start an archangel

Chapter 153 Bartlett

Chapter 153 Bartlett
A high-level attack was accelerated, and was applied to the archangel and the two golden dragons by the bull-headed magician who was chasing up. The speed of these three top-level creatures suddenly accelerated, and they soon caught up with the archangel who was protecting Duke Howard from escaping.

The big sword slashed down, two breaths of dragon's breath spewed out, and a series of fireballs were thrown out by the bull-headed magician.

Lianzhu Fireball: The third-level attack magic of the fire system.

Seeing that the fireballs are each the size of a washbasin, it is obvious that they have mastered the magic effects of advanced fire magic skills.

The high-level attack acceleration just now proved that the tauren magician has mastered high-level air magic skills.

With high spirit and high fire, this tauren magician is really strong.Who knows if he will release a large-scale attack magic like the flames of hell, it seems very likely.

Such a high-level magician hero must not let him live, otherwise there will be no high-level spell-casting units in the human army camp to fight against him, and the human army will collapse after being attacked by a few range magics like the flames of hell.

Da Liang pressed the urge to replace Juliet immediately, and ordered Julian to stop the archangel and golden dragon who were chasing and killing Duke Howard.

The archangel who protected Duke Howard hid in the sky in a very embarrassing situation. He was seriously injured in the explosion just now, and now he was forced into a crisis by this overwhelming attack. He could only rely on non-stop dodging to reduce himself The attack that was hit, the speed of escaping also slowed down.

Julian, who received the attack order, instantly restored his archangel form, and "Attack Acceleration" was applied to himself.

Hero specialty: Fengchi electric engine (speed increased by 30%, "attack acceleration" magic effect increased by 20%)

The base speed of the archangel is 18, and after special skills and magic blessings, Julian's speed directly soars to 29.

Seeing a flash of white light, Julian was in front of the pursuing archangel and golden dragon, and the battle between the four ultimate arms started instantly.

The archangel protecting Duke Howard took the opportunity to break away from the battle and flew towards Daliang.

Da Liang gave the archangel a healing spell, and said: "You take the Duke back to the barracks first, and defenses have been organized there."

The Archangel, who felt his blood volume recover, said: "Thank you very much, Lord Baron, for your help. I am Archangel Bartlett. Now I will immediately escort the Duke back to the barracks, and then I will come to support you."


Da Liang glanced at Archduke Howard, who was being held by the Archangel Bartlett. His head was bloodied and he had already passed out. From the fact that the human army lost the commander of the Grand Duke, it can be seen that his condition is very bad, at least he cannot be cured by healing magic. seriously injured and dying.

Not knowing how long Da Liang and his archangel could hold off the pursuers, Bartlett didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately flew towards the human army camp outside the city.

Da Liang turned his gaze back to the airspace where the battle took place.

Things were going very badly for Julian.

The combat effectiveness of biological arms cannot be fully expressed by superficial data.Just like Julian, her stats are no different from ordinary Archangels, but her tactics in battle allow her to bully ordinary Archangels of the same level at will, and also allow Metatron to resist her ten times. Evaluation of a demon attack.

The Battle of Feichen Island also showed Julian's ability to crush Archangels of the same level at will.

But in the current battle, Julian was completely suppressed by the enemy's archangel and golden dragon.There is a big gap between her offense and defense and her opponent, and the confrontation of strength caused her to suffer a few times.If it weren't for her speed to have a certain advantage, I'm afraid she would have been surrounded by the opponent.

Now Julian can only rely on his own speed to fight guerrillas with his opponents. The magic that the tauren magician constantly shoots makes Julian have to deal with it carefully.

The opponent has the attribute bonus of a powerful hero, and if one force is reduced by ten times, Julian can still win if he deals with one alone, but three 14th-level soldiers plus a high-level magician, Julian's combat skills cannot be used.

Of course, it is not easy for the opponent to defeat Julian.

Taking advantage of Julian's persistence, Da Liang did not rashly participate in the battle outside the range of the battlefield. This battlefield is not something he can participate in. If there is anything in it that stares at him, he can easily kill him.

At this time, there was the sound of fighting in the city.

That was the army that followed Grand Duke Howard into the city to accept the celebration inspection. Halberdiers, sharpshooters, royal griffins, crusaders, priests, and knights were almost all advanced arms.There were about [-] of them, and they were gathering together to attack the city gate under the leadership of the surviving human heroes.

The knights charged along the street, the royal griffins easily beat the harpies from approaching, the sharpshooters and priests suppressed the evil eyes and Medusa from a distance, the crusaders tightly protected their long-range units, and the halberds filled There are loopholes in defense everywhere.

In the narrow street battle, this group of human elites actually defeated the dungeon army that could not take advantage of their numbers.

It wasn't until the appearance of a group of bullhead kings that they stopped the elite human race from occupying the city gate.

This human army still has such a high combat effectiveness, it should be under the command of a relatively strong hero.

Now there is an elite human army in Songjiang City, and there is an army of 3 people outside the city.The ultimate creature has two archangels on its side.The enemy is just three ultimate soldiers. The total number of troops is probably less than [-], but there is no unit that can compete with cavalry and knights.

Generally speaking, human soldiers of all levels can basically overwhelm the dungeon. If they fight seriously and have foreign aid, it seems that there is a possibility of a comeback here.

The most important thing now is to keep the elite human race in Songjiang City from being annihilated. Now they are attacking the front, and the gate of the city is blocked by the Bull Head King, and the walls are full of long-range troops from the dungeon. If this fight continues, this army will sooner or later was annihilated.

Da Liang overlooked the battlefield from the air, and told Julian to be careful.

"No, let Juliet go."

Da Liang quietly circled down from the air, and flew towards the elite of the human race.

Rush to the chaotic streets, not seeing a single player in the most intense part of the battlefield.This sudden battle left the players at a loss for words.Those players who lingered nearby were killed indiscriminately, and the others did not dare to approach and could only watch the battle from a distance.

The corpses of soldiers from both sides were everywhere. Da Liang jumped off the silver flying horse, grabbed a halberd soldier, showed his badge and said, "I am Baron Feichen, take me to see your commander here."

Near the city gate, Da Liang met Viscount Jason.

Viscount Jason is a knight hero. He is the commander of Duke Howard's guards. This elite team composed of advanced soldiers is Duke Howard's personal soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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