start an archangel

Chapter 1411 When Kindness Is No Longer Kindness

Chapter 1411 When Kindness Is No Longer Kindness

Unlike other ultimate creatures who are scattered in their own planes, angels live in the cloud city and are ruled by seven supreme angels.Michael, as the only archangel, is the leader of the angels in Cloudsdale, and has absolute authority in the kind and orderly race of angels.It is not an easy task to bring down Michael. Lucifer failed with the support of one-third of the angels, and Da Liang didn't know if he could succeed.

But whenever you have the opportunity, act.

Da Liang believes that... as a symbol of goodness, most angels don't like fighting.Like Holy Bella, like Metatron... It's just that they dare not stand up to oppose, or dare not doubt Michael.

What Uriye thinks about this war of planes...Da Liang doesn't know, but at least as the supreme angel, he has a very high degree of freedom, and he can have his own choice in front of Michael.

Da Liang's question to Ouriye seemed to be a few questions, but it was a statement of the fundamental purpose of Yunzhong City's establishment of the Wizards Guild.

The undead advocated death, which ran counter to the most fundamental values ​​of the good camp, so it was decided that the wizard guild could not truly integrate into the good camp.Then when the cyan alliance really rules the kingdom of death, how will Cloud City treat its former allies.

In the end, Yunzhongcheng could only choose to break his promise.

It's just that the situation in the kingdom of death has not yet developed to a certain stage, and the angels have chosen not to think about... how they will face the cyan coalition forces in the end.

This time, Da Liang raised such a sharp question in front of Uriye, which was tantamount to uncovering the last fig leaf of Cloudsdale, allowing them to see their role in this incident... a bit despicable.

Ouriye didn't know how to answer the Eviscerate Monarch's question, he promised to answer all the questions truthfully, and the answers to these questions...everyone knew it well.

Could it be that... betrayal of an evil race is not a betrayal?
It's just self-deception.

"I'm sorry... Monarch Eviscerate, I choose to refuse to answer this question."

Ouriye's aura obviously dissipated a lot, and he found that even if he didn't answer this question, his heart was still extremely anxious.I didn't dare to admit that I did something wrong, but avoided it like a child.

Where is the glory of being an angel?

After listening to Ouriye's answer, Da Liang nodded and said, "This is also an answer, you can ask the second question."

Uriye, who was in a state of confusion, didn't realize that the control of the interview was transferred to Da Liang's hands. He thought about the changes in Cloud City, and hurriedly asked: "When Elder Quentin died, who was the last to see him?" to him?"

If Elder Quentin had mastered the key method to open the channel of the crystal wall on the plane of the gods, then the person who saw Quentin last would probably have taken this important thing away.

Da Liang replied: "The Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild was besieged by the Holy See because of the betrayal of the deputy elder Frank. Elder Quentin died here. Frank was with him at the time, and he took everything on Elder Quentin's body. .”

Ouriye asked anxiously, "Where is Frank now?"

"Frank is dead. After I took over the City of Sighs branch, I immediately organized an assassination of Frank..." Da Liang turned to Jonathan and asked, "Did we find Elder Quentin's relics when Frank died?" ?”

Jonathan said: "No...we didn't find anything. Elder Quentin's Necromancer Gate and Necromancer Staff were also lost at that time."

After Jonathan finished speaking, Da Liang said to Uriye: "I have already answered your three questions. It seems that Elder Quentin has something important to you in Cloudsdale, but no matter what you are looking for...then All from our City of Sighs chapter.

Thank you for your reminder, I will immediately organize people to find what Elder Quentin left for us.

Please leave the kingdom of death immediately, the next time we meet...there may be several death monarchs waiting for you.

You still owe me two questions. What I want to ask is: When the angels are no longer kind, how to lead the good camp?How to define evil when goodness is no longer kindness? "

When Da Liang asked these two questions, Ouriye had no time to think about who finally got what Elder Quentin left behind.

Angels represent goodness, a law that has not been questioned for countless years.

But Uriye, who knew the root cause of the outbreak of this interdimensional war, clearly understood... It was Yunzhongcheng who designed to destroy the peace agreement and push the war to the whole dimension.

Angels secretly doing nasty things are completely inconsistent with kindness.

If angels no longer represent goodness...then what are we?
Although he got a lot of clues from Da Liang, Uriye was not close to the joy of finding the obelisk. He couldn't answer Da Liang's question, and left the base of the former City of Sighs branch in depression.

My heart is full of... What kind of path is the angel walking on now?

But definitely not the path they should take.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root and germinate unconsciously.Even though Uriye knew clearly that Eviscerate Monarch had absolutely bad intentions when he said these things, he still couldn't help thinking, thinking... what the angels in Cloud City City have done all these years.

We never questioned Michael, but...

Ouriye floated above the City of Sighs, looking at this busy city of the undead, which was not like the city of the undead.Even the undead have something to pursue, but the angels lose themselves when they blindly hate evil...

The reason why evil is evil is because of the existence of goodness...

I should talk to Michael... In terms of research on the plane of gods, Cloud City City has done too radically, which made the situation out of control.This war must end as soon as possible, so that good will return to good.No matter who opens the god plane, what will be faced after opening...

Only good angels can serve as the pillars of the world.

Uriye left, and Da Liang also heaved a sigh of relief.Fortunately, Ouriye's mind was already in a state of confusion, otherwise, if he continued to ask the bottom line, it would be difficult to guarantee that he would not show his flaws when answering.

However, since Yunzhong City has already tracked it down here, if there is no progress in the investigation, it will definitely come to the door again.

The research on the plane of God must be accelerated.

Also... the plan to bring down Michael must be accelerated.


Da Liang, who was entangled in many affairs and rarely returned to the kingdom of death, was not in a hurry to return to the main world.He left Misty City to deal with some accumulated matters.

With the loan provided by Shangjiang, the city of Sighs has developed very rapidly, and the city is constantly expanding outwards.At every moment, a large number of undead gather into the city of sighs from all over, or join the army of the sad pope, or become craftsmen in the new workshop.

The City of Sighs is transitioning to the core of the kingdom of death. The strong military strength, economic strength, and faith strength make the Pope of Sorrow more confident.

In the negotiations with the death monarch of the old religion, he became more and more tough.

(End of this chapter)

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