start an archangel

Chapter 1413 Michael and Uriel

Chapter 1413 Michael and Uriel

On the battlefield of Furnace City of Hell, as the battle circle shrinks, the attack of the good camp is no longer as sharp as it was at the beginning.The arrival of the armies from the lords of hell forced Michael to divide his troops to deal with the hell army coming from all directions.

The army of the good camp is also continuously marching into hell, and the evil camp is also doing its best to support Lucifer.The scope of the battlefield is constantly expanding, and it is no longer possible for anyone to stop if they want to.

Michael did not expect that Lucifer would change his cautious character, and show his determination to die in the face of the attack of the good camp.He drove the Furnace City to the most eye-catching position in the sky, hollowed out the battle of the family, and made Michael think that he was not facing Lucifer but Satan.

What does Lucifer want to do?
According to Michael's understanding of Lucifer, he would never be so desperate in a disadvantaged situation. He thought too much and lost the courage to put all his eggs in one basket.In her plan, when Lucifer's losses reached a certain level, the Furnace City would be lowered into the abyss, the lava river would be given over to the good camp, and then relying on the terrain, they would slowly fight guerrillas and wait for opportunities.

In this way, Michael can refocus his attention on the main world.

Now Lucifer's reaction has exceeded Michael's estimation, the evil camp seems to really want to fight a turnaround here...

Hell is sending troops here and there.In order to keep the troops that have been put into the battlefield, the good camp can only keep sending troops into the furnace battlefield.

Michael is sitting in the main hall of her super cross sky fortress, the ubiquitous holy light makes it clean and holy, and the guardian angels float in the air to set off the majesty of the archangel.

After Michael had just listened to the report of the Holy Right Wing, the supreme angel Uriye walked in from the door of the main hall.

"Archangel!" Ouriye saluted Michael.

Michael looked at Ouriye and said: "I just sent me a bad news from the main world. King Wadsworth gathered the most elite forces of the elves and beasts to organize an attack, trying to destroy the space interference arranged by Shangjiang. circle.

But he was blocked by five tier 16 heroes.

Envious Demon King Angela is on the Shangjiang battlefield, and this kind-hearted army is basically hopeless.The elves and orcs are ready to abandon most of their troops and concentrate the strongest heroes to break through.

If the Battle of Shangjiang is over, the influence of the Five-Color Banner Alliance on the situation on the plane will become very subtle. At least neither Lucifer nor I have the ability to interfere with them.

There is also the furnace battlefield, which has never been able to tear through the defense line of the defenders...

I hope you can bring me good news, but you look worried... Tell me, is there no news from the Obelisk? "

Ouriye looked at the guardian angels around him and said, "Leave first, I have something to discuss with the Archangel alone."

The holy right wing asked Michael for instructions, and Michael waved his hand to let all the guardian angels leave the hall.After the gate was closed, only Michael and Uriye were left in the hall.

Michael said to Ouriye: "There are the strongest defensive magic and anti-detection magic here. No matter what happens inside, it is impossible for the outside to know. Tell me about your discovery, what makes you so cautious... in the end What is it?"

Ouriye briefly considered how to talk about the problems that bothered him, and finally he decided not to talk about his meeting with the Eviscerate Monarch, and said to Michael from the point of view of what he saw and heard: "I am looking for When we were at the Obelisk, we conducted an in-depth investigation into the Wizards Guild, and found that the fundamental reason why the Cyan Alliance finally betrayed us was their distrust of angels.

Angels will never allow the undead to propagate death in the good camp, and the undead are evil in the eyes of all good races.The Cyan Allied Forces knew what the final result of following Yunzhong City would be, so as soon as the Wugou Holy See recruited them, they took refuge in the past.

When we supported the wizard guild in the kingdom of death, we didn't want to lead them to be kind, but to split the kingdom of death in this war.

Cloud City was preparing for this war a long time ago.

There are also five hell lord king escape events... also in our plan.

Everything... is to open the plane of God first, you persuaded us with this reason.


When I look at what we've done, it's not what I imagined. "

Michael didn't expect Ouriye to say this... She leaned back, crossed her legs, and said in a boring tone: "I asked you to find the obelisk, and you came back and said this to me?
Do you know what kind of disaster will be caused to the world if Lucifer opens the plane of God first?

If the gods of the god plane want to destroy our world, do you have a way to deal with it?

You don't even know what kind of pressure I have to bear by leading the angel clan... When a bigger disaster comes, when we are fighting the battle of gods, do we still have to be wary of the evil camp stabbing us from behind?
Stop looking at the world with imagination, all we need to think about is victory and the survival of the race.

Now tell me... have you found the obelisk in the realm of the dead? "

Ouriye didn't change his principles so easily, he said: "The meaning of the existence of angels is to guard goodness, and guarding goodness is to protect all good things.

When our souls are polluted by chaotic thoughts, in extreme deceive, betray, destroy, disrupt the order of the entire world.All angels who take victory as their ultimate goal are definitely not angels by any means.

No matter what is behind the plane of God... as long as the kind people are still there, the angels will not perish.

I hope Cloudsdale can face up to the mistakes we made, and actively restore the world to its original appearance.

Let the angels do what the angels do, only then can we shine a light on evil and look straight into the future. "

Michael said sternly: "What do you mean... Everything that Yunshang City did was carried out under my orders. What does it mean that the soul is polluted by chaotic thoughts? What does it mean to disturb the order?

I am rebuilding the world order, and the first thing to do is to destroy it.Only when the evil disappears can all the good things be left behind!

What are you suspecting?What are you worried about?Do you think you are more qualified than me to lead Cloudsdale and guide the angels? "

"We all know...evil cannot be eliminated!" Ouriye retorted loudly: "Even pure angels can be polluted by evil. In this world...good and evil coexist. Incorrect!

Since I can't convince you, then I request a meeting of the Most High Angels in Cloudsdale to discuss the issues we are facing now. "

"Convening a meeting of the Supreme Angels?" Michael withdrew her momentum, and she said, "Yes... if there is a dispute, it should be discussed. But not now...

Whether I am right or wrong, this war has already begun, and it must be fought according to my ideas.

After the war is over, I will hold a meeting of the Supreme Angels...

Are there other angels who support your idea? "

(End of this chapter)

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