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Chapter 1405 Magic Academy

Chapter 1405 Magic Academy
The heroic spirit dungeon is not too difficult for Da Liang, but the extremely trivial task flow is very time-consuming.The dungeon output is already a very good thing for ordinary players, but Da Liang only cares about who the owner of the dungeon is.

Came with expectations, but the result was a big disappointment...

After sorting out the side quests, the main line of the dungeon began to extend towards Chongming City, and according to the information obtained, the heroic spirit of this dungeon should be an ascetic monk.

No matter how this ascetic monk died, it would definitely not be Joyce.

Da Liang spent about a week on this dungeon, occasionally leaving the dungeon to deal with the squeezed affairs of the First Empire.The Battle of Shangjiang was still extremely fierce.The allied forces of elves and orcs fight trapped beasts. They have a higher proportion of ultimate creatures and high-level heroes than the imperial army of the main world. The imperial army can only fill the gap in quality with quantity.

However...the daily attack is progressing. When the remaining supplies of the elves and orcs coalition forces are exhausted, the imperial army will usher in the first victory in the war of planes.

There is almost no suspense in the war.

And just when Da Liang was about to go to the location of the new dungeon, the patriarch Zishan sent a message, inviting him to go to the magic discuss things about the magic academy.

The large-scale appearance of magic mages on the sunny battlefield, Da Liang's amazing spellcasting ability, and the dragon magic revealed in that ambush battle made many people associate Da Liang with the Magic Academy in Fairy Garden.

The Magic Academy run by the Purple Dragon Clan has become a place where players are eager to uncover the secrets.

The People's War is great. When the major player organizations put the strategy focus on the purple dragon mission in the magic forest, more and more players began to enter the fairy garden.

Almost everyone rushed to the magic academy and tried to knock on the door of the magic academy according to the freedom of the task.Many of them have relatively high levels of tasks in the magic forest and have certain influential figures.

The first player to enter the magic forest was a very successful player here.He was recognized by a 15th-level purple dragon and accepted as a disciple, and learned many spells that he could not learn in the city's magic tower.

Lie Yan Teng's strength has risen sharply, and he has also heard some things about Da Liang and the Zilong Clan.

It is the biggest secret in this world that Da Liang helps the Crystal Dragon Clan, Purple Dragon Clan, and Poison Dragon Clan. Before the Five-Color Banner Alliance has enough strength to compete with the good camp, every giant dragon is strictly forbidden to reveal any information about Da Liang and the Three-color Dragon Clan. matter.But through some details, it is still possible to search for some clues of information.

First of all, when the flaming Zilong tutor talked about Da Liang, his expression was extremely respectful, which meant that Da Liang had a very high status in the magic forest.

In addition, the dragon magic used by Da Liang,
Dragon magic is the exclusive skill of purple dragons, just like holy energy is exclusive to angels.At the same time... Ordinary purple dragons cannot teach dragon magic to non-dragon creatures. Only the patriarch Zishan and Princess Ziling have this right.

This further shows that Da Liang's position in the magic forest is extraordinary.

As for the Academy of Magic... The instructor of Raging Flames clearly pointed out that the purpose of the academy is to systematically organize and study magic, and to train Zilong and magic mages.Foreign students are not accepted, and magic wizards do not allow others to recruit.

If others are not allowed to recruit, it means that someone can recruit, then it is a bright spot.

In short, it can be concluded that...Da Liang's main activity location in the game is not the hell as previously guessed, but the magic forest.He should be the first player to enter this hidden map and get a great benefit here.Only Zilong, the magic-casting dragon family, can train a master as superb as Da Liang.

The magic stored in the Academy of Magic is even more yearned for by Raging Flames.

Like all the players in Fairy Garden, Raging Flame, by virtue of his various relationships in the Magic Forest, promotes the opening of the Academy of Magic.

And really paid off.

The patriarch of Zishan invited Da Liang to Fairy Garden Castle for the magic academy.

Every time Da Liang came to Fairy Garden, it was like entering the world of fairy tales.The sea of ​​flowers that never fades in four seasons, fantastic and free animals, and purple dragons that look like magic wizards fly back and forth in the air.There is also a fairy garden castle... This style can only be seen in cartoon animations. In front of the main entrance is a magic fountain that can see the rainbow from all directions, and a purple onion-shaped tower.

As the main alliance of the five-color flag alliance and the prince of the world's first empire, Da Liang's arrival was grandly welcomed by the Zilong tribe, and magic fireworks filled the sky of the fairy garden.

The patriarch Zishan enthusiastically took Da Liang to his reception room, and explained the purpose of inviting him to Fairy Garden Castle this time.

"A lot of adventurers have come to Fairy Garden. They all have great strength and have made contributions to the Zilong clan. These adventurers admire Zilong's magic very much and want to enter the Magic Academy to study.

Since the School of Magic is jointly run by us, I need to ask for your opinion. "

Before joining the Five-Color Banner Alliance, the Purple Dragon Clan was a member of the good race and did not reject normal magical exchanges with other races.When more and more players who have made outstanding contributions to the magic forest proposed to enter the magic academy to learn magic, patriarch Zishan had the idea of ​​opening the magic academy.

However, the Academy of Magic has a close relationship with Da Liang, and he must obtain Da Liang's consent.

Da Liang knew...Since the patriarch of Zishan called himself to the Fairy Garden to talk, he must have already had his own opinion.At the same time, he also knew that there were rumors among the players that their spellcasting ability came from Zilong Academy of Magic.

Players want to learn the magic of the Purple Dragon Clan?

After some consideration, Da Liang said to the Zishan patriarch: "Yes... Magic can only develop to a higher level if everyone learns from and teaches each other.

But... I don't want my magic mage to suffer too much outside interference when learning magic.

I suggest that the School of Magic implement a branch system.

Enchanters are trained at an independent academy of magic.Learning offensive magic is in an academy; learning auxiliary magic is in an academy.There are also alchemy, divination, undead, puppets...

In fact, we don't have to stick to recruiting some adventurers from the magic forest.If the Five-Color Flag Alliance wants to be strong, it needs more mages, and the cultivation of mages in the main world relies more on noble family heirlooms and mage towers in various cities. This has caused the proportion of senior mages in the First Empire of our main world to be far less in all major planes.

The reason why the Battle of Shangjiang has dragged on for so long is because our mages have a great lack of ability to cast spells..."

(End of this chapter)

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