start an archangel

Chapter 366 Treat You Next Time

Chapter 366 Treat You Next Time

The administrative organization of the kingdom of death is quite special. Each territory has two chief administrators, one is the lord, and the other is the bishop of Wugou Church.

Both the lord and the bishop control a certain number of troops, and there are many overlaps in administrative power, but in terms of power, the Wugou Church, which controls the belief of the entire death kingdom, is stronger than the lords.

The City of Sighs is directly under the Lord of Sorrow, and Da Liang is still unknown in the kingdom of death. It is impossible to meet the Lord of Sorrow, and he cannot receive territorial missions in his hands.However, the City of Sighs is very large, divided into more than ten districts, each district has a cathedral, and a bishop is in charge of a district. Da Liang felt that he could go to the Wugou Church to inquire about the territory.

When Da Liang was thinking about the issue of obtaining the blueprints for the territory construction, the news that the ogres were feasting on beef in John's restaurant quickly spread to the surrounding neighborhoods.

Meat is really a luxury for the residents of the misty area, and even those who live here are a bit wealthy would not dare to eat beef so openly.

A group of people quickly gathered outside John's restaurant. They saw ogres devouring the mountain of beef, especially the blood dripping all over the ground, which showed the deliciousness of the beef.The smell of meat and ale mixed together, making outsiders salivate. If they weren't afraid of the number and strength of the ogres and unicorns, they probably would have rushed over to grab them.

Looking at the crowd watching outside the store, the ogres ate faster.

Soon the name "eviscerate" spread in the fog zone with this feast.

It is rumored that "Eviscerate" threw out a pile of gold coins that could drown John.

Rumor has it that Eviscerate promised the ogres that they could eat as much beef as they wanted just because they helped him beat up Hans the Dwarf.

It is rumored that "Eviscerate"'s black cloak is covered with precious stones, and the quality is more precious than those worn by bishops and lords.

Eviscerate was rumored to be rich enough to buy a block.

In short, Da Liang has gradually gained his own fame in the foggy area unknowingly, "eviscerate" = gold coins.

The kingdom of death is not a plane suitable for living beings. The resources here are poor and full of death, everything makes the alien creatures live a poor life here.

In the case that silver coins are all large-value currencies, gold coins are even more dazzling.

So, when Da Liang walked out of the restaurant, he was followed by many people.

However, behind him was a group of ogres and unicorns who were full of food and drink. According to the rules of the mist area, this rich human named "Evisbon" was from Kuka.Others want to get gold coins from Eviscerate, but they need to wait until Kuka leaves.

Various groups in the fog area followed Da Liang and the ogre like sharks smelling blood, and also followed the rules of the fog area, no one or group in the fog area could monopolize the "fat sheep".

Kuka led Da Liang to Shuipu Alley, saw the group of malicious people quietly following behind, Kuka said to Da Liang: "As a reward, we will protect your safety until dark. There will be a lot of trouble for you if you leave, I hope you can find your friend, and he has the ability to continue to protect you."

Da Liang also realized that he accidentally made a high profile again, but he had already pretended, and it was too late to regret.We can only take one step at a time and solve the identity problem first. In addition, since there is a secret contact point of the Wizards Guild in Shuipu Lane, there must be measures to deal with various complicated problems. It should not be difficult to get rid of these tails.

Regarding Kuka's reminder, Da Liang replied: "You don't need to worry about this little thing. Let me ask you one more thing. Where is the church in the misty area, what is the name of the bishop, and what are your preferences?"

Kuka replied: "Church? There are churches in the misty area, but there is no bishop. The task of the Holy See of Wugou is to persuade believers to go to the Holy See to accept death, but how can outsiders who are willing to come to the kingdom of death to linger to die casually. In the past, the church in the misty area There are bishops, popes, godfathers and missionaries, but they forced us to die in the church, so we let them die inexplicably. Several bishops who came here ended up like this, so the church in the misty area There is no bishop most of the time, and the other priests in the church are afraid to come out."

Sure enough, the wicked have their own grind.

Creatures that can endure such a harsh environment in the kingdom of death and escape here are all guys who are afraid of death.They say they believe in the god of death, but if you ask them to sacrifice their lives, they will definitely kill you first.

But there is no bishop in the church in the misty area, so Da Liang can only try his luck in churches in other urban areas.

Under the protection of the ogre and the unicorn, Da Liang finally found the water puddle alley on the address of the letter of introduction.

Kuka pointed to a small alley that only two people could pass through and said to Da Liang: "This is Shuipu Alley, we will stay here until dark, you are absolutely safe before dark."

As long as Kuka does not intend to monopolize the "fat sheep", people and organizations in the fog zone will exercise restraint. After all, breaking the rules is not good for anyone.

Also because of the rules, Kuka did not dare to accept Da Liang's employment. Although his brothers were capable, they were far from being able to fight against the entire foggy area.

Darkness is the limit of Kuka's ability to protect Da Liang.

The sky is bright and gray, and there are still about 4 hours before the sun sets, but according to the environment of the kingdom of death, it will be completely dark within three hours.

Da Liang said to Kuka: "Thank you very much for protecting me, this is a reward for you, please forgive me for doubling the gold coins privately, because I think if you didn't control your food intake in order to protect me, you would definitely be able to Eat another 100 pounds of beef."

Kuka happily took a heavy cloth bag from Da Liang, and the gold coins inside were enough for them to live frugally for a long time.

"You are truly a very generous human being, and my brothers and I wish you the best of luck through this immediate crisis."

Da Liang laughed and said, "I'm sure I won't run into any trouble. Next time we meet, I'll continue to treat you to dinner. Just like today, eat openly."

Da Liang's promise drew cheers from the ogres again, the feast just now was really enjoyable.They were thinking about when they would be able to eat so much meat again next time, but now as long as they can see the human being in front of them again, they can eat another meal, so the ogres sent their blessings to Da Liang and looked forward to the next meal. meet again.

Saying goodbye to Kuka and the ogres, Da Liang turned and walked into the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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