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Chapter 1432 Plague Monarch

Chapter 1432 Plague Monarch
In fact, from Will's attitude, you can see Sad's attitude towards Eviscerate, not to mention that after Eviscerate was ordered to build a new Corrosion City, the City of Sighs immediately paid 1000 million gold coins for the construction fee.The monarchs saw with their own eyes how quickly the gold coins arrived, which proved that Eviscerate's status in the New Wugou Holy See was far higher than they had imagined.

However, the invitation of the five dead monarchs, but the sadness did not come, inevitably made the monarchs feel a great loss of face.

"Huh!" The indifferent monarch snorted to express his anger: "Eviscerate... Monarch? Sad that the so-called Pope's identity has not been recognized by us, what qualifications does he have to be a monarch!
The kingdom of death is on the verge of division and civil war, we come for peace... Sorrow not only does not show up, but sends a human.

The Wizards Guild also colluded with Yunzhong City, and formed the Cyan Allied Forces to occupy Eternal Night City.From my point of view, sadness seems to be confused by those non-dead creatures, and its eyes are fascinated by vain power.

A kingdom of death should look like a kingdom of death. An undead who is close to living creatures is not qualified to lead a kingdom of death.

Eviscerate... You are not qualified to sit with us, this is an insult to the dead monarch.

Let the sadness come...or we'll leave and let things go the worst way. "

"The Indifferent Monarch..." Will was about to refute the Indifferent Monarch, but was stopped by Da Liang with a wave of his hand.

I glanced at the five dead monarchs present, ignored the provocation of the indifferent monarch, and said: "Whether you accept my status as a dead monarch has nothing to do with the content of this meeting. You just need to know... I can represent the sad pope and the The City of Sighs will do.

I know the purpose of inviting His Majesty the Pope to meet in Corrosion City.

The spread of ultimate faith in the kingdom of death is unstoppable, and God will definitely open the door to the plane of God for us sometime in the future.Whether to stand outside the door and stick to the old Wugou belief to be devout to the god of death; or go inside the door to worship the god of death and experience his divine light in person.

You'd better make a decision early.

After this meeting is over... Monarchs who are willing to join the New Wugou Holy See, we will work together to dedicate our strength to meet the god of death; monarchs who are unwilling to join the New Wugou Holy See, we will not force it.On behalf of the Pope of Sorrow, I can promise that the New Vatican will never be the first to initiate a civil war in the kingdom of death.

However, after this meeting is over, I will discuss with all the monarchs who are willing to join us the expanded ruling structure of the new Vatican of Invincibility.

Once the ruling structure is established, it will not be changed!

That is to say... after the meeting, the dead monarch who wants to join the New Invincible Holy See can no longer be called a monarch. We can think of a title second only to the monarch for you.


I really have a lot of things to do, and I don't have time to waste time here with you on such suspense-free negotiations.Let me just say all the conditions that the City of Sighs can offer.

To join the New Vatican, one must recognize the City of Sighs as the capital of the Kingdom of Death, and the Pope of Sorrow as the sole leader of the Vatican, accepting the leadership of the Vatican of the City of Sighs.

In order to thank the monarchs for taking care of the City of Sighs in the past, the monarchs who join the New Wugou Holy See will be rewarded with [-] million gold coins.

Monarchs still have absolute rule over the land under their jurisdiction.

The status of the monarch is ranked according to the order of joining the New Invincible Holy See. I, President Lucas, and the desolate monarch are willing to be the last three in the monarch ranking. That is to say... the position of the first monarch is vacant.

Monarchs... Hell is going downhill. The Battle of Furnace City will exhaust the power of Hell, but the war still needs to continue.The evil camp needs a new leader to lead us to continue to fight the following war.

The Endless Labyrinth is now overwhelmed, only the kingdom of death is qualified to take over the banner of evil from hell, but the undead who cannot gather together are obviously not up to this arduous duty...

Sighing City has established a comprehensive cooperative relationship with Shangjiang City of the First Empire of the Lord World, and the results are fully reflected in the construction of the new erosion city.The Pope of Sorrow has formed a brand new army of undead, and has enough financial resources to allow such an army to continue to expand.

If the realm of the dead needed a single leader, it would be the Pope of Sorrows.If the evil faction needs a new leader, it's Deadland.

The New Vatican needs you, and His Majesty the Pope needs you.

I'm done talking...

Who supports and who opposes! "

After finishing speaking, Da Liang stood up from his seat...

The indifferent monarch did not expect Sorrow to have such great ambitions. The ruler of a kingdom of death could not satisfy him. He wanted the kingdom of death to be the leader of the evil camp, and he wanted to replace Lucifer.

But I have to admit that this is the best time for the kingdom of the dead to replace hell.

The war caused by Satan has weakened the power of hell, and then the siege of Cloud City and the outbreak of the furnace city war. Since the beginning of the war of planes, hell has not had any respite.When the Battle of Furnace City is over, the power of Hell will definitely be devastated, and its strength will fall to the lowest point in history.

Although the kingdom of death also suffered a civil war, the overall strength of the cyan coalition army has not been greatly weakened after changing flags.As long as the kingdom of death can be unified and clenched into one fist, the power that erupts will definitely scare the death monarch himself.

Eviscerate here draws a grand blueprint for the monarchs, seduces with becoming a god, and lists irresistible conditions.

The indifferent monarch felt that the confidence he had established before the meeting had been completely crushed and collapsed, and the control area of ​​this meeting was out of his hands from the very beginning.No... the situation has been out of control since the arrival of the Holy See Knights from the City of Sighs a month ago.

It has long been heard that Sadness can reach the current height because he has been assisted by Eviscerate.Looking at it now, this Eviscerate was indeed terrifying, and he was killed with one blow before he even made a move.

The indifferent monarch knows that even if he himself can resist the coercion and temptation of Eviscerate, other monarchs may not be able to keep the promises made before the meeting.He could even think of who was the first monarch to stand up and join the new Wushuang Holy See.

Look, just after Eviscerate finished speaking, he had already stood up.

The Plague Lord stood up almost at the same time as Da Liang in a rush to answer: "I support the Pope of Sorrow as the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Death, I support the City of Sighs as the capital of the Kingdom of Death, and I support all orders of the Pope of Sorrow, including Eviscerate Lord of Death and Mentor of Death.

Also supports the ranking scheme for Dead Monarchs.

I think Death Realm has been second to evil for too long, why can't we be number one?

As the No. [-] death monarch of the New Unstained Holy See, I am willing to lead everyone to support the Pope of Sorrow as the leader of the evil camp. "

(End of this chapter)

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