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Chapter 1434 Laboratory Progress

Chapter 1434 Laboratory Progress

The underground creatures who migrated from Songjiang City live in Scorpion City.

Although Songjiang City is controlled by black elves, the black elves have not yet fully formed their own civilization system, and can only transform some of the functional buildings of the dungeon into special black elf buildings.Songjiang City can recruit black elf units, as well as original underground creatures.

Because the black elves are extremely exclusive.In order to prevent these non-black elves from being persecuted, the native races of Songjiang City were transferred to Scorpion City after they were recruited.

Songjiang City is a level 12 dungeon territory, and Lion City is also a level 12 city.

Scorpion City is shrouded in darkness. This place is originally underground, so there is no need to specially renovate the living environment for them.

The residents of the dungeon are responsible for the maintenance of the internal structure of the Great Tomb of the Boneyard, the expansion and excavation of new caves, and the mining of ores.

The undead live in Frost City.

This undead city named after the frost dragon has the strongest force in Da Liang's hands... Hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers and laborers have completed the construction of the main structure of the large tomb, and they are all laid out in this large cave specially dug for the undead.

Frost City was built in this super-large pile of bones, and the emerald green phosphorous fire provided the entire death cave with a cyan gleam.

The Black Fire Territory has completed the construction of the twelfth-level territory, and has the ability to recruit eleventh-level dark knights and train twelfth-level terrifying knights.Not subject to the restriction that the player's private territory can only be upgraded to the upper limit of level 12, Daliang's Black Fire Territory is developing towards a level 13 city where it can recruit level [-] ghost dragons.

Frost City, which has a complete set of buildings from the Black Fire Collar, is naturally a Tier [-] city.

The quiet Frost City is a military city.As the kingdom of death tends to be unified, Da Liang can solve most of the problems by relying on his status as a death mentor. Naturally, the huge army of undead that the Black Fire Territory has been expanding has been temporarily useless.

Therefore, except for the necessary undead army to fight at any time, Da Liang is filling most of the undead warriors into Frost City.

This army of undead fell asleep, but as long as Da Liang summoned them, they could form a natural disaster of death.

Frost City is responsible for guarding most areas of the Great Tomb of the Boneyard, especially the mausoleum area on the upper surface, all of which are guarded by undead.

The lower layer of the Frost City is the Flame City, the territory of hell.

This is the territory that is not valued by Da Liang the least, but it was developed only with the leftovers from the construction of the big tomb, and the Raging Flame Territory has also completed the construction of a sixth-level territory.

In the future, as the progress of the construction of the Great Tomb slows down, Lie Yan Ling, who also has no upgrade limit, will gradually be valued.

The Hell City's transformation function on the environment makes this independent cave gradually become a lava environment.From the cracks in the ground, lava gushes upwards, reflecting the entire cave red.

Now the function of Raging Flame City is very simple, which is to provide a workplace for dwarven blacksmiths.The King of the Hill gifted dwarf craftsmen to build a weapon manufacturing factory here. The inexhaustible lava not only provides enough heat for forging, but also extracts rare metals deep underground.

The devil baby, the basic unit of hell, acts as the helper of the dwarf craftsmen. They transport ore, transport forged weapons, and channel the hot magma to where the dwarves need it.

The sound of tinkling iron echoed in this red cave.

The five cities occupy the five largest underground spaces in the Great Tomb of the Boneyard. The five major races work together to maintain the Great Tomb, and constantly strengthen and transform it.

In addition to these five large spaces, there are many smaller spaces within the Great Tomb that serve various functions.

Dragon Source's Nest was built in the gap between Pegasus City and Scorpion City, and was jointly guarded by elves and underground creatures.Elves have a good affinity with green dragons and gold dragons; dungeon creatures have a good affinity with red dragons and black dragons.These four kinds of giant dragons are also the dragons born in Dragon Origin's Nest, and most of the other giant dragons are mutants of these four kinds of giant dragons.

So far, Da Liang has recruited dozens of giant dragons from Longyuan's Nest, and a giant dragon army has been formed.It's just a pity that there are no newborn dragons of level 15 in Dragon Origin's Nest. It seems that the chances of recruiting high-level dragons are not generally low.

Then there is the most central part of the Great Tomb of the Boneyard.

Nicole's Alchemy Lab.

Nicole's alchemy laboratory played a vital role in the construction of the big tomb according to Da Liang's vision. Otherwise, no matter how much money Da Liang spent, he would not be able to turn the big tomb into a magical world. In the end, he just dug a larger one grave.

After visiting the inner space of the Great Tomb with Mike, the elf butler, Da Liang's last trip was this heart location.

Under the leadership of Nicole and Ziling, the team of Zilong alchemists continued to study the obelisk tower and the crystal wall of the god plane in the kingdom of death.Da Liang realized that since he hadn't been here for a while, this large research center had added a lot of incomprehensible things.

Where the Black Pearl was originally parked, the black battleship was not seen.

"Your Highness..." Every time Da Liang came to the laboratory, it was Miniya who acted as a guide. She was Nicole's assistant and was responsible for the allocation of materials for the entire laboratory.She explained to Da Liang the progress of the laboratory's research on the plane of God: "Instructor Nicole is in the channel of the plane of God with the black pearl, and it is expected to come out in two days.

The project of this experiment... is still to accelerate the release speed of the supernatural power in the crystal wall of the plane of the gods.

We have found the energy link frequency between the crystal wall of the god plane and the obelisk tower. Instructor Nicole wants to accelerate the release speed of the supernatural power of the crystal wall of the god plane by speeding up the energy release speed of the obelisk tower. "

Da Liang didn't understand half of what he heard, so he asked: "What you are studying now is the obelisk of the kingdom of death, which provides magical energy for the whole kingdom of death. How will accelerating its energy release speed affect the kingdom of death? Will it expose the location here?"

Miniya replied: "The crystal wall of the god plane we found releases the supernatural power. Accelerating the release of the supernatural power will increase the sacred energy in the plane of the kingdom of death. According to our previous experiments, the supernatural power The acceleration is limited, and the increased sacred energy has not affected the energy balance of the death kingdom after being diluted by the entire plane."

Da Liang said: "That is to say... the experiment continues, and when the supernatural power is accelerated to a certain level, it will have an impact on the kingdom of death?"

"Yes!" Miniya nodded to confirm Da Liang's conjecture, and she said: "Mr. Nicole said...Since the wizard's guild's research on becoming a god comes from Cloud City, the crystal wall of the god plane we opened releases extremely The power of goodness, not the power of death.

When the sacred energy in the kingdom of death is too high, this plane will be sanctified, and there will no longer be undead but some holy creatures.

But...Mr. Nicole still has another idea, which requires the help of Julian and Juliet to verify it. "

(End of this chapter)

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