start an archangel

Chapter 394 Anti-encirclement

Chapter 394 Anti-encirclement

The surviving wizards like Minia and Jonathan are the backbone of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, and they are very powerful heroes.If they were willing to help, and with the Black Fire Lord's troops, even if Mike, Gus, and Victor didn't fight, Da Liang could overwhelm them.

Not to mention that they have already lost both sides.

Da Liang said: "If we are together, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the Wugou Holy See. It is enough for Minia and Jonathan to follow me. All the other wizards will go out of the city and hide. After the investigation of the Wugou Holy See, I will bring you in." Destiny Manor."

Minia also said: "We really shouldn't gather together. Besides, the assassination of Frank has proved everyone's loyalty. We need to send someone to report the matter here to the General Assembly, and ask the General Assembly to support us in rebuilding Sigh City Branch."

Jonathan said: "We have been delayed here for too long. Minia and I followed Mr. Eviscerate to Gus Manor, and the other wizards left the city immediately."

A group of wizards left the church quickly.

Gus Manor.

Mike and Victor had rushed into the manor with the villains, and then fell into a bitter fight.

The defensive capabilities in the manor clearly exceeded the information they had received. After they rushed into the manor, they were attacked head-on by hundreds of terrifying knights.

A sluice gate blocked their way of retreat. Liches were scattered all over the high wall, and swarms of vampires flew out from all over the manor, forming a dark cloud over the manor in a blink of an eye.

This is a trap!
Surrounded by a group of hero units, Gus came out, looking at the surrounded villains, he let out a burst of laughter.

"Mike, Victor, didn't expect it. I knew that you would join forces to attack my manor, so I specially strengthened the defense here."

Mike used the force field shield to block the impact of the horror knight, and let the subordinates who were disturbed regroup. He saw that in the attack of the terror knight just now, at least ten villains died under the sword of the horror knight.

In order to buy more time, Mike said: "Gus, although you guessed that Victor and I will join forces, you are so well prepared tonight, you shouldn't have guessed it. There are traitors you bought among my people , and Kuka took his ogre to find an excuse to leave before attacking, did you buy Kuka?"

Kuka?Gus looked at the group of people surrounded by him, but he did not see Kuka and his ogre brothers.However, as long as these people are killed, Kuka's group of ogres will not be able to cause a big storm.

"Hahaha, Mike, you guessed wrong. I always think that Kuka is more of a leader than you. You are only clever, but Kuka can see the truth clearly. He probably knew that you would never succeed, so he found an opportunity to leave , after tonight is over, I will personally invite him to join my team. As for what I really bought...

Hans, come out.You picked the right team and there's no shame in that. "

At Gus' call, the dwarf Hans came out from behind.

Facing the glaring eyes of his companions, Hans shrugged and said, "I'm really sorry, even if you beat Gus, Mike and Victor will definitely fight again. Most of you will die, I don't know if I can live to the end. Mr. Gus found me, and I made the best choice for me..."

When Hans said this, there was a violent explosion from the direction of the church in the distance, and then there was the roar of various magic.

Someone is attacking the church!
But there are powerful heroes in the entire fog area here, who else has the ability to attack the church?

Another sudden outbreak of battle made Gus a little uneasy. Hearing the voice from the church, it was definitely a battle of high-level heroes.

The battle here must be resolved quickly to deal with the changes in the church.

Gus drew out his big sword, stepped up and kicked Hans who was in the way aside, and shouted at his army: "Attack! Kill them all."

The terrifying knight charged again, the Lich's magic was fired intensively, and the vampires jumped down from the air.

There are also heroes subordinate to Gus, using magic and martial arts together to kill the villains.

Fierce fighting broke out inside Gus Manor.

The sound of explosions on the two battlefields came one after another, complementing each other, and the raised flames lit up the entire sky above the foggy area from time to time.

And when everyone's attention on the Gus Manor battlefield was focused on the inside of the courtyard wall, an army quietly entered the city and surrounded the manor.

Kuka rode on the back of Chuhou, watching the battle in Gus Manor with a telescope from a high altitude.

"As I expected at the beginning, Gus was able to realize the combination of Mike and Victor. He strengthened his army and at least doubled his army strength. Mike and Victor are in a very bad situation. If we wait for them to finish fighting before entering On the battlefield, it is very likely that we will encounter Gus Manor, which still has a certain military strength, which will increase our losses.

I suggest that we enter the battlefield early to share the pressure of Mike and Victor waiting until they have the opportunity to compete with Gus and wear down their respective strengths.

Astro, what do you think? "

Astro flew beside Bite and Roar. As the first giant frost dragon, Astro had a size and strength that surpassed that of other clansmen. Under special circumstances, he did not allow anyone except Da Liang to ride.

Regarding Kuka's suggestion, Astro said: "My lord's requirement for every soldier and hero of the Blackfyre Army is to obey orders. You don't need to take care of my feelings. Now you are the commander of this army, your Any order will be carried out by this army."

It was only then that Kuka realized that he was commanding an army of undead, not an army of orcs who spoke with their fists. The army of undead executed orders the strongest among all races, to the point of rigidity.An attacking undead army, as long as it does not receive an order to stop, will continue to attack until all the undead are dead.

This is where the undead army is strong, and sometimes being inflexible can become their fatal weakness.

Kuka, who straightened his mind, officially entered the role of commander. He looked at Gus Manor below, and gave orders to his army commanders at all levels through the territory channel.

The army of skeleton soldiers on the outskirts of Gus Manor formed ten thousand-man brigades, and then these thousand-man brigades marched towards Gus Manor together.

A large number of skeleton soldiers came out of the streets around Gus Manor. They did not attack Gus Manor immediately, but continued walking along a route.

The originally narrow streets have already made the skeleton soldiers appear crowded, and there is a sense of continuous flow when they are moving.

So Gus received a message that they had been surrounded by [-] skeleton soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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