start an archangel

Chapter 1397 Who are we fighting?

Chapter 1397 Who are we fighting?

Of course the Fool knows that Broken Moon is the leader of the anti-team "Myth" in the Heroic Spirit World camp. Although she has withdrawn from "Myth", she still controls this anti-team camp.

Now she actually used "myth" as a bet to invite a fight, and the fool's heart couldn't help but shake.

The disbandment of the Sanctuary by Yunzhong City is an indelible pain in the fool's heart, but the faction against the team is a radish and a pit. The myth has done a good job. The existence of the Sanctuary is an offline organization, and the name is not right.

The Fool asked: "If I beat you, are you really willing to give me the 'myth'?"

"Of course I will give it to you if you win, but what should you do if you lose? Or... If you lose, let these people disperse. One day we will call everyone together and fight openly one game?"

Seeing that the Fool was going to agree to a duel with Broken Moon, the Sun Messenger couldn't hold back and stopped him loudly: "Fool...this is not a place for you to gamble..."

The Fool looked at the top players on the encirclement, and said, "Yes... today's matter is not my business alone. We have so many top players waiting for you here, just to see what your strength has reached, Da Liang. To what extent.

But just looking at the strength in this field, I think none of us are your opponents one-on-one, so we will go together.

Of course... if you are willing to take the initiative to admit defeat and promise us some conditions, we are still willing to let you go.

After all, with our current level, it is really difficult to rise up if we lose one level after death. "

Da Liang saw that the domain didn't have much effect at this time, so he removed the domain in order to save mana consumption, and the sky brightened instantly when the black fire was extinguished.He looked at the Fool and said, "You talk so much nonsense, do you want to delay until my evil angel form is released. Did the Sun Attendant tell you this?
Are you sure procrastination is in your favor?
Think about what happens to the Sun Attendant every time he confronts me, think about how many times he died at my hands?

Do you still dare to listen to him?

If I were you, whatever the Sun Attendant says... I'd do the opposite. "

Da Liang's voice is so loud that everyone can hear it.That humor caused a lot of laughter... The Sun Attendant was publicly killed by Da Liang at least three times, it seemed that the Sun Attendant made wrong decisions when facing Da Liang.

It seems that doing the opposite is indeed the right direction.

The players who came here to ambush Da Liang were not all Sun Attendants, they all came here with their own goals, either for profit, or to experience the thrill of besieging the boss, or to make a name for themselves.

When the players laughed, they didn't take into account the face of the Sun Attendant.

Players who can be on the ranking list of Eye of Insight's strength have a strong influence in the game. They echo Da Liang's joke, which means that this meme will quickly spread throughout the world.

This is a very serious blow to the reputation of the Sun Attendant, and it will even make the consortium behind him lose confidence.

The Sun Attendant couldn't help but said angrily: "Da Liang, if I can kill you here once, I can kill you again. Get out of the Heroic Spirit World, or we will kill you to level zero."

Da Liang ignored the Sun Attendant's clamor, but stared at the Fool and said, "Are you going to fight me after my evil angel state is released? Or just fight now?"

Obviously already surrounded Da Liang, but the fool found himself having a hard time choosing.

Waiting... is undoubtedly a good way to avoid Da Liang's self-improvement state.But Da Liang is not alone, he has the Judgment Legion, the University League, and countless players who support him.He ruled that there are still very powerful heroes in the territory, Julian, Julian, and his maid group who were once in Rio.

After waiting for a long time, players and heroes supporting Da Liang may arrive, and by then... a melee will make this ambush meaningless.

But without waiting to fight directly... Facing Da Liang who can open the domain and is in the state of an evil angel, who would be the leader who wants to make the first move.

The Fool looked at the Sun Attendant, who turned his head to one side.

This guy was really beaten up.

The others are also preparing their own defensive spells and skills. It is obvious that they intend to defend themselves first, and wait for others to make a decision.

"A group of unreliable guys..." The Fool cursed secretly.He decided not to wait any longer, but to wait any longer... Da Liang hasn't lifted the evil angel status yet, and there may be problems on his side.The Fool ordered the templar knights he brought: "Listen to my command and prepare to attack. The sun will lead your team to charge first, and the other personnel will follow up in four waves. Pay attention to the linking movements of Daliang and Moonshatter Flight. Just rushed over and separated them.



Under the order of the Fool, the templars took the lead in attacking Daliang.They rode their respective giant dragons, cast their protective shield walls to form a shock formation, and rushed towards Da Liang and Shu Xiao.

Finally came over.

Da Liang breathed a sigh of relief...

There is only one hour to transform into an evil angel.During this period of time, neither the Judgment Legion, the University Alliance, nor the reinforcements from the Black Fire Territory could arrive here in time.

Unless the cross-plane teleportation array is turned on.

But the angel alliance that can cut the plane is in the hands of the Arbitration Angel, and the Shangjiang war zone is being disturbed by space, this battle can only be fought by Da Liang and Shu Xiao themselves.

In a confrontational situation, both sides fear each other.Ambusher players are certainly afraid of Da Liang's strength, but Da Liang is also unwilling to take the initiative to attack these ambusher players who are guarding carefully.

In short, in this situation, whoever moves first will reveal the loophole first.

Under the influence of the temple, the ambushers began to compress the encirclement, and at the same time released attack and control spells at Da Liang.

"Follow me so that I don't fall behind. I'm in charge of attacking, and you are in charge of defending."

The templar charged, and the magic attacked from all directions.Da Liang used the fastest speed to apply the magic shield on himself and Shu Xiao, then activated it instantly, and walked through the gaps of the magic beam.

The field unfolded, and the black fire burned in the air again.

Using the magic scrolls one after another, magic circles appeared around Da Liang, and then three demon spirits were summoned by Da Liang from the soldier card.

The magic circle increased, and the magic spirit's "magic energy tide" increased, and the magic release effect reached the maximum. Da Liang turned around and pointed the direction of the magic release at the nearby templar sun.

The sun is the number two figure in the temple, second only to the fool, and the number one master T of the temple, and his combat role is to lead the charge.If Da Liang and Shu Xiao wanted to survive this battle, they couldn't be scattered or entangled, and they had to maintain mobility all the time.Therefore, it is best to deal with those guys who know how to rush because of their rough skin and thick flesh.

Thunder bomb!

Shu Xiao used the protective shield wall to help Da Liang block the attack from behind, and Da Liang completed the magic release with the fastest speed.

A loud bang resounded through the sky, and a beam of light hit the sun after being blessed layer by layer by the magic circle.Under the magical attack released by the dual master-level skills, the protective shield wall in front of the sun was pierced like a bubble.

After the strong light flashed, the explosion engulfed the sun and the Templars around him.

Da Liang didn't look at the results of the magic, and more than a dozen spells hit him in just this moment of pause, and the magic barrier was almost broken.Da Liang threw a "continuous fireball" at the surrounding figures indiscriminately, took back the demon spirit and put on a magic shield for himself, and quickly moved with Shu Xiao.

At this time, the sun came out from the resurrection point, his eyes were a little dull.

"Stopped! I am a big knight with a pile of defense, a pile of blood, a top-grade heavy armor, blessings in various states, and a shield.
Who are we fighting? "

(End of this chapter)

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