start an archangel

Chapter 440 Suppression

Chapter 440 Suppression

The double-row battery of the Judgment Fleet fired rows of dense shells at the Japanese interception fleet and the King of Fighters fleet at the same time.

The interceptor fleet that had completed a new round of loading immediately fired back, but the interceptor fleet arranged in a single line on the same shooting surface had much weaker firepower than the ruling fleet that used double-row bombardment arrays.The Judgment Fleet, where the sailing distance of the ships is utilized, makes the shells fired more densely, which means that the chances of the targeted warships in the interception fleet being hit by the shells are greatly increased.

Although the interception fleet lined up in a line is superior to the ruling fleet in terms of total firepower, the dozen or so ships attacked by the ruling fleet suffered double firepower attacks.

Being able to use a double-row bombardment array requires a very high quality of the fleet as a whole. During the entire bombardment process, the course and speed of each ship must be coordinated.The battleships in the front row need to keep a good distance. It can't be too small so that the rear ships can't find the shooting angle, and it can't be too big to cause the marching queue to be out of line.

However, the double-row bombardment array is not the entire ability of the Judgment Fleet.After one round of bombardment, the warships in the front row kept their course and loaded their ammunition to prepare for the second round of bombardment. The warships in the back row accelerated to line up with the warships in the front row, and the shooting angle of the warships in the third row was released.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the warships in the third row fired a salvo, they accelerated to make way for the fourth row.

The fourth row of battleships fired.

In this way, during the reloading time of 40 seconds to 50 seconds, the Judgment Fleet can maintain the speed of launching a round of shelling every 10 seconds or less.

The attack of the naval guns was coherent, and every time the dozen or so enemy ships targeted by the Judgment Fleet fired a round of shelling, they had to bear several times the number of shells.

The artillery shells turned into a tidal wave, wave after wave of attacks, and it took only 3 minutes to completely suppress the bombardment of the dozen or so warships.

At this time, the bombardment of the Judgment Fleet temporarily stopped, and the warships that had been under the bombardment at the forefront deflected to the inner circle through the channel that was left, and carried out self-repair under heavy protection.

Those battleships with relatively low damage that can follow the fleet move with the fleet in the center of the fleet.In addition, the battles that were seriously damaged and could not be transferred with the fleet were sunk and discarded directly after the evacuation of personnel.

The second row of battleships turned into the front row, and the trapezoidal bombardment array roared again.

The attack formation of the Judgment Fleet has very high requirements for the background data support personnel.The data of each warship in battle is constantly changing. Waves, bombardment, changes in wind direction, and the attack focus given by the commander all require the overall coordination of background support personnel.The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the data personnel must give correct instructions according to the situation of each warship within a few seconds or even less.

An error in any instruction may cause a collision accident, which may cause chaos in the fleet.

Fortunately, the members of the Judgment Legion are all carefully selected elites from various colleges and universities in Shangjiang City, and their discipline, execution ability, and quality are much higher than those of the online organization.

At this time, the Judgment Fleet is like a machine whose software and hardware are compatible and harmonious, displaying a combat effectiveness that everyone marvels at.

After completing the evacuation of the damaged warships, the Judgment Fleet once again displayed its high shelling speed, and the dozen or so warships that were targeted were submerged in the water column stirred up by the shells.

Fighting in the air broke out as soon as the naval battle began, and enemy fighters from all sides laid siege to the airspace protected by the Judgment Air Force.

The gain or loss of the airspace above the fleet determines the life and death of a fleet. The ten squadrons under the ruling air combat unit are each responsible for a piece of airspace. Relying on cooperation and effective command, they will block the enemy's breakthrough from the outside and lead the enemy into the fleet whenever they have the opportunity In the range of anti-air firepower, the air and sea cooperate to wipe out a group of enemies.

The rewards of the University League's spare no effort to support the Judgment Fleet can be seen through the air battle.

Judgment air combat personnel have exclusive and efficient leveling points for upgrading, and there are special training personnel to gather and clear monsters for them.Therefore, although it is ruled that air combatants often perform combat missions, and some have died and downgraded many times, their personal levels still maintain a relatively high level.

The University Alliance has spent huge sums of money to unify the mounts for the Judgment Air Combatants. The first squadron, the main force, is all equipped with Silver Pegasus, and the Juggernaut Legion has only recently organized a squadron of Silver Pegasus.All others are equipped with royal griffin mounts.

The equipment of the personnel of the ruling air combat unit is given priority by the university alliance.What good equipment does the alliance have, the ruling air combat unit is selected first, no contribution points are required, what is needed, what is needed, and the rest will be distributed by the alliance.Recently, the head of the legion, Liang Liang, put some top-quality equipment in the legion warehouse, so that the equipment of the Judgment Air Combat Troop can only be described as luxurious.

Level, mount, equipment, supplemented by an efficient data support team, excellent personnel quality, professional guidance and hard training.

Everything makes the Judgment Air Force a true sky hunter.

Therefore, although the battle in the air was overwhelming and the casualties were raining, the players who died were basically the players in the Japanese game area.It is decided that the air fighters have been maintaining formation and cooperating with each other. Once they are attacked by concentrated fire, they will immediately have cover, suppression, status, and treatment. Through effective member structure and cooperation, the battle loss ratio is controlled at a very low level. level.

As the commander of the Judgment Air Combat Force, Shu Xiao led five subordinates riding Wyverns and a small team of Silver Pegasus Knights led by Orbit to form a sharp knife when commanding the troops to fight.This small force possessed extraordinary speed and strong breakthrough ability. They used Shu Xiao as their blade to fly along the inner circle defended by the Judgment Air Combat Force, and when they saw an opportunity, they immediately forcibly broke through.

Shu Xiao, who has been receiving training by the side of the holy Bella, has gradually mastered more and more angel combat skills.The talent for flying in the air and her tough personality made Shu Xiao a flying chariot. She put the light shield in front of her, and the magic and incoming arrows were blocked outside.The flying speed did not decrease, and the angel sword cut a path with a "slash in the air", and then rushed in directly.

The follow-up troops followed up, expanded the tearing surface, and rushed back and forth under Shu Xiao's leadership. The surrounding air combat squadrons quickly surrounded, devoured the chaotic enemy army in a short time, and then retreated to the defensive position.

Temporary organizations lacking a unified command of the enemy cannot break through the airspace defended by the ruling air combat force, and can only make up for the huge loss caused by the attack through continuous replenishment from the rear.

The battle in the air was deadlocked and intense. On the sea surface, under the continuous high-speed bombardment of the Judgment Fleet, a section of more than a dozen warships in the Interdiction Fleet were beaten so badly that they could not fire normally.

After receiving Da Liang's order, Shu Xiao immediately led half of the Judgment Air Force to break through the air encirclement and rush towards the dozen or so warships.

(End of this chapter)

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