start an archangel

Chapter 1415 Erosion City

Chapter 1415 Erosion City

In the Battle of Shangjiang, King Wadsworth led the elite heroes of the elves and orcs to successfully break out of the encirclement. The abandoned army became the fat that the imperial army could slowly taste.

King Howard withdrew from the battlefield, preparing to take advantage of a big victory in a plane war to expand the empire's influence in the main world and allow more city-states to join in.

King of the Hill continues to be in charge of the finishing touches.

Facing the allied forces of elves and orcs who had lost their command, the King of the Hill weakened his attack and withdrew the imperial army to their respective cities, leaving only Shangjiang's army to continue to encircle the enemy army.

The supplies of the elf-orc coalition army have been exhausted, and the desperate army has become the target of the king of the hill to surrender.

Duke Joshua used the identity of an elf to contact the elf army. Chongming City is a 13-level elf city. After the completion of the Shangjiang and Chongming Cross-sea Bridges, Chongming City will share a part of Shangjiang’s shipping industry. Get rich again.Joshua offered generous conditions to these fellow elves, so every time he went to the elves army, he was always able to take away a group of elves who were willing to surrender.There are ordinary soldiers, and there are middle and lower elf commanders.

Dealing with orcs is much simpler and more straightforward.

Pile up a mountain of food on the battlefield, as long as you are willing to accept the employment of the First Imperial Army, you can eat it openly.

The orcs in the stone wilderness originally fought for money and food.In the past, they ate and drank with the chief, but now that the chief doesn't want them, they become unowned wild soldiers, and they need to solve the problem of eating by themselves.

Facing ample food in the face of hungry stomachs, the orc army turned against them without any restraint.After the full orcs received their first military payment, they immediately changed their flags and aimed their weapons at the elves around them.

The friendly army turned into the enemy army, the morale of the elves fell to the bottom, and the determination to resist gradually lost...

The battle of Shangjiang has been confirmed to end with the victory of the First Empire of the main world.The Crucible War still has no end in sight. The good camp and the evil camp can no longer stop. Whoever slows down the support to the battlefield means that whoever may lose this war that is crucial to the situation on the plane.

Under the command of Michael, Cloud City actively participated in the battle, and the Angel Legion led the human army in the Heroic Spirit World, and continued to join in the battle against evil.

No angel was aware of Ouriye's disappearance. He had not participated in the Crucible War since the beginning, but was sent by Michael to the Kingdom of the Dead to secretly search for the lost obelisk.After he reported the progress of the search to Michael, he directly cut the plane and went from hell to the kingdom of death.

No one doubts Michael's words...

Angel's full attention is on how to win this war.

The attention of the whole world is on the battlefield of Furnace City, except for the kingdom of death.

Corrosion City is a border city of sighs and mourning, a very inconspicuous third-level cemetery, but now it is full of troops, and the lord of Corrosion City welcomes one big person after another in fear, and every name seems to exist only in legends.But this barren cemetery can't produce decent things to entertain these monarchs and bishops, and can't even find enough necromancers to release celebration fireworks.

The dead monarchs and bishops who came here ignored the overwhelmed erosion city lords, and they were all thinking about how they would leave here.

The new Holy See and the old Holy See of Wugou Faith will meet here to decide whether the kingdom of death will continue to split or move toward unity.

The ultimate belief impacted the entire kingdom of death, including the jurisdiction of the old Holy See, and they all trembled under the impact of this belief.The monarchs of the old religion knew that they couldn't stop the priests from changing their beliefs. Even as the city of sighs continued to make new progress in the study of the plane of God, they opposed the Protestantism and wondered whether they could become gods.

"Serve death as a god".

Eviscerate, who puts forward the ultimate belief, is simply a devil.

Since resistance is futile, there is only surrender.


The Sorrows of the City of Moans was just a little brother they had been.In terms of seniority, any death monarch will live longer than sorrow and be stronger than sorrow.Grief was just lucky to have his Protestantism grow during this particular period.

If there is no wizard guild rebellion; if there is no cloud city and the cyan coalition forces break through the eternal night city; if there is no this war of planes.

It is absolutely impossible for the ultimate belief to spread so fast.

Now the No. [-] mourning monarch has been sealed, and the dead monarchs have lost their leader, and no one obeys the other, like a loose sand.And Eternal Night City, Sighing City, and Wizards Guild huddled together, so that the five death monarchs of the old religion did not dare to act rashly. They could only watch the ultimate belief attack the entire death kingdom, and even they were affected.

But the monarchs of the old church refused to accept sorrow, especially sorrow, who even proclaimed himself Pope, to be above all dead monarchs.

Why?If I contacted Ultimate Faith first, I would definitely do better than him.

The dead monarchs thought sourly...but the facts could not be changed, so they wanted to fight for more rights, or...

Either there is no pope, or everyone is pope!
The five death monarchs of the old religion arrived in the city of erosion one after another, and quickly reached an agreement on some things: to gather the common strength of the five monarchs, and to pull the sorrow that wanted to overtake them to the same level as them.

The City of Sorrows was the second largest city in the Kingdom of Death. The owner of the City of Sorrows, the Indifferent Sovereign, is a vampire and the second-ranked 16th-level hero.His skin was pale, his fangs were sharp, and he was dressed in aristocratic service, possessing a noble aura rarely seen among undead.He and the other four death lords occupied the only castle in Erosion City, and held intensive meetings one after another before Sadness arrived to discuss various countermeasures.

Of course, it also includes force to seal sadness.

The five dead monarchs of the old religion brought their army and their bishops, and outside the corroded city was an endless sea of ​​skeletons.

The white heads were next to each other, standing motionless, waiting for the order of their respective monarchs.

There are ghosts, vampires, bone dragons and ghost dragons flying in the sky...

The soldiers are strong, the horses are strong, and the momentum is like a rainbow. If there is any disagreement, they will send troops across the border, and they will go straight to the city of sighing.

"This time I invite the four monarchs to come here to show Sorrow our military strength. He only has the City of Sighs and the City of Evernight, and we have a stronger army than him. Any one of us is stronger than Sorrow Powerful, why should he lead us?

All we lack is a leader.

I know you also think that I am not qualified to replace the Lord of Moaning, but sorrow is coming, and we need a representative to show him our strength and make our demands.

What we need most now is unity, at least let sorrow see that we are united. "

(End of this chapter)

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