Chapter 385
The black fire collar's army took over the defense of Destiny Manor. Although these skeleton soldiers could not prevent the invasion in terms of combat effectiveness, their tireless eyes were staring at every disturbance in the manor.

Da Liang finally had his own eyeliner in the Destiny Manor.

Anyone's actions in the manor will be restrained.

In the early morning, Da Liang boarded the carriage to the church in the misty area.A banquet last night left the whole town still in a hangover, the streets were very quiet, and even if they occasionally encountered a few creatures, they were all drunks lying on the side of the road.

The clear road allowed Da Liang's carriage to arrive at the church not far away.

The appearance of the church is still dilapidated, in sharp contrast with the brand new Destiny Manor.

However, the bishop's stay allowed the church to start operating, and the low-level undead summoned by the missionaries from the city had already started repairs inside and outside the church.

The dead grass was pulled out, the gravel was swept away, and some holes were simply plugged.Although it is still riddled with holes, at least it has the appearance of the highest administrative body in the foggy area.

Under the leadership of a missionary, Daliang met Bishop Frank in a relatively complete and tidy house in the church.

In Frank's eyes, Da Liang is a walking vault.Now he needs to invest. He has a grand plan in his mind, build an alchemy laboratory, form a church knight order, renovate the church, and then set up his own wizard group to study the method of becoming a god.

He needs money, a lot of money.

After asking Da Liang to sit down, after greetings, Frank couldn't help expressing his thoughts.

"Mr. Eviscerate, I know that you are a noble from a human city-state, a very rich noble. You came to the kingdom of death and built a manor. There must be something here that attracted you. You have seen the situation here, I need a sum of money to repair the church, and a sum of money to restore order in the Misty parish.

I can assure you that as long as you are willing to invest in my church, you can get many privileges in the misty area, and you will become the most honorable person in this city after the bishop. "

This is the sequelae of showing off wealth, everyone wants to bleed some blood from brother.

Brother Ke's gold coins were not blown by the wind?

You are a short-lived ghost, you were killed by the wizard guild and the residents of the misty area at some point, isn't my brother's investment in you in vain?

What's even more annoying is that this guy might be the npc who received the territory mission, so I can't just turn around and leave.

How to do?
Let’s talk first, if the territory building task cannot be triggered from this vampire, I will immediately bring someone over to kill him at night, and then ask another church.

"No problem! I am very willing to support the rebuilding of the church in the misty area. The order in this urban area is too chaotic. Just like last night, I kindly invited the neighbors around me to a banquet, but I was extorted 30 gold coins."

When it comes to the order in the foggy area, Da Liang becomes frowning.

Hearing that Da Liang was extorted by villains in the fog area for 30 gold coins, Frank was extremely angry. 30 gold coins!These guys robbed more money in one night than the annual funding of the Sighing Branch of the Wizards Guild.

Obviously, to Frank, these guys blackmailing this human nobleman was of the same nature as robbing him of money.

"This group of exiles has no awe of the Holy See at all, and all of them should be sent to the stake in the trial. Mr. Eviscerate, you can rest assured that as long as you fund me to complete the reconstruction of the church in the misty area, everyone involved in this matter All villains will be punished as they deserve.”

Da Liang said: "It should be severely punished. I came to the kingdom of death to do business, but the business needs to be carried out in an orderly environment. What happened last night has already given me the idea of ​​leaving here, but seeing you like this After seeing such a powerful and courageous bishop, I am very confident in the future of the foggy area.

How much money does your lord bishop need? As long as I can afford it, I will definitely support you with all my strength. "

Frank stretched out a finger: "One million gold coins. With this money, I can quickly form a church knight order, and then destroy all our enemies."

"100 million gold coins..."

Da Liang pretended to think for a while and said, "This amount is a bit too much, and I can't get it out for a while. After all, I built a manor and was blackmailed for 30 gold coins."

Frank quickly said: "Of course, I don't need you to take so much at once. You can give me 50 first... 30 is also fine."

Da Liang nodded slightly: "The first investment of 30 gold coins can be considered. But I think this long-term investment is used to eliminate the villains in the foggy area, far exceeding its own value. My lord, you must give Let me have something practical? Otherwise, you just promised me to spend 100 million gold coins to invest in your church. How is this behavior different from the villain who blackmailed me last night?
I am a nobleman and a businessman.I don't do nonsense, and if you can't show me what's in my favor, I'd lose a lot less money now leaving Deathland. "

Of course Frank will not let Da Liang leave, a huge investment can save him many years of time.

The wizard guild he betrayed, now the wizard guild is under the full blow of the death monarchs because of the information he provided, and it is temporarily unable to deal with the matter of the city of sighs.However, he knew that the wizard guild would never be wiped out, and when they survived this crisis, they would definitely come to the City of Sighs to find him.

Frank doesn't have time to accumulate strength slowly. He needs to research and repair the Necromancer's Gate as soon as possible, control the foggy area, and build an army to protect himself.

He needs money, needs this investment.

Frank asked: "Mr. Eviscerate, please don't confuse me with those gangsters. I am the legal ruler of the foggy area. I guarantee that all your investments in me will be rewarded. You can ask me now , as long as I can do it or can do it in the future, I can promise you."

Getting to the point.

Da Liang said: "I just obtained a territory in the main world, a cemetery of the undead. Now it will become a sixth-level territory, but I don't have the architectural blueprints for the sixth-level territory.

If the bishop can provide me with the blueprints of the territory above level six, investment and so on will be a small matter. "

"Architectural blueprints of the undead territory?" Frank checked the authority of his bishop and said, "In my church, you can obtain architectural blueprints for territories from level [-] to level [-]. Unfortunately, these blueprints cannot be bought and sold directly. It is necessary to receive the territory construction task issued by the church from the Pope of Foreign Affairs, but the three popes in charge of the church in the misty area have been vacant all the time..."

Speaking of this, Frank paused for a moment, and then he asked Da Liang: "Mr. Eviscerate, are you willing to join the Wugou Holy See and become a believer and communicator of the God of Death?"

(End of this chapter)

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