start an archangel

Chapter 420 Ground Sneak Attack

Chapter 420 Ground Sneak Attack
When the commanders of the elf army were formulating battle strategies, discussing battle details, and assigning battle missions, Da Liang had already sneaked in.

In the entire forest, under the cover of towering trees, there is a sizable army stationed.

Because the war broke out too suddenly, the elves did not build camps here.In fact, elves do not have the habit of building camps when fighting in the forest. Tall trees and dense grass are the best defense facilities for elves.

Soldiers of the elves are used to living in the forest. Their marching speed in the forest is faster than on flat ground. As long as the war requires them, they can move quickly in the forest at any time and attack the enemy from any direction. A fixed camp will limit their performance. delay their time.

The elf archers were stationed on the branches of the tall trees, and the entire forest was under their surveillance, which made Da Liang more careful in his actions.

He used "invisibility" to hide himself, and repeatedly confirmed the safety of the surroundings before using "Nicole's jump" to move his position.

The entire sneaking process did not take a step, because the forest floor was full of dead branches and leaves, and stepping on it would probably alarm the dwarf soldiers hiding somewhere.

In the dark night, Da Liang couldn't count the number of the elf army, but it was definitely much stronger than the army on his mountain. Once the two armies started close combat, he had no chance of turning the tables.

Da Liang sneaked slowly and carefully avoided the patrolling elf sentinels, as well as those dead wood fighters who looked like dead trees.

Then record every discovery you make, so that you can cause more losses to the elves' army during night raids.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and Da Liang went deeper into the elf army's garrison.

The number of high-ranking elf soldiers began to increase, and unicorns rested together in groups. Along with the loud snoring, Da Liang also saw that during the day, he encountered a golden dragon and a green dragon. They were sleeping soundly near a tent, and the tent... …

This was the only camp that Da Liang saw in the elf army. All the guards around the camp were advanced soldiers of the elves. The guards were strict, and there were messengers coming in and out from time to time.

This must be the command center of the elf army.

Soon, Da Liang's guess was confirmed, and a group of elves who were obviously high-level heroes came out.

These elf heroes quickly scattered and left, and then the entire elf army moved, slowly gathering and moving towards the hill.

All the soldiers were very careful, and the elves blew a special whistle to appease the birds in the treetops and the animals on the ground.Even the awakened dragon tried his best to lower his body, moving forward slowly for fear of hitting a tree and causing too much noise.

The army of the elves is about to attack, and their actions in the forest did not attract any attention from the Black Fire Leader. Before leaving, Da Liang carefully explained to Julian, asking them to pay close attention to the movements of the forest below the mountain, but now they have nothing Discover.

The elves are the soldiers who completed the pre-war deployment silently. Looking at the groups of soldiers passing by, Da Liang couldn't help feeling that the elf army in the forest was really terrifying.

At the same time, Da Liang was also grateful for being able to sneak in, and connected to Julian's communication: "The army of the elves is preparing to attack, notify our soldiers to prepare for battle."

The elves are attacking?

Julian looked down the mountain, he couldn't see anything in the darkness, and there was no sound coming.The night was already quiet, and the large-scale movement of the elf army didn't make any sound.

But Julian would not doubt Da Liang's words, she immediately stopped the skeleton soldiers who were wantonly building fortifications, and the soldiers of the entire undead army rushed to their respective positions.

The artillery was loaded, the ballista was wound, and the stone ball and gunpowder barrel were placed at the forefront of the position. These two things played a big role in the daytime battle, and the night battle defense would definitely give the elf army a head-on blow.

Astro led the Frost Dragon to stop on the top of the mountain to deal with the elf air force that might rush out in the dark at any time.At the same time, Astro let the ghost he summoned slowly fly down the mountain along the front of the position.

Under the cover of the night, the vanguard of the two armies approached slowly.

Then when the ghosts and the elf mages met together, the battle broke out in an instant.

The attack was discovered, and the elf magicians quickly killed the ghosts blocking the front, and then the earth magicians propped up the force field shield, and the other magicians gathered behind the force field shield, and marched up the mountain together.

The elf archer followed the magician, and the centaur rushed upward from both sides. The sound of galloping immediately attracted the shooting of crossbow arrows on the mountain.

The magician kept quiet, and there were no ghosts in front of them. As long as they kept silent, the defenders above would just blindly fire ballistas. This level of attack could not break through their force field shields. Their task was to kill the enemy. In front of the enemy's position, use magic to build an earth wall that can provide concealment for friendly troops.

As long as one's own elf archer can suppress the opponent's light ballista, it can cover the ground troops to rush up.

The centaurs continued to charge from both wings bravely, and more and more ballistas were attracted to them.

Neither side lit torches, and Da Liang, who was in the forest at the foot of the mountain, could not see the battle taking place on the mountain. He could only get a general idea of ​​the strength and direction of the elves' attack through the voice and Julian's report.

The elves did not attack from the air, but launched an impact with ground troops from the two wings of the hillside, and the sounds were all centaurs.

Da Liang could guess that the two wings were just a feint attack, and definitely not the main direction of the elf army's attack.There was no movement in the sky either, and the focus of the elf's attack must be in the middle.

It's just that the middle road also has a width of nearly 200 meters, and blind attacks without being seen have little effect.

At this time, the attacking troops in the middle of the elves must be lit, otherwise, once they get too close, the army on the mountain will be in danger.

Da Liang told Julian his guess, and Julian looked at the dark hillside ahead and said, "I'll make an assault in the past and use the holy light to illuminate them."

Da Liang stopped him and said: "No, there must be a large number of heroes in the middle of the elves. It is very dangerous for you to break away from the protection of the position and rush over. Leave it to me. You prepare rolling stones and powder kegs, and we will cooperate to catch them by surprise."

After all, Da Liang used "Nicole's Jump" to appear on the top of a big tree, and the "Meteor Fire Shower" scroll pointed to the sky in the direction of the hill.

The advanced earth magic skill made the fire cloud summoned by Da Liang reach a diameter of 300 meters, making it even brighter.The fire cloud at a height of 300 meters illuminates the surrounding space brightly.

The army of elves climbing up the hillside were all photographed.

(End of this chapter)

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