Chapter 1384

In order to sign the peace treaty "as soon as possible", Da Liang and Michael reached an agreement on a temporary ceasefire between the two sides.

In the world of heroic spirits, the army of ten human cities that attacked Sunshine City stopped attacking the city and retreated ten kilometers away from Sunshine City.On the battlefield of Shangjiang, the First Empire of the main world also suspended its pressure on the allied forces of elves and beastmen, and instead rested on the spot.

The two wars that attracted the attention of the world suddenly died down, and what it meant also aroused many speculations from the outside world.What agreement did the Lord World First Empire reach with Cloud City?Or are the two preparing for a larger-scale offensive, or even a full-scale war?
In these two days... there was a truce in all planes, and the atmosphere in the world was extremely depressed.

And this time.

The First Empire of the main world has completed all preparations to encircle and wipe out the allied forces of elves and orcs.The Imperial Army in the three directions of Shangjiang City, NJ City, and Hang Z City are only waiting for Howard's order to attack.

After the truce, the coalition forces of elves and orcs quickly shrunk their troops, preparing to wait for Yunzhong City to open the plane portal, and then they will all transfer to Hell to participate in the assault on Furnace City.

The Angel Legion in Cloud City was ready to go, surrounded the cross air fortress and space battleship in Furnace City, and quietly activated all weapons.

Lucifer in Furnace City was still thinking about how he would use this opportunity to break the siege of Cloud City if a war breaks out between the Five-Color Banners Alliance and the Good Faction...incorporate the collapsed Five-Color Banners Alliance.

At the invitation of Michael, the Warlock of the World Factory will draw part of the army that invaded the Endless Labyrinth to support the Crucible Battlefield.

The black elf tribes that received assistance from Cloud City have set out from the dungeons they occupied, and a large-scale attack on the underground kingdom is about to begin.

And Moore of the Iron Hoof Kingdom also received assistance from Shangjiang City. The weapons and war supplies arrived, and the Iron Hoof King's army quietly stepped into the black elf-occupied areas of other dungeon kingdoms.

The undead of the dead country mobilize troops to the dreamland.

After receiving the money from Shangjiang, the animal trainers in the swamp were also preparing to teleport into the stone field.

The storm is about to start, and in this plane-level decisive battle, no one can stay out of it.

At this time, Da Liang had already returned to Shangjiang Palace.

When preparing for the war, I was busy, but when I was waiting for the war, I found that there was nothing to do.

In the study room of the royal palace, Da Liang and Howard sat opposite each other across the fireplace, drinking wine... experiencing the tranquility before the war.

"Although I have fought many wars, I am still very nervous..." Howard was wearing casual clothes, staring at the bonfire in the fireplace.Although he tried his best to maintain his emperor's majesty, the huge waves in his heart were all revealed on his face, and even the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly. In order to relieve the pressure, he said to Daliang: Face-level decisive battle... Eight high-level planes, the main plane, the three dragon planes, and an unknown number of small planes, all participated in this battle.

The last time a battle of this scale broke out was ten thousand years ago. I am really lucky to be born and experience this era.

Although war brings destruction and destruction, for a soldier and a commander, no war can be more exciting. "

Thinking that the whole plane is preparing for war at this time, Da Liang, who is leading this war, is also extremely excited, he responded to Howard and said: "Yes... for the first time, the humble main world has grasped its own destiny.

We sow the seeds of freedom and independence here, and no matter whether we succeed or fail in the end, the main world will never go back to the way it was before.

This era will be remembered in history. "

Howard asked with some doubts: "Do you think we may fail?"

"War is a contest between people, and no one knows who will win until the end... Besides," Daliang continued, remembering his burial place, "you should know that I have gathered a group of all-dimensional top-level fighters." A master alchemist, researching the plane of God in a hidden place...

Some time ago, I got an important prop that can speed up the research progress, and I may find a way to open the plane of God at any time.

Cloud City and Furnace City are also researching the God Plane. According to my estimation... the research progress of the three of us is about the same.

Whoever is the first to open the plane of God will be the first to contact God and bring the whole world into a new era.

Therefore... even if we can stand up in the gap between the good camp and the evil camp, we may perish after God comes. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, the study fell into silence, only the crackling of the fire.

After coming for a long time, Howard smiled and said: "We two kings are here to enjoy the sense of accomplishment at the peak, but the atmosphere was completely wiped out by you. So what if the god comes? It's just a hero of higher power.

In our eyes, the former law level is like a god, but it is not impossible to fight.Now that we are all at the law level, the Great Five Color Banner Alliance may not be unable to fight against the gods if they unite.

Besides... not all gods are warlike.

From now on...we must fight every battle well and win every battle. Only those who stand at the end are qualified to challenge God.

Get ready to fight!His Royal Highness. "

In two days, Da Liang transferred all of Sunshine City's troops, civilians, and supplies to the Judgment Area. After destroying the teleportation array, he severed all contact with Sunshine City.

The army of ten cities in the world of heroic spirits occupied Sunshine City, announced the recovery of Sunshine Plain, and the war against Judgment Territory ended.

at the same time.




Announcing "War!"

Furnace City Battlefield.

The all-dimensional teleportation array from Cloud City was operating at full power, and countless teleportation gates opened and closed on the periphery of the furnace city, leaving behind the fully armed siege army.

The three super cross air fortresses brought the space battleships to shrink the encirclement of Furnace City.

Numerous angels took off from the fortress and battleships, they spread their wings, held their angel swords high, and rushed towards the furnace city under the encouragement of hymns all over the sky.

The human army kept rushing out of the fortress in the lava river. They put the special fire-resistant rafts on the flowing magma, and then all boarded the rafts and drifted down towards the abyss of purgatory.

Magic shines on the entire surface of the lava river, and the fighters on the attacking side are blessed with high fire resistance.There are also summoned fire elves who drilled into the lava, and they pushed the raft under the command of the mage to attack the fortress built by the enemy ahead.

The good camp raided Furnace City without any warning, catching Lucifer by surprise.He has always believed that the good camp will give priority to killing the fledgling Five-color Banner Alliance, rather than expending energy and troops to attack a furnace city that they have almost no way to capture.

Judging from the content of the negotiations between the First Empire of the main world and Yunzhong City, as well as the two battlefields of Shangjiang and Sunshine City, the good camp should fight the five-color flag alliance first.

But Michael told Lucifer with the facts, "You are the one who hit you!"

(End of this chapter)

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