start an archangel

Chapter 399 Snowfield Refugee Camp

Chapter 399 Snowfield Refugee Camp

In some missions, Da Liang has already mastered how to cry for poor soldiers.

Anyway, it is clear at a glance that Will really wants to get the "Necromancer", so if he wants the horse to run fast, he must feed it.

And brother's superficial strength is there. If he doesn't cry poorly, he will pat his chest and promise to complete the task when he comes up, which will arouse Will's suspicion instead.

The misty area is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair. If you want to find something in it, you have to add 1000 ghost dragons to 800 death knights.

Then thrown into the evil prison.

Hahaha, in the whole world, who would dare to challenge brother.

Even if the quantity is halved, brother is also acceptable.

However, Will said: "Every soldier in my subordinates is an elite, and you don't have the ability to command them. But your situation is indeed unable to complete the task I gave you. Your current position is the pope of the church in the misty area. The highest priest here, I give you the right to form the church knights in the misty area. You can recruit an armed force to serve the church. I think you can easily recruit a church knight with your unstained faith and your financial resources group."

Form the Knights of the Church?
This result was different from Da Liang's imagination.

The Knights of the Church is an armed force of the church, and the head of the Knights of the Church and the Pope are equals.Will allowed Da Liang to set up the Knights of the Church, that is to say, he gave Da Liang the right to command, but the ownership still belonged to the church. The Wugou Holy See could remove Da Liang's command authority at any time and take back the Knights of the Church.

That is to say, if Da Liang spends so much effort and money to form the Knights of the Church, the Wugou Holy See can take it back with a word.

It's like slaughtering my brother like a fat sheep.

Why are the guys in the kingdom of death so virtuous, they have never seen money.

Anyway, I didn’t intend to find the Necromancer’s Gate for you guys, so it won’t do any good for me, the Knights of the Church are there, so I shouldn’t take advantage of you.

Da Liang, who didn't get the benefits, could only accept it, even though he was unwilling.

Now that the cause of Frank's death has been found out and the criminal has died, Will does not intend to continue to pursue the case, which will trigger an unnecessary battle in the foggy area.

After entrusting Da Liang with the task of finding the Necromancer's Gate, and giving him the authority to form the Knights of the Church, Will returned to the Holy See with his army to report to the Lord of Sorrow.

After sending Will away, Da Liang also began to check his gains.

As the only senior clergyman in the church in the misty area, Da Liang naturally obtained part of the church's authority.For example: building churches, recruiting missionaries, the right to appoint priests below the first-level missionary, and church revenue and expenditure.

Now add the formation of the Knights of the Church.

Da Liang's position in the church in the misty area can be said to be a military and political one, but for the time being, there are no actual benefits. After all, the position of the church in the misty area is a bit embarrassing.

At this time, let's rebuild the church first, after all, I am also the boss here.

After finding the three surviving missionaries, Da Liang gave them a sum of money to recruit craftsmen to restore the church.

Leaving the church, Da Liang returned to Gus Manor.

Here is still a dilapidated look after the battle, the army of the Black Fire Territory has completed the occupation of this place.

Gus' property is being counted, and what can be confirmed is that besides taking back the 10 gold coins he gave to Gus, Da Liang can at least increase his income by another 50 gold coins.

The main body of the manor has not been damaged, and it can be used as long as it is slightly repaired.

And Da Liang's biggest gain in Gus Manor is a plane teleportation array.

The other side of this teleportation array is in the main plane... West Siberia.

In the territory of the Russian game area, there are endless mountains covered under the snow layer, and there is no man's land of tens of thousands of kilometers.

It's not a no-man's land either. There are many systematic small cities and tribes scattered on this vast expanse of snowfield, but players haven't set foot here yet.With the environment and traffic here, I believe that even if the players grow up, they will not enter here on a large scale.

Right now, Da Liang doesn't have the ability to develop this place. In the future... After all, if he can completely gain a foothold in the City of Sighs, it won't be too late to think about developing things here.

The main function of this portal in the hands of Gus is to lead those fleeing heroes into the realm of death.And now that Da Liang has just begun to control the foggy area, the new heroes will bring unnecessary changes, especially those who come here through the no-man's land are real outlaws, and they haven't gotten used to life in the foggy area.

Da Liang had a territory construction task to complete, and he was afraid that some heroes he couldn't suppress would come in through the portal, so he directly closed the portal.

Of course, Da Liang didn't do too much. He arranged for a group of skeleton soldiers to set up a camp in a cave near the portal, which could provide necessary daily necessities and food.All heroes who come here can temporarily live in it, and then they will be informed that this portal will be temporarily closed and the real situation in the kingdom of death.

"Life in the kingdom of death is not as good as what Gus advertised before. Now this portal is owned by Mr. Eviscerate. If you really have nowhere to go, you can live here. Mr. Eviscerate will provide it to you from time to time. Food. There is only one way to enter the portal, and that is to live in this harsh environment for a month, and your time in the country of death will not be better than here."

Da Liang left an undead hero in the camp and led a squadron of skeleton soldiers to take charge of the operations here, and named the camp "Snowfield Refugee Camp".

Gus Manor was also renamed Snowfield Manor.

Kuka is in charge of the repair work of the Snowfield Manor, which will still be built into a fortress-style manor, which is Daliang's barracks in the foggy area.

The Frost Dragon Chewhow stayed at the Snowfield Manor to cooperate with Kuka to manage the Snowfield Manor.

Astro and Hurricane return to the Boneyard, and an army of Blackfyres is gathering.In order to build the territory, Da Liang needs to launch an attack on the elf army that invaded the kingdom of death as soon as possible. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the task with a small loss, Da Liang will go all out and use all the troops and heroes he can use.

Simon has already rushed over from Feichen Island. Kuka, the general offensive general, needs this big-eared monster whose specialty is offensive skills.

Along with Simon, there are 200 ghosts recently recruited. Simon will command this ghost army to form a black fire leader to break through the sharp knife in the air.

Before launching the war with the elves, Da Liang needs to find Minia to undo the shackles of war on his wrist.

Returned to Destiny Manor.

After leaving Xueyuan Manor, Da Liang returned to his destiny manor.

After taking a deep breath here, the fragrant smell makes people feel extremely transparent.

At the gate of Destiny Manor, Da Liang, who came back in a carriage, met his butler Mike, and...

Dwarf Hans.

(End of this chapter)

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