throne to Howard.

I can't imagine... what would Shangjiang be like if there was such a king ruling?But definitely not what it is now.

In fact, you should thank me.

Without my words... you are now worrying about how to deal with the looting of Cloudsdale City. "

Although everyone knows that the King of the East China Sea died at the hands of William, but they don't know why he did it.Now through Angela's mouth, it is considered to know the reason for William's regicide and paternity.If the King of the East China Sea really intended to pass the throne to Howard, then with William's temperament, he could really do it.

Everyone looked at Howard together...

Thinking of his brother's grievances with King Donghai, Howard said with a long sigh: "Yes...the chaos in Shangjiang made my brother realize that if he insists on letting William inherit the throne, it will only lead to Shangjiang's perdition.

He secretly summoned me and offered to pass on the throne to me... Then, he passed away suddenly..."

Howard's words confirmed William's crime.

At that time, William was king, and Howard had no evidence to prove that the king of the East China Sea was going to pass to himself, so he had no reason to compete with William.Without Angela's charm and instigation, what would Shangjiang City be like under William's rule?
William didn't know what kind of conduct a leader needs to have to rule a city. He only knew that the king's power was above everything else, and he believed that the king could control the life and death of everyone.

At that time, Shangjiang must have been chaotic. William's indiscriminate killing and war will only kill more people.Then after the outbreak of the plane war, it became the target of being robbed.

Look at Shangjiang now.

The largest city in the main world, the richest city in the entire plane, established the first empire in the main world, and one of the main alliances of the five-color flag alliance.

At this moment, Shangjiang is standing on a peak that has never been reached before.

At this moment, these nobles are discussing how to defeat the dreamland and the stone wilderness, rather than lingering under the control of Cloud City.Now they have the strength to compete with Cloud City.

It all started with the Great Cleansing of the Shangjiang River, and the path they are taking at this time is the turning point that appeared at that moment.

Angela was right, without that massacre, Shangjiang would not be where it is today.

But... what's wrong?
Da Liang said at this time: " it so difficult to apologize?"

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Angela, who was complacent about her sophistry, was taken aback by Da Liang's sudden words.

She looked at Da Liang who seemed to be smiling but not a smile, then at Howard who was expressionless, and those nobles who didn't know what to do.After hesitating for a while, he said: "No matter what the cause is or what the result is, I still caused great trauma to Shang Jiang.

I apologize to His Majesty Howard, the nobles of Shangjiang, and everyone who died in that turmoil.

Although I don't have the ability to bring them back from the dead, I am willing to dedicate my power to our common goal...

Are we now a faction? "

Angela's apology caused the conference room to fall into silence again.

After a while, Howard said: "For the crimes Angela committed in Shangjiang, I cannot represent everyone to judge her. I can only represent myself...

That massacre is still the most painful scar in my heart.

But as Angela said... If the camps are different, there is no need to show mercy to irrelevant people.The rules of this world are also the same, the strong will not care about the lives of the weak, just like when we hunt goblins for fun, we don't think about how other goblins will feel.

When Angela tempted William to carry out the massacre in Shangjiang, it was because we were too weak and not united.Now that Angela is willing to be our ally, it means that we are strong enough to be recognized by this hell lord king.

The dead cannot be resurrected. Our strength is not due to hatred, but because we can unite all those who are willing to stand with us, no matter whether they were our enemies before or not.

Although I can't get rid of my hatred for Angela, but I saw her contribution to Shang Jiang, I accepted her apology and promised not to have any ill will towards Angela because of this incident. "

Howard expressed his attitude, and the nobles also transferred most of their hatred from Angela to William.

He even dared to kill his own father... Such cruelty, probably without Angela's help, he would definitely kill a group of people in order to stabilize the throne he stole.

The first to bear the brunt is Howard and those old nobles who were loyal to the former Eastern Sea King.

After Howard, Da Liang said: "Your Majesty has accepted King Angela's apology. As the prince of the First Empire, I also accept King Angela's apology.

The Empire needs King Angela as an ally to provide us with the protection of the space system; King Angela also needs the Empire as her umbrella to protect her interests in hell.

Sincere cooperation will make us stronger, internal friction will make us collapse.

Only by remembering the past, but not being trapped in the past empire, can we continuously absorb friends from all over the world to join us, and let us continue to be strong.

Please share your opinion...

Then we will enter the issue of encircling and suppressing the coalition of elves and orcs as soon as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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