start an archangel

Chapter 392 Finding the Secret Room

Chapter 392 Finding the Secret Room
Da Liang knew that the Necromancer's Gate couldn't work because he lacked the earth element crystal in his hand.

In the Boneyard Sulfur Mine, Monica has been monitoring the status of the one-way portal. Since the portal began to flow magic energy two days ago, the Sulfur Mine has been restored to 5 The output per unit began to decline rapidly and the current output has dropped to three units per day.

It's just that the Necromancer's Gate has not yet fully operated, and Monica can't enter the transmission channel.

But since the Necromancer's Gate was activated, it meant that Frank had laid out the Necromancer's Gate and began to study how to make it work.

Therefore, when the Wizards Guild assassinated Frank, Da Liang asked Monica to keep a close watch on the Necromancer's Gate.

Now it seems that when Frank was attracted by the battle outside, he didn't dismantle the Necromancer Gate and hide it.

In this way, it should be relatively easy to find such a large door.

Da Liang recalled the size of the Necromancer's Gate.

A circle with a diameter of 20 meters.

There is no place in the church where the Necromancer's Gate can be placed. Frank must have built another secret room, and the entrance to this secret room should be in Frank's room.

Looking at the map, Da Liang identified his location, then walked into the main hall of the church and quickly ran to the bishop's room.

The church is full of low-level undead. These are craftsmen who have been conscripted. After days of restoration, the church has greatly changed its appearance.

However, the shock caused by an explosion just now turned the place back to its original appearance. The newly made tables and chairs were tilted, and gravel and tiles kept falling from the top of the head in the shocks. The entire church It seemed like it would collapse at any moment.

"My lord, what happened outside?"

When a missionary saw Da Liang coming in, he immediately greeted him. The big explosion just now knocked all the undead to the ground. They saw their Pope as soon as they got up from the ground, as if they had found the backbone.

Da Liang said: "My lord bishop was attacked by villains in the misty area. I want to go to the bishop's room to help him get an important thing. That thing can help my lord bishop repel those vile villains."

The missionary said angrily: "Although these damn villains all swear to believe in the god of death, they are actually exiles. They are responsible for the church in the misty area to become like this. One after another, the bishops were killed by them. Now that His Majesty Bishop Frank took office less than ten days ago, they actually dare to do something, the sad monarch should really send the Holy See Knights, kill them all, and exile their souls."

The sound of fighting outside was always fierce. Da Liang didn't know if the Wizards Guild could kill Frank smoothly, and getting the Necromancer's Gate was the most important thing now.

"Hurry up and take me to the room of the bishop, I must send the things to him as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, my lord pope, please follow me." The missionary quickly turned around, he dispersed the undead blocking the way, and quickly walked ahead to lead the way for Daliang.

In this way, Da Liang, relying on his identity as Pope, walked past the crowds of undead, and then led by the missionaries to the door of Frank's room.

"Notify all the missionaries to bring all the undead in the Holy See to pray under the statue of the god of death, and ask the god of death to send down divine power to help Bishop Frank repel the attacking murderers. No one is allowed to enter under any circumstances. Understand!"

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope. I will immediately find other missionaries and pray for the Lord Bishop together."

Under Da Liang's order, the missionary left in a hurry.

The sound of fighting outside was still unheard, but hearing the earth-shattering sound, Da Liang was really sweating for Minya and Jonathan.

Now is not the time to worry about the wizards, we must find the gate of the dead as soon as possible.

After the missionary left, Daliang closed the door.

This is the room of the bishop of the church in the misty area, and it is also the room that Frank first restored.Da Liang once came in when Frank was repairing this place, and also quietly took a video here.

There is not much change from when Da Liang came here last time. There are various classics of Wugou Holy See in the rows of bookshelves, and paper, pens and ink for writing are placed on the table.

This is a study room, and there is another bedroom in it, with only one coffin.

Da Liang moved the coffin, but found no passage underneath.

Where is it?
Looking around, Da Liang couldn't find the channel, so he had no choice but to connect to the data platform of the Legion of Judgment.

"Now, I'll send you two sets of videos, and let all the free personnel of the Legion's data processing team come over to find the difference, and use all your skills. As long as you find the right place, I will give you bonuses at the end of the month."

The legion leader who had been diving for a long time suddenly appeared, and it was a major task as soon as he came up. The personnel in the background of the legion data were on standby immediately, and more than 130 data processing personnel were mobilized in a short period of time.

A separate line is established.

Soon two sets of videos were sent over.

These two sets of videos are all shooting a room, and the scene is very undead style.

The video processing personnel quickly completed the simultaneous screenshots of the two sets of videos, and then the two sets of pictures were distributed to the on-call data processing personnel.

Of these two sets of videos, one was shot by Da Liang when the house had just been restored, and the other is now.

Da Liang believes that if Frank wants to build a secret room, he must build a passage in this room, and if he builds a passage, he must move some things, resulting in a difference in the layout of the house.It was a waste of time for him to "find differences" in this house alone, so he had to ask the data personnel of the legion for help, and an extra pair of eyes could save half the time.

More people must be more powerful. As soon as the two groups of photos were distributed, the different places were immediately fed back.

Da Liang rummaged through the places that had been moved according to the locations provided by the data personnel, the placement of chairs and the location of books were different.

No matter how subtle it is, Da Liang will check it carefully.

Soon, after Da Liang moved an inconspicuous small sculpture, a portal opened beside him.

"found it!"

Da Liang closed the connection with the data background, and then turned into the portal.

Then he appeared in an underground cave.

This is an underground space created by magic. Under the illumination of a magic lamp, it can be seen that the space here is very spacious, but because the construction has just started, everything is still rough.

A wall of the underground space has been trimmed and leveled. A magic circle with a diameter of 20 meters has been drawn on the wall. Five element crystals are arranged at five corners. Only one earth element crystal is missing at the corner near the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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