start an archangel

Chapter 151 The Reward of the Evil Sect

Chapter 151 The Reward of the Evil Sect

As Julian slashed with his sword, a ray of light shot in from the opposite side.

After three days of killing, I finally got through.

Da Liang looked at his level, he had already reached level 19, this way of upgrading was boring and absolutely fast, but he didn't know where there was such a good way to spawn monsters in the underground.

Forget it, don't think about it, this kind of good thing is hard to come by.You can only accept one mission in the mysterious hut. After receiving this reward, you don't know when you will come to Songjiang next time.

Go back and claim your reward.

The task I got from the prophet in the mysterious hut has been completed. Returning from here, it will take less than a day to ride the silver Pegasus, and I can just arrive at the mysterious hut with the body of the archangel.

Pay with one hand, deliver with one hand, and never see each other again.

It seems that Grand Duke Howard will also arrive in Songjiang City at the same time.After the celebration, the dungeon will officially dispatch troops, and the war will begin immediately.

And just when Da Liang was about to turn back, a burst of voices from outside the passage caught his attention.

At this time, the stone wall blocking the passage was only opened by Julian with a small window-sized hole. From the inside, one could see the beach of a large underground river outside, and the underground flame erupting from the stone wall illuminated the entire river area.

At this time, a large camp can be seen on the gravel beach by the river.

It's a black elf!

Black elves are a close subspecies of elves.Calling them black elves is not because they are dark-skinned, but because they broke away from the rule of the elves and turned to the dragon of darkness, so they were given a contemptuous name by the elves.

They are not much different from elves in appearance, and they are equally beautiful and exquisite.Their skin color looks blue in the dark underground, but actually on the surface or in places with good light, it can be seen that they are whiter than the elves, and the bold clothes make the women of the black elves show their sexy and fair bodies.

Because most of the black elves live in the deeper underground, some special habits of the race make them abnormally exclude creatures that are not of their own race, so there are not many opportunities for players to see them up close.The few photos of female black elves on the Internet are sought after by a large number of otaku. The explosive body that only covers a small amount of harmonious parts is the best point of attraction.

Also because the black elves are mysterious and extremely popular, Da Liang couldn't help but look a few more times to see if he could get a close-up of the bloody girl or the dark witch to fill his ever-expanding library of female creatures in the hero world.

Then he discovered that something was wrong with the black elf's camp.

The camp was built in a hurry. The surrounding camp walls were randomly piled up with gravel from the river beach. The guard towers were crooked and the tents in the camp were built without any rules. General refugee camp.

The atmosphere in the camp was gloomy, as if the Black Elf tribe was suffering a major setback.There are also a large number of wounded soldiers, and corpses thrown out from time to time, all showing that this black elf tribe has just experienced a defeat.

Then the identity of this black elf came out.

They were the black elf tribe that was defeated by Duke Howard and fled to the deep underground. Da Liang did not expect to see them here and in this way.

How to do?
Could it be that he went back to report the news, led Duke Howard to kill along this passage, and wiped out this black elf tribe in one fell swoop?

Forget it, this group of black elves look like bereaved dogs at first glance, they probably leave here after a rest.What is important now is the battle in the direction of Shangjiang City. Duke Howard and the army in the underground city cannot delay here for too long.

Let these black elves let them go.

Da Liang looked at it for a while, but he didn't get the photo he wanted, so he blocked the small window again with stones, and then summoned the Silver Pegasus to run along the passage towards Songjiang City.

In the situation in Shangjiang, even players can see that the war is either today or tomorrow, and it will definitely start.

In fact, the feast of the game has already begun. The urban warfare around the world is rapidly spreading from sporadic firefights to the whole world. This activity that makes players crazy is fully erupting its passion, and the flames of war will be ignited to a peak in two days. .

Now the whole world is a battlefield, and all cities are war zones. Players have found that returning to the city is no longer effective.

Play is passion.

Da Liang, who couldn't return to the city to quickly return to Songjiang by teleportation, could only gallop through the passage on horseback.

The corpses in the tunnel have been refreshed, and the Silver Pegasus runs more comfortably, and can glide for short distances in some spacious places.

Just running like this, the Silver Pegasus rushed out of Songjiang's passageway, and then flew into the air.

The long line of troops below is the triumphant allied army returning to the city.The soldiers of the human race and the army of the dungeon returned to their camps respectively. The trombone was blown in Songjiang City, and the ceremony had already begun.

Da Liang in the air showed his identity to the Griffin Knight who came to intercept him, and passed through the air of Shangjiang City smoothly, and flew all the way to the mysterious hut.

Grand Duke Howard arrived with an army, and the players all went to watch the grand occasion. It was rare that no player was seen at the door of the mysterious cabin.

The Archangel's body had already been delivered by the soldiers of the Black Fire Collar. He was packed in an enlarged and elongated wooden box with the seal of the Pudong Fleet on the outside, and was sent here in the name of military supplies.

Da Liang asked Julian to keep an eye on the box outside, and walked into the mysterious cabin by himself.

Still the same dim, still the same weak candlelight, the prophet still sat there as if he had never moved.

Da Liang sat opposite the prophet and said: "The body of the archangel is outside, and I have killed all the monsters in the passage. Give me the reward, and explain everything else clearly."

The prophet didn't say anything, but took out an oil lamp and put it on the table.

The whole body of this oil lamp is golden yellow.There was a faint gloomy air, which made the atmosphere of the whole hut instantly cold, as if the surroundings were already filled with invisible ghosts.

It's so evil.

Knowing that this was a reward from the Prophet, Da Liang reached out and took it.

Imprisoned Spirit: Treasure, when the morale of the enemy and the enemy is positive, it will be reduced to zero, and it will remain unchanged when the morale is zero or negative.

Are there such evil treasures in this game?Obviously, it hurts others and does not benefit oneself. When the morale of the enemy is high, it is a magic weapon to drop them to zero, but how can it also drop the morale of one's own side?Brother's Archangel racial trait is morale +1, and the Medal of Courage is also morale +1. Isn't this against brother?

Hey, old tortoise, you want to exchange the body of an archangel with such a crap, you must be sick!

Restraint, restraint, let's do the courtesy first and then the soldiers.

"Prophet, it's too dark in the room, did you take it wrong?"

"No, no. I've given you everything that should be given to you, and you need to figure out how to use it yourself."

After all, the prophet clicked a spell, and Da Liang appeared outside the mysterious hut, and then the wooden box containing the body of the archangel disappeared from his eyes under a cloud of light.

Robbery, it's on my brother's head.


Da Liang was about to demolish the mysterious hut in front of him, when a violent explosion came from Songjiang City, the roaring sound echoed in the cave, and large pieces of rubble were shaken down from above.

Immediately afterwards, the entire regional channel was constantly swiping the screen.

"Songjiang City has rebelled. There are explosives buried under the ceremony stage. They attacked Grand Duke Howard!"

(End of this chapter)

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